2021年9月10日 星期五

翁啟惠院士榮獲2021年威爾許化學獎(Welch Award in Chemistry)


🎊 恭喜翁啟惠院士榮獲2021年威爾許化學獎!!!👏👏
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「本院翁啟惠院士 榮獲威爾許化學獎 Dr. Chi-Hu Wong The 2021 recipient of the prestigious Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry 」的圖像
賀!👏 👏 👏
本院前院長、翁啟惠院士榮獲2021年威爾許化學獎(Welch Award in Chemistry) ,也是首位獲得此獎項的華人科學家。
威爾許基金會董事會主席Carin Barth說:「威爾許基金會的任務是透過化學研究的突破來改善他人生活,翁博士已經以此為目標深深耕數十年。他不僅在化學和生物領域研究上有革命性的進展,他的方法也將有助未來新藥和疫苗研發」。
威爾許化學獎由威爾許基金會(Robert A. Welch Foundation)設置,旨在促進和鼓勵基礎化學研究,彰顯化學研究造福人類社會的貢獻。該獎項於化學領域擁有盛名,自1972年設立至今,每年頒發給1至2名,截至上屆已有54位科學家獲此殊榮。包含翁院士在內,目前僅2位亞裔科學家獲獎。
The Welch Foundation, one of the nation’s largest sources of private funding for basic chemical research, has announced that Professor Chi-Huey Wong is the 2021 recipient of the prestigious Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry. Dr. Wong is an influential leader who has made numerous discoveries in the fields of synthetic chemistry and chemical biology that have benefited humankind. With this award, he is being recognized for his development of new methods for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins and the elucidation of carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition associated with disease progression.