2018年3月27日 星期二

The science of curly hair. How to keep up with the scientific literature

"Whatever routine you decide to set for yourself, I think the key is to find a way to interact with the literature regularly."
Are you having trouble staying on top of the ever-growing body of scientific knowledge? These researchers’ tips are here to help

The science of curly hair:
The key lies at the microscopic level—in the length of individual hair cells

2018年3月23日 星期五

紀念安迪・葛洛夫(Andrew Grove 1936 – 2016) ;Paul Otellini (1950-2017)

Hanching Chung 2016年3月23日 21:33 · 2012:前一陣在You Tube 看昔日半導體業大英雄Andy Grove 抱病做”顧氏?紀念演講” ,諄諄告誡國人務必多深入研究醫療經濟學。 1996?:這...

The Wisdom of Trees: A Miscellany ;Peter Wohlleben:《樹的隱秘生活:它們如何感知和交流——來自一個秘密世界的發現》(The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World)

此書有中譯:The Wisdom of Trees: A Miscellany Hardcover – 23 Oct 2014
by Max Adams
A passionate and informative celebration of trees and of man's ingenuity in exploiting their resources: the perfect gift for anyone who cares about the natural world.
Trees are marvels of nature, still-standing giants of extraordinary longevity. In a beautifully written sequence of essays, anecdotes and profiles of Britain's best-loved species (from yew to scots pine), Max Adams explores both the amazing biology of trees and humanity's relationship with wood and forest across the centuries.
Embellished with images from John Evelyn's classic SYLVA (1664), THE WISDOM OF TREES is a gift book that will delight anyone who cares about the natural world and our interaction with it.
2016年3月23日 15:43 · Peter Wohlleben:《樹的隱秘生活:它們如何感知和交流——來自一個秘密世界的發現》(The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World) 树木其实也有“朋友圈” 冬日的森林幽深静谧,落叶层上的脚步声逐渐消逝。彼得·沃莱本(Peter… CN.NYTSTYLE.COM
Wisdom of Trees

Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty

Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty traces the vital and varied roles of science through the story of three generations of the eminent Exner family, whose members included Nobel Prize–winning biologist Karl Frisch, the teachers of Freud and of physicist Erwin Schrödinger, artists of the Vienna Secession, and a leader of Vienna’s women’s movement. Training her critical eye on the Exners through the rise and fall of Austrian liberalism and into the rise of the Third Reich, Deborah R. Coen demonstrates the interdependence of the family’s scientific and domestic lives, exploring the ways in which public notions of rationality, objectivity, and autonomy were formed in the private sphere. Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty presents the story of the Exners as a microcosm of the larger achievements and tragedies of Austrian political and scientific life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty traces the vital and varied roles of science through the story of three generations of the eminent Exner family, whose members included Nobel Prize–winning biologist Karl Frisch, the teachers of Freud and of physicist Erwin Schrödinger, artists of the Vienna Seces...

List of Illustrations
Introduction: A Scientific Dynasty 

1          The Mind Set Free: Preparing a Liberal Society in the 1840s 
2          In the Stream of the World: Coming of Age in the 1860s 
3          Memory Images: Models of Reason in the Liberal Age 
4          The Pigtail of the Nineteenth Century: Determinism in the 1880s 
5          Afterlife: Inheritance at the Fin de Siècle 
6          The Education of the Normal Eye: Visual Learning circa 1900 
7          Citizens of the Most Probable State: The Politics of Learning, 1908 
8          Into the Open: Measuring Uncertainty, 1900–1914 
9          The Irreplaceable Eye: Visual Statistics, 1914–1926 
Conclusion: A Family’s Legacy 
Appendix: The Exner-Frisch Family Tree 

2018年3月21日 星期三


如今一場工程學革命正在展開。一座座古羅馬人無從想象的超級摩天大廈的興建,帶動全球電梯行業巨頭企業紛紛投入技術革新之中。未來兩年,房地產開發商將修建187座至少250米高(這相當於近三個足球場的長度)的大樓,是整個二十世紀里所修建這類超級大廈數量的三倍。這迫使諸如通力(Kone)、蒂森克虜伯(Thyssenkrupp)、和奧的斯電梯(Otis Elevator)這樣的公司不得不尋找下一個突破口,以實現前所未有的高度。
在德國,蒂森克虜伯的電梯業務部門在羅特魏爾竪起了一座高246米的試驗塔,試圖完善一套完全摒棄了纜繩和滑輪的磁懸浮設計。這套被稱為MULTI的磁懸浮系統可以在建築之內或是外部搭載乘客水平以及垂直移動,這為建築設計師們提供了一系列新的可能性。蒂森克虜伯集團電梯業務的行政總裁席倫貝克(Andreas Schierenbeck)說,按計劃這款新電梯的首次亮相將在2020年,儘管如此,他依然為能否趕上競爭對手的腳步而感到擔心。「我們能做得更好,」他說。「這也許是我作為一個典型德國工程師的習慣。」
根據研究公司Freedonia Group的預測,到2021年,製造並維護自動扶梯及升降電梯的全球年收入將升至1140億美元,超過2016年的967億美元。原因之一是中國歷史性的城鎮化進程,城鎮化大發展已經讓中國成了高樓興建熱潮的中心。奧的斯電梯是聯合技術公司(United Technologies Corp.)旗下一家子公司,目前該公司正計劃在中國建一座高270米的試驗塔。通力公司2015年也在中國開設了一座235米高的試驗裝置。
電梯行業顧問福瓊(Jim Fortune)稱,通力、奧的斯和蒂森克虜伯,再加上瑞士的迅達集團(Schindler Group)和日本的三菱電機(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.),構成這個所謂「超高」行業中的五巨頭;福瓊曾參與設計了杜拜828米的哈利法塔(Burj Khalifa)中所使用的垂直運輸網絡。這五巨頭每家都在全球佔有一定市場份額,且都有至少85年的修建和維護電梯系統經驗,其分量之重,使得後來者很難進入這個行業。而無論是對巨型摩天大樓、還是普通高層建築而言,這個行業的基本宗旨都一樣:在已知層數的樓層之間高效運送未知數量的乘客組合,最大化發揮電梯系統能力。
傳統纜繩所需要的機械裝置要大得多,運行起來對動力的要求也更高,登上像哈利法塔和倫敦碎片大廈這樣摩天大樓的頂層,需要分幾段進行,其中一個原因正在於此。根據「摩天大樓中心」(Skyscraper Center)資料庫的數據,目前全球在建的500米以上大樓一共有7座,均在亞洲,其中有4座大樓的電梯簽約供應商是通力公司。為這些最高建築安裝電梯的價格從單轎廂50萬美元到雙層轎廂(這種電梯隔層停靠,減少了每次運行的停靠次數)的100萬美元以上不等。
#摩天大樓 #通力公司

2018年3月19日 星期一

The Quest to Bring 3-D-Printed Homes to the Developing World

From WIRED: The non-profit New Story has successfully built the U.S.'s first 3-D-printed home, and now plans to bring its design to the world's poorest regions.
In the three years since it launched, New Story had gathered the funding to construct 1,300 homes and had completed 850 of them—but that felt like a…

2018年3月15日 星期四

Are digital distractions harming labour productivity?

Working while receiving e-mails and phone calls reduces a worker’s IQ by about ten points relative to working uninterrupted

2018年3月11日 星期日

The spread of true and false news online

There is worldwide concern over false news and the possibility that it can influence political, economic, and social well-being. To understand how false news spreads, Vosoughi et al. used a data set of rumor cascades on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. About 126,000 rumors were spread by ∼3 million peop...



面對5G,中國企業提早開始了對專有技術的研發。據華為發言人表示,自2009年起,公司在5G研究上的投資已達6億美元,並承諾在今年追加8億美元。華為也與包括英國電信公司(BT)德國電信(Deutsche Telekom)沃達丰(Vodafone)在內的歐洲電信運營商簽訂了5G設備的測試協議。
中國在第三代合作夥伴計劃(Third-Generation Partnership Project,簡稱3GPP)中的影響力也越來越大,這個國際組織負責制定無線標準,其成員包括電信運營商、設備製造商等其他代表。3GPP的技術事務決策被劃分至不同的分組和下屬小組,而中國的組織已經擴大了自己在高層中的存在。
2015年,生於德國的華為高管喬治·邁爾(Georg Mayer) 當選核心網絡設備和網絡終端責任小組的主席,是最有影響力的小組之一,他現今仍在這一職位。但在一個制定有關無線電傳輸規格的重要下屬小組中,高通的代表去年打敗了華為,贏下了主席席位。
“如果你擁有很大一部分的基礎技術,那你應該可以以非常高的成本效益投標網絡項目,”北京邁博瑞諮詢(Marbridge Consulting)的執行董事馬克·納特金(Mark Natkin)說。

2018年3月6日 星期二

Three scientists have raised an alarm about English-only science

In globalised enterprises, the world's single scholarly language is increasingly indispensable. Among those global enterprises is science, in which more and more work is being done in English. This is not always good

2018年3月5日 星期一