2012年7月24日 星期二




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五十四年)〉(台北:國立師範大學歷史所碩士論文,1998 年);陳勇志,《美援與台灣之森林保育 .... 見辦事劉新玉與王國銓呈幫辦胡駿,1960 年7 月4 日,中研院近史所藏,〈外 ..... 總言之,「電信電子訓練研究中心」在交大1962 年秋季起,每 ...... 會副主委李國鼎呈行政院院長嚴家淦簽呈,1964 年12 月8 日,中研院近史所藏,〈經合會檔〉, ...
這位 程德炎 先生的珍貴回憶說明,中華民國的第一部電腦是在1962年初來台,隨後在60多位佳賓齊聚一堂、40多分鐘的參訪後,壽終正寢。然其文中並未提供牛車載電腦的歷史照片,從網路上找出來補充:


《歲月憶往》中華民國第一部電腦文、圖╱程德炎 報導日期:  2011-01-30新聞來源:世界新聞網
1962年初,我進台灣IBM才半年多,有一天總經理找我去辦公室,叫我準備做接收及協助安裝一套IBM大型電腦IBM650系統的工作。當時公司派了一位張先生去日本學習IBM650系統,還沒完成培訓,而這台大型電腦幾天後就要海運到基隆港了。此電腦極怕震動,必須用氣墊車運送,台灣找不到氣墊車,向美軍顧問團詢問,他們也沒有。當時唯一辦法似只能用卡車,但是怕震動,要求時速在 五公里 以下,所有出租卡車都不願接單。最後只好異想天開地決定用牛車押運。
接船那天,下著小雨,總經理開車載我到基隆碼頭,當時 公司的游 先生已雇好牛車在場等候。系統共四大件,另加電纜等。除主機外其他的用卡車先運到新竹交通大學。我們看著主機IBM650輕輕的放上牛車。蓋上雨布包好,小游坐在牛車上押運。一路慢行,經過一天一夜的辛苦,把主機安全送到了交通大學,再由多位壯漢,慢慢的抬上二樓機房拆箱,等我們去裝機及測試。牛車拉電腦的有趣照片,曾大出鋒頭,在IBM公司成立75週年紀念刊物上也曾登出。

安裝完畢,問題就來了。IBM650是使用真空管的第一代計算機,使用220volt  100Amp的電量,發熱量極大。而交大電腦房的冷氣設備(20噸、兩台)還沒運到。雖有兩台2噸的窗型冷氣,卻遠遠不夠降溫之用,而我們裝機的時侯是農曆年才過,外面氣溫在華氏50/60度左右,因此我們是門窗大開的,不會造成過熱的情況,但是台灣的34月氣溫就不同了,平均白天在8595度,不再能開窗操作了。
計劃分秒必爭,貴賓由簡報室到機房不可走得太快,以4分半到5鐘為宜,前一晚12時,我與日本工程師做最後演試,開機一按起動紐Power On,等五分鐘,Ready燈就亮了,起動Start Key讀卡機讀卡,面板上大片燈光不停的閃動,列表機慢慢打出由字母排列出的歡迎光臨等字樣。演試完畢,一看室溫80度,很好,於是關機,我們把兩台空調開到最大,就回旅店休息,一早6點起來,到機房看室溫為55度,很好,有點緊張,希望一切順利。
9時整,儀式在會議室開始。約930分,總經理陪著嚴副總統及IBM紐約來的副總走向機房。我們有專人在走廊轉角把守,等他們向機房走來,他就打個手勢,我們就開機Power On,很好,約五分鐘,Ready燈亮了,貴賓也走到了,其他賓客也圍著主機好奇的看著。
不記得誰按了Start Key鍵。也許是副總統,讀卡機開始讀IBM卡片。這是表演的程式(Program)。跟著650的面板上百燈閃動。聽到407開始列印的澎澎聲,就看到報表紙慢慢上升,出現了歡迎參觀等字樣,來賓一片掌聲中表演完畢。此時室溫已到了80度,正是該關機的時侯了,但是來賓興趣極高,有互相交談的,有提問題的,沒有一人有退場之意,而我守在溫度計邊,兩眼望著水銀柱往上爬,乾著急。


Tech firms are uneasy over the effect time online has on relationships.
Annie Tritt for The Nwe York Times

Silicon Valley Urges Break From Devices

Computers, smartphones and other gadgets have made life easier, but now tech firms are worried that they may be doing more harm than good to their users.

2012年7月21日 星期六

紐約時報 科學版2012.7.21

Technicians at uniQure working on Glybera, a gene therapy that is closing in on a regulatory breakthrough.
Willy Slingerland
Technicians at uniQure working on Glybera, a gene therapy that is closing in on a regulatory breakthrough.
The therapy, which would treat a rare disease, could be the first regulatory approval of a gene therapy in the Western world.

In First, Software Emulates Lifespan of Entire Organism

Scientists have developed a software simulation, running on 128 computers, of a whole bacterium, a step toward carrying out full experiments without traditional instruments.

Widespread Drought Is Likely to Worsen

The latest forecasts call for increasingly dry conditions over much of the nation’s breadbasket, which could lead to higher food prices and reduced revenues in tourist areas.
Scientist at Work Blog

Watchful Shrimp, Defending Their Territory

Scientists on a small Caribbean island identify sponge-dwelling snapping shrimps that produce a 60 mile-per-hour jet of water and shock wave that can stun or even kill their competitors.

Genetic Aberrations Seen as Path to Stop Colon Cancer

Researchers have found genetic weak spots in colon cancer tumors that could lead to potent treatments, signaling hope against a cancer that is now almost always fatal once it spreads.

E-Mail Leak on Climate Is Unsolved

British police concluded that the hacking of messages from the University of East Anglia’s climate change research institute was carried out by an unknown outsider.

F.D.A. Makes It Official: BPA Can’t Be Used in Baby Bottles and Cups

The agency’s decision to prohibit the industrial chemical bisphenol A in baby bottles and children’s drinking cups came upon the request of the chemical industry.
Science Times: July 17, 2012
A Conversation With Chris Stringer

A Bone Here, a Bead There: On the Trail of Human Origins

STUDY OF MAN A female figurine, top, was presented in Germany as one of the oldest examples of figured art in the world.
Marijan Murat/European Pressphoto Agency
STUDY OF MAN A female figurine, top, was presented in Germany as one of the oldest examples of figured art in the world.
Chris Stringer answers questions about the evidence of interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens and the extinct species of little people nicknamed the hobbits.

Whales, Somehow, Are Coping With Humans’ Din

Scientists have discovered that whales can “close” their ears, decreasing their sensitivity to noises underwater.
Side Effects

A Searing Narrative of Rabies, and the Desperation to Forget It

“Rabid: A Cultural History of the World’s Most Diabolical Virus” makes you feel that rabies must be truly diabolical if you can be infected by the bite of a book.
Books on Science

Art and Artistry of Our Anatomy

A small fraction of the 17 million books, pamphlets, prints, and other memorabilia in the National Library of Medicine is rediscovered in a new book.
Health News
After in vitro fertilization, Debra Demidon experienced a serious complication.
Heather Ainsworth for The New York Times
After in vitro fertilization, Debra Demidon experienced a serious complication.
Some are calling on fertility doctors to rely less on high doses of hormones to avoid serious complications, even if it means lower rates of success.

New Cancer Threat Lurks Long After Cure

Secondary cancers now make up the sixth-most-common group of malignancies, in part because more survivors are living longer.
From Opinion
Op-Ed Contributor

Searching for Clues to Calamity

Have we reached a tipping point that signals a climate disaster? Scientists are bringing mathematical rigor to find out.
Scientist at Work Blog

Hope Returns to Mushara

Scientists in Namibia spot the missing dominant male elephant of their study group in camera trap photos.
Science Columns
Q & A

Perfecting the Sweet Peach

Peaches lose almost all their sweetness when poached, but the water remains bland. The culprit? Osmosis.

Fish Adjusts Its Shape to Lure Hungry Females

Researchers have found that the shape of the lure evolves depending on what kind of food is available.

Cave Yields Early Record of Domestic Animals

The cave, in the northwestern part of Namibia, contains stone and bone tools, beads and pendants, pieces of pottery, and the bones of many animals.

Alaskan Salmon Evolve Along With the Climate

Researchers have found genetic evidence that temperature-driven changes in migration and reproduction behaviors may be evidence of natural selection at work.

Health Columns
Personal Health

Pursuing an Active Life With Arthritis

Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. But with a few simple adjustments, life can be easier and less painful for the millions of people with this condition.

The Claim: You Can Spot a Lie by Watching a Person’s Eyes

A theory dating back to the 1970s has been widely repeated and is frequently taught in neuro-linguistic training courses.
Dot Earth Blog

Oregon Moves (Slowly) to Gird Schools for Inevitable Quake

Oregon, awaiting an inevitable and potent earthquake, makes a little progress buttressing vulnerable schools.

2012年7月12日 星期四




這項新研究顯示在過去十年里,患有糖尿病的老年人,主要是2型糖尿病患者,在認知測驗中的得分下降幅度超過其他年齡相仿的老年人。2型糖尿病與肥胖和缺乏運動有關。患者對病情的控制越差,大腦功能退化就越嚴重。這種退化不僅出現在嚴重糖尿病的患者身上,研究人員發現,研究開始時未患糖尿病,而是後來 患病的老年人,大腦功能減退的程度也比未患糖尿病者更嚴重。

加州大學舊金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)精神病學及神經病學教授克里斯廷·亞菲博士(Dr. Kristine Yaffe)說:“我們展示出了糖尿病與老年人的認知衰老之間,存在清晰的聯繫。認知衰老是以認知測驗得分下降的坡度和比率衡量的。這個結果非常有 力。”

儘管相關性並不等同於因果關係,糖尿病和大腦健康之間的關係還需要更進一步研究,然而如果這項發現得到證實,會對許多人產生深遠的影響。在美國全 國,65歲以上的人口中有三分之一患有糖尿病,總人數大約1100萬人。到2034年,預計大約會有1500萬享有醫療保險(Medicare)的美國人 患有糖尿病。

此前已有研究顯示,2型糖尿病和若干年後患上阿爾茨海默氏症或痴呆的較高風險之間存在相關性。但兩者之間的因果關係尚不明確。一些科學家推測,持續 多年的慢性高血糖引起的炎症和血管損傷是罪魁禍首,但研究得出的結果並不完全一致。而且直到現在,我們對初診糖尿病是否會給認知功能造成影響,以及會如何 影響仍缺乏了解。

這項新研究發表在《神經病學檔案》(Archives of Neurology)上。亞菲博士和她的同事是根據健康ABC項目中的大量數據進行的這項研究。健康ABC全稱健康、衰老和身體成分(Health, Aging and Body Composition)項目,該項目長期對居住在匹茲堡和田納西州的老年白人和黑人進行研究。 研究人員調查了3069人,其中很多人的年齡在70至79之間。研究開始時,23%的研究對象患有糖尿病。5%的研究對象在研究開始時沒有糖尿病,但後來 患病。



研究人員還對葡萄糖控制不佳的效果進行了更深入的研究。在這一研究中,他們對糖化血紅蛋白水平進行了衡量。傳統的血糖檢查只反映人體內一瞬間的葡萄 糖水平,與之不同的是,糖化血紅蛋白檢查則能對醫生展示更全面的圖景,反映數周時間裡的血糖管理狀況。糖化血紅蛋白檢查被認為是醫生衡量糖尿病治療進展的 最好方法之一。






阿茲海默症 發病前25年就有徵兆

華 盛頓大學的研究團隊以一百二十九位阿茲海默症顯性遺傳者為實驗對象,這些成員有五成機會遺傳到造成早發性阿茲海默症的基因,大多數的人發病時間和自己得病 的父母一樣。研究學者以實驗對象的家族病史做為根據,預測他們開始發展出阿茲海默症狀的時間,並描繪出阿茲海默症出現之前,人體脊髓液、腦大小、腦斑出現 等腦部不同變化的時間軸。
研究發現,阿茲海默症最早期的徵兆為脊髓液中的類澱粉蛋白下滑,而且在阿茲海默症預計發病的二十五年前就能檢查 到。發病前的十五年,就能在腦部掃描中看到與阿茲海默症相關密切的乙型澱粉樣蛋白(β-amyloid protein)。其他的腦部掃描則顯示大腦組織縮小、脊髓液中名為「tau」的腦蛋白增加。發病的十年前就會出現腦部無法正常使用葡萄糖以及記憶力衰退 的現象。
兩種新藥測試結果 今秋分曉
兩 種有助清除澱粉樣蛋白的最先進藥物測試結果將在今年秋天出爐,包括已經進入研究後期,由輝瑞、嬌生和Elan三大藥廠研製的「bapineuzumab」 阿茲海默症疫苗,以及禮來(Eli Lilly)公司的「Solanezumab」。實驗中新藥「crenezumab」也用於治療哥倫比亞早發性阿茲海默症的病患。
另一項十 一日刊登於「自然」(Nature)期刊、由冰島基因公司deCODE負責的研究則指出,關鍵的乙型澱粉樣蛋白增加,是因為基因突變導致,但有一種罕見的 保護性基因突變卻能減緩乙型澱粉樣蛋白的增速,保護大腦對抗神經退化疾病,而罹患阿茲海默症的人通常沒有這種基因突變。擁有這種基因突變的人可以活到八十 五歲的機率比一般人多出四十五%。科學家希望能開發抗乙型澱粉樣蛋白的藥物,模仿基因突變的保護效果,減少對腦部有害的乙型澱粉樣蛋白。

2012年7月8日 星期日

紐約時報 朝日新聞 科學版一樣本

不妊治療、早産・低体重のリスク高め 妊婦24万人調査購読者は全文読めます
 人工授精や体外受精など不妊治療を受けて出産した場合、胎盤の位置の異常や早産、赤ちゃんの低体重などの……… (19:37)[記事へ]
皮膚の免疫、毛包が制御 アトピー・脱毛症治療に期待購読者は全文読めます
 外敵から体を守る皮膚の免疫細胞の働きをコントロールする司令塔が、毛穴の奥の「毛包」にあることを、慶……… (15:05)[記事へ]
 車いすの英国人宇宙物理学者スティーブン・ホーキング博士は4日、万物に質量(重さ)をもたらしたとされ……… (11:33)[記事へ] 


  • 科學家稱發現了神秘的玻色子粒子

  • 分析


  • 地球也害空調病

  • 中國發現世界已知最古陶器碎片

  • 新品測評


  • 科技


  • RIM推遲發佈新款黑莓

  • 小米的「市夢率」

  • 蘋果經濟


  • 蘋果和谷歌的地圖之爭

  • HIV試驗疫苗增加感染可能

  • Facebook 時代的親情裂痕之痛

    在網絡時代,社交媒體諸如 Facebook 和 Twitter 會加劇家庭矛盾的痛苦。它們打開了窺視他人私生活的窗口;與此同時,也喚醒人對失去的親情的苦澀回憶。
  • 健康


  • 時尚業


  • 基因測序廉價化有助醫學進步

  • Index Ventures 新基金募資逾4億美元

    Index以前曾成功投資一系列歐洲創業公司,包括Skype和網絡廣播電台 last.fm。儘管目前歐洲正在經歷金融危機,它卻認為危機依然為企業家帶來了機遇。
  • 數萬年前的洞穴壁畫

  • 智能手機的職場規範


Dr. Lukas Wartman, a leukemia patient in remission, being examined by his doctor, John DiPersio, in January in St. Louis.
Dilip Vishwanat for The New York Times
Dr. Lukas Wartman, a leukemia patient in remission, being examined by his doctor, John DiPersio, in January in St. Louis.
A novel method known as whole genome sequencing focuses on genes that drive a cancer, not the tissues or organ where it originates.
Caroline Delmotte for The New York Times
"Whether it's Joan of Arc or a hand the police bring in from the Seine, it's equally important." Dr. Philippe Charlier
The Saturday Profile

After Liberté and Égalité, It’s Autopsie

Philippe Charlier, a physician and anthropologist, is known for his forensic research into some of France’s most famous dead.

Physicists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to Universe

Researchers said they had discovered what looked for all the world like the Higgs boson, a long-sought particle that could lead to a new understanding of how the universe began.
The Lede Blog

What in the World Is a Higgs Boson?

CERN's Large Hadron Collider, where physicists recently found what may be the long-sought Higgs boson, has had a long run in the cultural limelight.
Scientist at Work Blog

In Pristine Reefs, a Vast Library of Species

Scientists search for biofluorescence, and a better understanding of its biological function, in a part of the Solomon Islands nicknamed the “Amazon of the Seas.”

Coral Rebounded From Hostile Climate Millenniums Ago, Study Suggests

Researchers who took core samples from reefs off the coast of Panama found that the reefs effectively experienced a growth hiatus during a period of climatic extremes.
Science Times: July 3, 2012

Wood Takes a Thrilling Turn

HIGH MARKS  The Voyage, at Holiday World in Indiana, is the world’s second-longest wooden coaster.
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
HIGH MARKS The Voyage, at Holiday World in Indiana, is the world’s second-longest wooden coaster.
Wooden roller coasters can have tighter bends and twists than steel ones without generating excessive air time for riders.

Growing Ship Traffic Threatens Blue Whales

A whale population near Sri Lanka is under pressure from commercial shipping and a boom in whale-watching.
A Conversation With Mildred Dresselhaus

Carbon Catalyst for Half a Century

Nicknamed the Queen of Carbon, Mildred Spiewak Dresselhaus studies the fundamental properties of carbon, as insulator one moment, superconductor the next.

A Giant Tortoise’s Death Gives Extinction a Face

The world took notice when Lonesome George died, marking the end of his subspecies. But for researchers and workers in the Galápagos Islands, his death also takes a personal tone.

Grandchildren Arrive. A Medusa’s Head of Wires Soon Follows.

“I get bamboozled and frazzled by my grandchildren when they visit: Invariably, they have messed up my computer, my iPad, my iPhone and my iPod.”
Health News

Rapid H.I.V. Home Test Wins Federal Approval

The OraQuick test, which uses a mouth swab and gives results in 20 to 40 minutes, is the first method for Americans to learn in the privacy of their own homes whether they are infected.

Killed by Thousands, Varmint Will Never Quit

Over the past decade, a federal eradication program has come close to eliminating the large rodents in the Delmarva Peninsula, but they have proved to be a resilient adversary.
From Sunday Review
Gray Matter

Beyond the Blink

E-mail, social media and the 24-hour news cycle are informational amphetamines that lead us to make mistaken split-second decisions.
Science Columns
Q & A

Second Time Around

Both chickenpox (formally varicella) and shingles (zoster) are caused by the varicella-zoster virus and affect the same set of nerves.

Namibian ‘Fairy Circles,’ From Start to Finish

A study based on satellite images of African grasslands describes the circles’ life span, but the reasons for them are still unknown.

Hardly a Speck of a Fly, but Able to Decapitate

The recently discovered fly, Euryplatea nanaknihali, is less than two-hundredths of an inch long — one-fifteenth the size of a housefly and one-fifth that of fruit fly.

Remnants of an Ancient Kitchen Are Found in China

Pottery fragments found in a cave are 2,000 to 3,000 years older than examples found elsewhere, and probably came from simple concave vessels used for cooking food, archaeologists say.
Podcast: Science Times
Science Times Podcast
This Week: The physics of roller coasters; protecting blue whales; and growing up hungry.
Health Columns
Personal Health

How to Make Optimism Work for You

A selection from the hundreds of responses to a recent column on living life as a glass half full.

The Claim: Drinking Coffee Lowers Colon Cancer Risk

Whether coffee and tea offer protection against colon cancer has been at the heart of a number of studies that have produced conflicting data.
Phys Ed

What Runners Can Learn From Cheetahs

Humans have attained a top speed of less than 28 miles per hour, while cheetahs can run more than twice as fast. Scientists set out to discover what is it about the cheetah that allows it to set such a blazing pace?
Dot Earth Blog

'Blame-ologists' and the Colorado Fires

A free market defender, dislocated by Colorado fires, uses the tactics she criticizes in others in commenting on the disaster.
Wordplay Blog

Numberplay: Fat Coin

How thick does a coin need to be to land heads one third of the time?
