2014年7月31日 星期四










2014年7月21日 星期一

Beyond Salty and Sweet: A Budding Club of Tastes

Beyond Salty and Sweet: A Budding Club of Tastes

CreditJoyce Hesselberth
Sweet, salty, sour and bitter — every schoolchild knows these are the building blocks of taste. Our delight in every scrumptious bonbon, every sizzling hot dog, derives in part from the tongue’s ability to recognize and signal just four types of taste.
But are there really just four? Over the last decade, research challenging the notion has been piling up. Today, savory, also called umami, is widely recognized as a basic taste, the fifth. And now other candidates, perhaps as many as 10 or 20, are jockeying for entry into this exclusive club.
“What started off as a challenge to the pantheon of basic tastes has now opened up, so that the whole question is whether taste is even limited to a very small number of primaries,” said Richard D. Mattes, a professor of nutrition science at Purdue University.
Taste plays an intrinsic role as a chemical-sensing system for helping us find what is nutritious (stimulatory) and as a defense against what is poison (aversive). When we put food in our mouths, chemicals slip over taste buds planted into the tongue and palate. As they respond, we are thrilled or repulsed by what we’re eating.
But the body’s reaction may not always be a conscious one. In the late 1980s, in a windowless laboratory at Brooklyn College, the psychologist Anthony Sclafani was investigating the attractive power of sweets. His lab rats loved Polycose, a maltodextrin powder, even preferring it to sugar.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no tongue map — responsiveness is present in all areas of the tongue.Credit Nature Publishing Group
That was puzzling for two reasons: Maltodextrin is rarely found in plants that rats might feed on naturally, and when human subjects tried it, the stuff had no obvious taste.
More than a decade later, a team of exercise scientists discovered that maltodextrin improved athletic performance — even when the tasteless additive was swished around in the mouth and spit back out. Our tongues report nothing; our brains, it seems, sense the incoming energy.
“Maybe people have a taste for Polycose,” Dr. Sclafani said. “They just don’t recognize it consciously, which is quite an intriguing possibility.”
Dr. Sclafani and others are finding evidence that taste receptors on the tongue are also present throughout the intestine, perhaps serving as a kind of unconscious guide to our behavior. These receptors influence the release of hormones that help regulate food intake, and may offer new targets for diabetes treatments, Dr. Sclafani said.
Many tastes are consciously recognized, however, and they are distinguished by having dedicated sets of receptor cells. Fifteen years ago, molecular biologists began figuring out which of these cells in the mouth elicit bitter and sweet tastes.
By “knocking out” the genes that encode for sweet receptors, they produced mice that appeared less likely to lap from sweet-tasting bottles. Eventually, the putative receptors for salty and sour also were identified.
In 2002, though, as taste receptors were identified, the evidence largely confirmed the existence of one that scientist had been arguing about for years: savory.
Umami is subtle, but it is generally described as the rich, meaty taste associated with chicken broth, cured meats, fish, cheeses, mushrooms, cooked tomatoes and seaweed. Some experts believe it may have evolved as an imperfect surrogate for detecting protein.
Since then, researchers have proposed new receptor cells on the tongue for detecting calcium, water and carbonation. The growing list of putative tastes now includes soapiness, lysine, electric, alkaline, hydroxide and metallic.
“The taste field has been absolutely revolutionized,” said Michael Tordoff, a biologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center. “We’ve made more progress in the last 15 years than in the previous 100.”
One candidate for the next basic taste appears to have emerged as the front-runner: fattiness. The idea has been around for a while, and many scientists thought it was not a specific taste, more like a texture or an aroma.
But researchers recently identified two taste receptors for unsaturated fats on the tongue. And fat evokes a physiological response, Dr. Mattes has found that blood levels of fat rise when we put dietary fat in our mouths, even without swallowing or digesting it.
Hours after a meal, the taste of fatty acids alone can elevate triglyceride levels, even when the nose is plugged. But fat, like umami, does not have a clear, perceptible sensation, and it is hard to distinguish a texture from a taste.
Dr. Mattes says that fat may have a texture that we like (rich and gooey) and a taste that we don’t (rancid).
If so, the taste may serve as part of our sensory alert system. When food spoils, he notes, it often contains high levels of fatty acids, and the taste of them may be “a warning signal.”
Although there is still no consensus beyond sweet, salty, sour, bitter and savory, the research makes clear there is more to taste than a handful of discrete sensations on the tongue. Before long, scientists may have to give up altogether on the idea that there are just a few basic tastes.
“If you’re talking three, four, five, six, you can still call it a pretty exclusive club,” Dr. Mattes said. “If you start getting beyond that, is the concept really useful?”

2014年7月15日 星期二



2014-07-15  17:32
  • 看似普通的筆記本,居然讓人不管寫任何東西上去,都要掉眼淚。原來是內含會催淚的「烯丙基化合物」,效果就跟切洋蔥一樣。(圖片擷自rocketnews24.com)
  • 即使只是寫「布丁放在冰箱裡」也會讓人掉淚。(圖片擷自rocketnews24.com)
日本一家公司開發出全新技術,利用奈米科技,將洋蔥精油中催淚的「烯丙基化合物」(allyl propyl compounds)融入高級書寫紙。使用者透過鉛筆和圓珠筆寫在紙上產生摩擦,化合物就會從紙張揮發,效果有如切洋蔥一般,讓人自然而然地流下眼淚。



2014 年 4 月美國紐約南區法官向一名微軟郵件用戶發出傳票,傳票內容包括了這名用戶的全部郵件往來信息,這些信息存儲在微軟唯一都柏林的數據中心伺服器中。微軟公司認爲美國法庭發出的傳票對境外伺服器無效。該法官認爲傳票的效力等同於搜查令,根據美國法律的相關規定,任何公司和個人在接到搜查令後必須提供要求的消息,無論信息存儲在哪。
題圖來自Obama administration says the world’s servers are ours

2014年7月8日 星期二

Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing

英國的學制有Faculty,此Faculty 包括三個學院School

Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing - London ...

www.londonmet.ac.uk › Faculties


【環球網報道記者鄧景軍】2014年IEEE計算智能世界大會(WCCI)將於2014年07月06日在北京舉行,英國倫敦城市大學 (Londonmet)生命科學與計算機學院智能係統研究中心主任,博士生導師Hassan Kazemian教授將在本次大會做主旨發言。會前,該校北京辦公室邀請Hassan Kazemian教授舉行了一場大數據的技術研討會,金山雲,易寶支付,到到旅遊網,樂視大數據,北京全人視界等國內知名企業高層與嘉賓進行了精彩互動。本次研討會由英國商會董事、教育委員會主席屈敏女士主持。
作為Londonmet)計算機學院智能係統研究中心主人,Hassan Kazemian教授詳細介紹了他們的研究重點領域,包括軟計算生物信息學中的應用;軟計算的應用到無線/有線網絡,IT和信息安全,視頻流和分佈,基於位置的服務和移動計算;數據挖掘,虛擬學習環境(VLE),模式識別,自然語言處理,認知科學,生物識別技術和地理信息係統數據庫的性能,並行分佈式係統和基於代理的用於構建數據倉庫的方法;先進的網絡技術及其應用(如電子商務,內容管理係統,語義Web和Web服務);提高人群來源數據信息質量,人工智能輔助生活中的應用研究等。
在回答北京全人視界CEO張璽輝關於音視頻的傳輸安全和數據挖掘的問題時,Hassan Kazemian教授講到美國Youtube、亞馬遜等國外網際網路巨頭也都是根據自己平臺的業務發展規劃設計自己的產品模型,目前還沒有一套成型的數據跟蹤係統可以直接照搬。在接受環球網健康主編王志勝專訪時,Hassan Kazemian教授特別提到大數據在醫療健康領域大有可為,並以該校與一個慈善基金會合作開展的一個醫療項目作為案例做了分享。
帕金森綜合症患者的手部關節眾多,容易受肌肉僵直的影響,患者的手往往呈一種奇特屈曲的姿勢,掌指關節屈曲,導致手掌展開困難;而其它手指間的小關節伸直,又使手掌握拳困難。針對這種情況,倫敦城市大學大數據項目組通過觀察患者手指敲擊鍵盤的規律,收集到足夠多的樣本,通過機器學習和人工智能能夠掌握他們的打字錯誤數據,從而研究出一整套適合這類患者的輔助生活方式(Assisted living)。除了 ​​這類特殊患者之外,尤其是隨著老齡化社會的到來,大數據在健康領域的應用會越來越廣泛。Hassan Kazemian教授也講到,英國葛蘭素史克GSK公司在大分子生物學、DNA測序等、遺傳等醫療層面廣泛應用大數據,已經走在國際前列。
關於Hassan Kazemian教授
Hassan Kazemian教授,現任倫敦城市大學智能係統研究中心主任,並擔任博士生導師。計算機控制係統工程碩士學位、計算機智能博士學位。Kazemian教授除去在倫敦城市大學(Londonmet)任教,同時進行多項專業研究,如:生物人工智能(AI )的應用信息學(膜蛋白); IT安全和DoS攻擊探測; 性能和安全性的Web應用程序的優化; 小企業的IT安全政策; 提高人群數據存儲庫的信息質量; 輔助生活;情境感知移動計算;有線和無線;視頻數據流及分銷;人工智能機器人應用;人工智能的應用加工;數據挖掘和多領域數據倉儲,如英國的創意產業數據倉庫; 英國河流的流體動力學流建模。
Kazemain 教授出版及參與的著作或發表文章近80餘冊,其中包括《專家體統預測與應用》(2013年7月);《人工智能基礎——語言建​​模框架》(2012年4月);《計算機和信息科學通訊》(2011年7月);《智能工程係統與計算控制論》(2009)等等。

該中心成立至今吸引了約300萬英鎊(合3000萬人民幣)的研究經費,包括英格蘭高等教育撥款委員會、歐盟第七研發框架計劃(FP7)、英國工程與自然科學研究理事會、英國皇家學會、翡翠基金、發展基金、LDA、Knowledge Connect 及KTPs等機構。

2014年7月5日 星期六

a tricorder

In the fictional Star Trek universe, a tricorder is a multifunction hand-held device used forsensor scanning, data analysis, and recording data.
Three primary variants of the tricorder appear in Star Trek, issued by the fictional organization Starfleet. The standard tricorder is a general-purpose device used primarily to scout unfamiliar areas, make detailed examination of living things, and record and review technical data. The medical tricorder is used by doctors to help diagnose diseases and collect bodily information about a patient; the key difference between this and a standard tricorder is a detachable hand-held high-resolution scanner stored in a compartment of the tricorder when not in use. The engineering tricorder is fine-tuned forstarship engineering purposes. There are also many other lesser-used varieties of special-use tricorders. The word "tricorder" is a combination of "tri-" and "recorder", referring to its three device input keys, which by default cover GEO (geological), MET (meteorological), and BIO (biological) functions.[1]

Several startups and research projects claim they can approximate the functions of the tricorder, the handheld device used to instantly diagnose a disease or analyze the atmosphere of an alien world.
Science is close to realizing that universally handy handheld gadget

2014年7月4日 星期五

BMW 3D prints new thumbs for factory workers

BMW 3D prints new thumbs for factory workers

German car manufacturer put new technology in place to reduce strain on manufacturing-line workers' hands
BMW 3D printed thumb
BMW has turned to 3D printing to augment its workers and stop strain on limbs frequently found on manufacturing lines. Photograph: BMW
German car manufacturer BMW has turned to 3D printing to physically augment its car-plant workers, giving them stronger, augmented thumbs.
The 3D-printed apparel acts like support brackets for the workers’ thumbs, reducing strain and helping them to fit certain parts into the cars more easily.
Each "thumb" is created as a custom orthotic device using a portable 3D camera, which captures the unique size and shape of each line-worker’s thumb.

Lasers, plastic, scanners and thumbs

The scan is then used to build up a thumb guard made of a semi-flexible thermoplastic polyurethane plastic – a hybrid material mixture of hard plastic and soft silicone – which is create by a 3D-printing technique called selective laser sintering.
A laser is used to fuse plastic powder into layers, building up the structure one thin slice at a time until the full 3D structure is created.
3D printed thumb in locked position
Locked position holding the offending rubber plug that has been causing thumb strain. Photograph: BMW
The finished thumb guard flexes in a closed position. But because the structure is perfectly fitted to the wearer’s thumb the pieces lock into place when the digit is raised into a thumbs-up position.

Iron Man for the thumb

The locked splint resists strain and spreads the load of pushing something like a stiff rubber plug into holes in the car’s chassis – something that was causing pain and strain for production-line workers.
After small trials in the company’s Munich vehicle assembly plant yielded “very positive” feedback from workers, BMW is now looking to roll this and other schemes using custom built 3D-printed apparel to help production and prevent pain and injury.
3D printed thumb
The plastic locks together spreading the load of pushing the plug into position, which takes some force to do. Photograph: BMW

3D printing for the last 25 years

BMW has been using 3D printing techniques as part of its prototyping of parts and cars since 1989 with around 100,000 pieces created a year using a variety of different techniques at the Rapid Technology Centre in Munich.
This is not the first ergonomic aid BMW has created used 3D printing. The German automotive company created customised wheelchair seats for the British paralympic basketball team in 2012 using similar methods.
The creation of the new thumb cots is part of a project at the Department of Ergonomics at the Technical University of Munich.
Other projects have used 3D printing to replace limbs with cheap, adaptable prosthetics, along with a large number of other interesting objects and creations that were not possible using traditional manufacturing methods.

Tibetans get high-altitude edge from extinct Denisovans' genes 西藏人高原基因來自於遠古滅絕人類

Researchers have known for a while that many people alive today carry genes from human species other than Homo sapiens, the result of ancient interbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans. The specifics, though, have not been clear. But in one case they now are, for it is because of these occasional Denisovan ancestors that Tibetans thrive in Tibet http://econ.st/1j0IacI


更新時間 2014年7月3日, 格林尼治標準時間11:47

40萬年前出現的尼安德特人(the Neanderthals)曾生活在歐洲和西亞地區,直到3萬5千年前。

Tibetans get high-altitude edge from extinct Denisovans' genes

Scientific ResearchTibetScience
High in the Himalayas, an ancient gene helps Tibetans thrive at altitude
Denisovans are extinct, but their genes live on in Tibetans
Tibetans provide more proof that early humans mated with Neanderthals and Denisovans
Forget climbing Mt. Everest — for most humans, just eking out a living on the harsh Tibetan plateau is challenge enough. But Tibetan people have thrived there for thousands of years, and a new study says it's thanks to a genetic adaptation they inherited from an ancient human relative.
The study, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, identifies a long segment of DNA shared by the extinct people known as Denisovans and modern-day Tibetans. The segment contains the gene scientists think gives Tibetans a lung up over lowlanders at high altitudes.

No one knew the Denisovans ever roamed the Earth until four years ago, when scientists sequenced the DNA of a finger bone unearthed in a cave in the Altai Mountains of southern Siberia. The genome exhibited similarities to that of modern humans and our extinct Neanderthal relatives, but it was different enough to be considered a distinct species.
Like Neanderthals, Denisovans mated with their human contemporaries, scientists soon discovered. People of Melanesian descent who today inhabit Papua New Guinea share 5% of their genetic makeup with the Denisovans.
Now it appears that Tibetans can also trace part of their ancestry to this mysterious group.

In the new study, scientists collected blood samples from 40 Tibetans and sequenced more than 30,000 nucleotides on a segment of DNA containingEPAS1, the gene that makes Tibetans so well-suited for life at high altitude. Then the scientists compared that sequence with those of 1,000 individuals representing the 26 human populations in the Human Genome Diversity Panel. They found the high-altitude gene in only 2 of the 40 Han Chinese people in the panel and no one else.
“Natural selection by itself could not explain that pattern,” said Rasmus Nielsen, a computational biologist at UC Berkeley and an author of the study. “The DNA sequence was too different from anything else we saw in other populations.”
So they investigated whether the gene might have been imported from extinct Neanderthals or Denisovans, and, bingo, they found a match.
But how did the gene end up in the genome of modern Tibetans? The scientists used computer models to test two different hypotheses. Were Denisovans and Tibetans descended from a common ancestor that gave the gene to both? Or did humans acquire the gene by mating with Denisovans?

Early humans and Denisovans probably diverged around half a million years ago, and it’s very unlikely that the gene could be maintained in both populations for so long, Nielsen said.
“By the process of recombination, DNA segments become shorter and shorter and shorter,” he said. “But here we have a very long segment that is shared. That’s very unlikely, statistically.”
Alternatively, the gene could have entered the Tibetan gene pool more recently via sex. Once transferred, the gene would have spread rapidly in the Tibetan population because of the merciless selective pressures of high-altitude living.
“Genetically, Han Chinese and Tibetans are very similar throughout the genome,” Nielsen said. “But for this particular gene, they are extremely differentiated from each other, which is something you only see with very strong or very recent selection.”

The reason Tibetans need EPAS1 is that their mountainous home — a crease of buckled crust thrust upward by the tectonic collision of India and Asia — lies about 15,000 feet above sea level, on average. Up there, the air contains 40% less oxygen than it does at low elevations.
Although previous studies had identified the importance of EPAS1, scientists still don’t know exactly what the gene does. They know only that it leads to lower levels of hemoglobin — the oxygen-toting protein in blood — in Tibetans who live at high altitude compared with people from low elevations who have acclimatized.
“That may sound counterintuitive,” said Nielsen — after all, wouldn’t you want more oxygen, and thus, more hemoglobin to deliver it? But people without the gene tend “overreact” at altitude.

“As we acclimatize, we’ll start to produce a lot of red blood cells,” he said, speaking for himself and other non-Tibetans. Too many, in fact. “That will expose us to various diseases like hypertension, increased risk of stroke and preeclampsia. There are very negative fitness effects of having too many red blood cells, and the Tibetans avoid them.”
So how do Tibetans get more oxygen? Presumably they don’t, Nielsen said, and scientists are still trying to understand the physiological mechanisms that allow them to cope.
But one thing is now clear: They owe their extraordinary fitness to a rogue gene introduced into the human genome from their long-lost cousins.
Abigail Bigham, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan who was not involved in the study, said now the search for Denisovan DNA should extend to other groups not represented in the Human Genome Diversity Panel.
“When they looked in Han Chinese, they saw it in only two individuals,” Bigham said. “But other populations in Central Asia or East Asia — there are 49 other ethnic minorities in China that have different genetic backgrounds — would have been interesting to look at as well.”
In any case, she said, the new study adds to a growing body of work that has reshaped the way scientists think about human evolution and our relationship to our extinct relatives.
For a long time, most scientists believed Neanderthals and Denisovans had nothing to do with modern humans. Now they realize that these species are responsible for introducing some of the genetic diversity that allowed people to adapt to unique environments.
“We’ve come full circle,” Bigham said. “Not only has there been interbreeding, but in fact that interbreeding has led to important functional changes in the human genome.”
For all things science, follow me @ScienceJulia