2017年11月27日 星期一

Scientists design "suicide switches" to ensure lab-made organisms don't go rogue (2017). Bald’s Leechbook (the 10th century)

The British Library 新增了 2 張相片
From the 10th century, this remarkable manuscript is named after its first owner, Bald, an Anglo-Saxon physician. Bald’s Leechbook is a compilation of everything then known about medicine.
One remedy against snakebite prescribes drinking the herb betony mixed with wine; another recommends smearing earwax on the wound while reciting a prayer. Some of the potions were very effective; one has even been proven to combat the MRSA bacterium.
This impressive item is on display in our #BLHarryPotter exhibition. Now open until 28 February 2018. http://bit.ly/2A4fpcj

Harvard University
The kill switches ensure that only bacteria with intact synthetic gene circuits survive.

Scientists have created kill switches in bacteria that cause them to commit suicide in laboratory conditions when they are not wanted anymore.
