2011年2月6日 星期日


February 3, 2011, 2:30 pm

The Commuter Bike Redesigned and Electrified

This week, most people on the East Coast were hunkering down indoors, prepared for this winter’s fourth Snowstorm of the Century. I, on the other hand, was riding around a hotel ballroom on a YikeBike. And I’ll be straight with you: I had kind of a Segway moment.

Remember that? After inventor Dean Kamen first gave secret demos of his self-balancing upright scooter to industry hotshots, their awed reactions included remarks like, “They’ll redesign cities for this thing.”

Of course, the Segway never did become as commonplace as the bicycle, and the YikeBike won’t either. But what a cool idea.



(Credit: YikeBike)

你應該看過上世紀早期的大小輪腳踏車(penny-farthing bikes)圖片。就是前面有非常大的輪子, 然後後面一個非常小的輪子。New Zealand發明家Grant Ryan採用了類似的樣式來復刻,打造出YikeBike, 一款可折疊式電子雙輪車讓你能在市區中移動。



摺疊起來的 YikeBike
(Credit: YikeBike)

YikeBike是昨天發表,而預計在2010年出貨。缺點部分,目前無法保證你可以在你的國家騎這玩意。但無論如何,你如果很急的 話,還是可以先上官網預購。但是我們要先警告你,這玩意有個缺點,和Segway無法普及的原因一樣,就是非常貴,售價為4860美金。(約新台幣16萬 元)

來源: The Design Blog
