2015年10月27日 星期二

Robert Langer, Jr.

"The discoveries that I made went against conventional wisdom. I just believed in it, so I kept working on it": The multi award-winning scientist whose work may have helped 2 billion people worldwide.

World renowned scientist, Dr Robert Langer, on how 'engineering can…

羅伯特·薩母耳·蘭格二世英語Robert Samuel Langer, Jr.,1948年8月29日),生於美國紐約州奧爾巴尼,生物工程學者,是麻省理工學院(MIT)的戴維·H·科克學院教授(MIT一共有14位學院教授,學院教授是MIT教授所能獲得的最高榮譽)。蘭格教授發表了超過1175篇論文。他還擁有超過800個專利(包括正在審核和已經通過的)。這些專利授權給了超過250個製藥、化學、生物技術和醫學儀器公司。蘭格教授是迄今被引用次數最多的工程學家。.....


Langer is recognized as the most cited engineer in history.[3] Langer's research laboratory at MIT is the largest biomedical engineering lab in the world, maintaining over $10 million in annual grants and over 100 researchers.[5]Langer is also currently[when?] on the board of directors at Bind Therapeutics and Ocata Therapeutics.[6] In 2015, Langer was awarded the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, the most influential prize in the world for engineering.[7][8][9]
