2025年2月5日 星期三

無序之美:與椋鳥齊飛【諾貝爾物理學獎Parisi解開複雜系統的八堂思辨課】。防止人群踩踏的物理學原理The Physics That Keeps a Crowd From Becoming a Stampede

The Physics That Keeps a Crowd From Becoming a Stampede

A group of scientists studying the San Fermín festival in Pamplona, Spain, believe there’s a way to predict the motions of a large crowd.



That’s why the San Fermín festival was so appealing. It involves thousands of people who gather predictably, and relatively calmly, each year.

Dr. Bartolo and his colleagues mounted cameras on the upper balconies of two buildings on opposite sides of the plaza to film the attendees amassed below. “If you take a look at the video, indeed the dynamics seem to be erratic, chaotic, turbulent,” he said. But he wondered whether he could tease out an organizing principle that governed the movements of the crowd.

In the video observations, the researchers detected circular oscillations within the sea of people. “We are talking about hundreds, if not thousands, of people, all following the same circular trajectory in sync,” Dr. Bartolo said.CreditCredit...Bartolo Lab/ENS de Lyon




在視頻觀察中,研究人員檢測到了人海中的圓形振盪。 Bartolo 博士說:「我們談論的是數百甚至數千人,他們都在同步遵循相同的圓形軌跡。」圖片來源:Bartolo Lab/ENS de Lyon

Analyzing the footage presented a challenge akin to studying the flow of water. “Of course you cannot detect the position of every single molecule of water. It’s impossible,” Dr. Bartolo said. And yet there are mathematical techniques from the field of fluid dynamics that allow researchers to measure the flow of a material by inspecting its direction and velocity. Dr. Bartolo applied these same methods to the San Fermín festival.

The crowds turned out to be less chaotic than they appeared. Instead, the researchers detected circular oscillations within the sea of people. “We are talking about hundreds, if not thousands, of people, all following the same circular trajectory in sync,” Dr. Bartolo said.

分析這些鏡頭的挑戰類似於研究水流的挑戰。 「當然,你無法探測到每一個水分子的位置。 「這是不可能的,」巴托洛博士說。然而,流體動力學領域的數學技術可以幫助研究人員透過檢查物質的方向和速度來測量物質的流動。 Bartolo 博士將這些相同的方法應用在聖費爾明節。


In addition, the orbital motions, in which each person traces out a rough circle from their individual starting point in the crowd, took 18 seconds to complete in this particular plaza. The timing was so reliable that Dr. Bartolo said “you can set your clock” to the dynamics of this crowd, even if the movements might initially seem random.

The research team then applied what they’d learned to a deadly stampede. They examined surveillance footage of the 2010 Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, where 21 died and hundreds more were injured in a stampede. “And we detected the very same oscillations,” which emerged just before the deadly stampede, Dr. Bartolo said.

When the researchers built a mathematical model of crowd mechanics, they found that above a critical density of people, these circular movements emerge spontaneously. They don’t depend on some internal or external force, such as people actively pushing one another.

As a safety precaution, Dr. Bartolo suggests monitoring densely packed crowds for these orbital motions. Detecting them can offer advance warning of the emergence of dangerous and uncontrolled movements. By catching oscillations when they’re small, he says event organizers could ask the crowd to disperse, or stand still, before the orbits grow in size and lead to people being crushed or trampled.

“We’re not quite there yet,” Annalisa Quaini, a computational mathematician at the University of Houston who wasn’t involved in the study, said of such real-world applications. It’s one thing to have a well-lit venue filmed with high-quality cameras. But grainy nighttime security footage, for instance, may not reveal the telltale circular movements.


此外,在這個特殊的廣場上,每個人從人群中的各自起點出發,畫出一個粗略的圓圈,需要 18 秒才能完成軌道運動。計時非常準確,巴托洛博士說“你可以根據人群的動態來設定你的時鐘”,即使這些運動最初看起來是隨機的。

隨後,研究小組將他們所學到的知識應用到一場致命的踩踏事件中。他們檢查了 2010 年德國杜伊斯堡「愛的大遊行」的監視器錄影,當時發生的踩踏事件造成 21 人死亡,數百人受傷。巴托洛博士說:“我們檢測到了同樣的振盪”,這種振盪出現在致命踩踏事件發生前。


為了安全起見,Bartolo 博士建議監測密集人群的軌道運動。檢測它們可以提前警告危險和不受控制的運動的出現。他表示,透過捕捉較小規模的振動,活動組織者可以要求人群散開或靜止,以免振動軌道擴大並導致人們被擠壓或踩踏。

休士頓大學計算數學家安娜麗莎·誇伊尼 (Annalisa Quaini) 未參與此項研究,她在談到此類現實世界的應用時表示:“我們還沒有完全達到這一目標。”在光線充足的場地使用高品質的攝影機拍攝是一回事。但是,模糊的夜間監視器錄影可能無法揭示明顯的圓週運動。



√ 2021 年諾貝爾物理學獎Parisi的開創性研究 √


















作者: 喬治.帕里西  

原文作者: Giorgio Parisi

譯者: 文錚



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