2020年8月31日 星期一

各國 Hyperloop "雄心與夢想"

8.31 我可不樂觀

雖然 #超迴路列車(Hyperloop)早就受眾人矚目,但美國加州超迴路運輸科技公司(HyperloopTT)打造的這個流線型「膠囊車廂」,終於證明 #超高速旅行 將要成為現實。它為穿梭都市的旅程設下 #時速1223公里 的標竿,比一般商用客機還快。
超迴路列車號稱是100多年來第一個新的交通工具形態,但仍需克服相當艱鉅的科技挑戰,例如長距離保持管內真空的複雜設計等等。即使如此,現在有許多工程設計人才投入研發,許多公司已開始設計自己的系統,包括維珍超迴路1號(Virgin Hyperloop One)、哈德超迴路(Hardt Hyperloop)和TransPod等。

可以用"Japan"和 "China"等自搜索各國"雄心與夢想"。

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Concept art of Hyperloop inner workings
Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX.[1] Hyperloop is a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction.[2] The Hyperloop could convey people or objects at airline or hypersonic speeds while being very energy efficient.[2] This would drastically reduce travel times versus trains as well as planes[2] over distances of under approximately 1,500 kilometres (930 miles).[3]
Elon Musk first publicly mentioned the Hyperloop in 2012.[4] His initial concept incorporated reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on air bearings driven by linear induction motors and axial compressors.[5]
The Hyperloop Alpha concept was first published in August 2013, proposing and examining a route running from the Los Angeles region to the San Francisco Bay Area, roughly following the Interstate 5 corridor. The Hyperloop Genesis paper conceived of a hyperloop system that would propel passengers along the 350-mile (560 km) route at a speed of 760 mph (1,200 km/h), allowing for a travel time of 35 minutes, which is considerably faster than current rail or air travel times. Preliminary cost estimates for this LA–SF suggested route were included in the white paper—US$6 billion for a passenger-only version, and US$7.5 billion for a somewhat larger-diameter version transporting passengers and vehicles.[1] (Transportation analysts had doubts that the system could be constructed on that budget. Some analysts claimed that the Hyperloop would be several billion dollars overbudget, taking into consideration construction, development, and operation costs.)[6][7][8]
The Hyperloop concept has been explicitly "open-sourced" by Musk and SpaceX, and others have been encouraged to take the ideas and further develop them. To that end, a few companies have been formed, and several interdisciplinary student-led teams are working to advance the technology.[9] SpaceX built an approximately 1-mile-long (1.6 km) subscale track for its pod design competition at its headquarters in Hawthorne, California.[10]
Currently, aside from Sea-Tac airport IAF link in Greater Seattle, India is officially pursuing the hyperloop technology for Pune-Mumbai corridor.[11]

2020年8月21日 星期五

蝗蟲聚群秘密 隱形的信息素(化學物質)

中國科學家破解蝗蟲聚群秘密 有望為抗災鋪路

Image caption蝗蟲遮天蔽日,所到之處莊稼顆粒無收。


Image caption今年非洲的蝗災是20年以來最嚴重的。


Image caption蝗災可以遮天蔽日,所到之處莊稼顆粒無收。


Image caption蝗災極其恐怖
美國洛克菲勒大學的神經生物學家沃斯哈爾(Leslie Vosshall)女士就此發表評論認為,最後一個辦法最有希望。

2020年8月20日 星期四

Ronald Ross discovered the link between mosquitos and malaria transmission on 20 August 1897:



Ronald Ross discovered the link between mosquitos and malaria transmission on 20 August 1897:
"The work, which was continued from 8 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. with a short interval for breakfast, was most exhausting, and so blinding that I could scarcely see afterwards; and the difficulty was increased by the fact that my microscope was almost worn out, the screws being rusted with sweat from my hands and forehead, and my only remaining eye-piece being cracked, while swarms of flies persecuted me at their pleasure as I sat with both hands engaged at the instrument.
/ ... /
The seventh dappled-winged mosquito was then successfully dissected. Every cell was searched, and to my intense disappointment nothing whatever was found, until I came to the insect’s stomach. Here, however, just as I was about to abandon the examination, I saw a very delicate circular cell apparently lying amongst the ordinary cells of the organ, and scarcely distinguishable from them. Almost instinctively I felt that here was something new.”
From the Nobel Lecture 1902 by Ronald Ross. We can highly recommend reading his lecture even though it's 90 pages long: goo.gl/yNNtSr
Image: The page in Ross' notebook where he recorded the "pigmented bodies" in mosquitoes that he later identified as malaria parasites.

2020年8月17日 星期一

A new robotic system designed by Johns Hopkins researchers could help hospitals preserve PPE and limit staff exposure to COVID19.

A new robotic system designed by Johns Hopkins researchers could help hospitals preserve PPE and limit staff exposure to #COVID19.

BASF launches its first global footwear innovation center in Taiwan 德尚巴斯夫全球第一個鞋材創新中心在台設立

BASF launches its first global footwear innovation center in ...
focustaiwan.tw › Business

6 日前 - Tainan begins trial run of driverless bus service · Taiwan researchers working on broadly effective flu vaccine · Taiwan ... The innovation site, the first of its kind for BASF, will also feature a slew of interactive footwear exhibits and will ... "Taiwan is Asia's hub for many footwear manufacturing firms and has a longstanding history with a powerful network of designers," Andy .


新成立的中心結合隆鼎實業最先進的製鞋技術和巴斯夫的鞋材專業知識,將協助各大品牌解決常見的技術挑戰、優化製程並提升效率。新設備可在更短的時間內完成創新材料的測試和改良,並以全球性規模來評估各項概念。巴斯夫曾與隆鼎實業合作推出 X-Swift 運動休閒鞋,結合巴斯夫研發的五種先進新材料,並由隆鼎實業以最新製鞋自動化科技製作。
·    材料設計區 — 此互動式展區介紹不同特性與功能的材料與作品,以激發與設計流程有關的靈感。該區主要展示了兩款高性能材料: Haptex™ 創新無溶劑低排碳合成皮革,可提升設計自由度與鞋面的生產效率;Freeflex™ 則是以 Elastollan® 製成的熱塑性聚氨酯 (TPU) 纖維,開拓了針織鞋面在設計上的無限潛能。
·    技術應用區 — 此沉浸式展區可激發靈感,打造具前瞻性的鞋類解決方案。此區展示多元材料,包括 Elastopan® 和聚氨酯 (PU) 解決方案,可提供更豐富的客製化產品、卓越的技術支援以及創造更佳的性能表現。而徹底革新機能鞋的發泡熱塑性聚氨酯 (E-TPU) Infinergy® 材料,目前已運用在安全鞋與皮鞋上。專精於 3D 列印的巴斯夫旗下品牌 Forward AM,偕同其他品牌開發出 Ultrasint® TPU 粉末和 Ultracur 3D® EL UV 樹脂等材料,以強大的減震功能和宛如橡膠質感的彈性著稱,非常適用於 3D 列印鞋材。
·     材料應用區 — 展出各種啟發靈感、別出心裁的設計案例,以引領後續的創意構想,攜手業界共同開創新的鞋類解決方案。此區並展出以 Infinergy SP 材料製成的運動跑道,該材質是巴斯夫開發的特別應用等級 E-TPU,經國際田徑總會 (IAAF) 認證的全密式PU跑道結構。創新中心並配備最先進的鞋材設計軟體、精密開模設備、自動化 PU 射出成型機和鞋面針織機,協助落實全新鞋款的創意設計。