2016年9月28日 星期三
2016年9月24日 星期六
The Megaprocessor Laughs at Your Puny Integrated Circuits
評:Cool: Facebook有"酷",贏過Google的"涼爽"。
Google翻譯 :有涼爽。再有就是在Megaprocessor,一個巨大的16位做出來的手工焊接晶體管和鐵的決心計算機。
IEEE Spectrum
Google翻譯 :有涼爽。再有就是在Megaprocessor,一個巨大的16位做出來的手工焊接晶體管和鐵的決心計算機。
There's cool. And then there's the Megaprocessor—a giant 16-bit computer made out of hand-soldered transistors and iron resolve.
The wondrous insanity of a 42,300-transistor CPU the size of a room
2016年9月19日 星期一
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 新增了 4 張相片。
(什麼是「台灣光子源」: http://www.nsrrc.org.tw/chinese/tps.aspx
2016年9月16日 星期五
U.S. Toughens Rules for Clinical-Trial Transparency
The disappointing results of clinical trials will no longer be able to languish unpublished, thanks to rules released on September 16.
Investigators are now required to disclose all clinical trials, whether successful or not
2016年9月15日 星期四
To Prevent Disease Stop Kissing and Snuggling Your Chickens
A new report set out to investigate how salmonella infections from live birds had changed, and why.
Backyard flocks blamed for number of salmonella outbreaks
2016年9月14日 星期三
Software Update to Cut Fire Risk. Samsung won't be the last to have exploding Lithium-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries let us squeeze hours of battery life into increasingly slim devices. But there's a trade-off.
Researchers want to make chocolate using mangoes in lieu of cocoa
Researchers want to make chocolate using mangoes in lieu of cocoa.
2016年9月12日 星期一
The tiny bits of code that can wreck computers By Chris Baraniuk
出處:BBC Future Facebook
The tiny bits of code that can wreck computers
Some dangerous bits of code come in surprisingly small sizes. But just a few bytes can be enough to wreck computers and even bring a warship to a standstill.
The tiny bits of code that can wreck computers
Some dangerous bits of code come in surprisingly small sizes. But just a few bytes can be enough to wreck computers and even bring a warship to a standstill.
- By Chris Baraniuk
One of the best programming jokes – and there are plenty to choose from – goes like this: Why did the programmer die in the shower? Because the shampoo bottle said, “Lather, rinse, repeat”. Don’t get it? It’s what’s known as an infinite loop. The programmer, following scrupulously clear orders, simply “repeats” the cycle of instructions over and over again – until death. Think that’s nonsensical? Computers have been tricked into loops like this for years.
In fact, it’s a classic kind of “fork bomb” attack – which means getting a computer to use up its resources in a way that renders it unusable. A fork bomb can be a very succinct string of just a few characters.
As one user explains online, in some computer languages this small collection of characters defines a meaningless function and then asks the computer to perform it again and again. The computer won’t ask why – it will just do as it is told. But don’t try running the code at home, it could severely slow your system down or even cause a crash.
In 2013, University of Cambridge researchers estimated that computer bugs cost the global economy $312bn (£241bn) every year. Even little bugs can be expensive – a misplaced line of code can render warships immobile, for example. How, exactly, is it possible for these miniscule bits of code to wreak such havoc?
“Computers follow a set of instructions they are given – but they follow them with literal mindsets, they follow them to the letter,” says Ben Liblit, a computer scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“They have no common sense to fall back on.”
University of Cambridge researchers estimated that computer bugs cost the global economy $312bn (£241bn) every year
Why are infinite loops even possible? The answer, Liblit notes, is that it’s often extremely useful for computers to loop over data many thousands or even millions of times. That way they can perform tasks in an instant that would be tedious and time-consuming for humans – such as editing a huge list of names to make sure the first letter is capitalised, for example. There’s no fundamental limit on how many times a loop can be performed, which means they can in theory – and in practice – go on until the computer can no longer cope.
Computers can do something useful and be systematically useful, or be broken and be systematically broken (Credit: iStock)
The first documented case of a fork bomb causing problems goes way back to 1978. Similar to the example above, this involves a short program – nicknamed “wabbit” – making copies of itself ad infinitum.
Code like this, a form of malware, could get onto a victim’s computer after being disguised as an innocent-looking file and sent as an email attachment. If the victim were to download and run the file, then the waiting fork bomb might be unleashed.
It’s also possible to make zipped folders that, when unzipped, will continue unzipping more and more internal files, according to Mikko Hypponen, a cybersecurity expert at F-Secure. This is known as a “zip bomb” and one well-known example is just 42 bytes in size prior to unzipping. It can be used to entirely fill a hard-drive with data or disable anti-virus programs that unpack the files and use up their memory in the process.
In 2014, a serious flaw in computer software that encrypts sensitive data on the web was found. Known as Heartbleed, the bug could let attackers spy on data that should have been private, such as passwords or credit card details. But as Alan Woodward at the University of Surrey notes, the code that launched the attack was tiny – just four bytes.
For malicious hackers, the fact that some disruptive code can be packaged into small spaces has proved useful in recent times. In 2010, for example, a “Twitter virus” was reported that caused popup windows to open. All that a user needed to do was move their mouse cursor over one of the problem tweets when browsing on twitter.com. Even the official Twitter account for the White House was briefly affected.
One misplaced '0' caused the entire USS Yorktown to shut down while out on manoeuvres (Credit: Nav Source/ Public Domain)
Another cybersecurity expert who is used to finding surprisingly diminutive bits of hostile programming is Steve Lord atMandalorian. A recent example he says he’s been working on involves inserting malicious code into single packets of data – the small chunks that are sent between computers via the internet. It’s quite a complex bug, but it allows attackers to disable secure connections known as virtual private networks (VPNs).
Thank goodness it didn’t happen in combat – Steve Lord.
Perhaps the smallest bit of code that has caused a silicon slip-up is this: “0”. Dividing by zero gives an indeterminate number, which computers can't handle.
As Lord points out, that’s exactly what happened to the USS Yorktown warship in September 1997. A zero was put in the wrong place in one of the many programs running on board, but the resulting error caused the entire ship to shut down while out on manoeuvres. It had to be towed back to port.
“Thank goodness it didn’t happen in combat,” says Lord.
Lord also points to Tiny Banker – a piece of malware that infects computer users’ browsers and can copy their log-in details whenever they try to access their online bank account. It’s 20,000 bytes in size and has affected thousands of systems worldwide.
“In terms of Windows programs, it’s ridiculously small,” says Lord.
None of this is to suggest that computers are fundamentally prone to errors – but it does reveal just how tricky an engineering challenge it is to protect them from malicious tinkering or internal hiccups. Lord suggests there is even something “beautiful” about the small virtual errors that can cascade into very real consequences. Although the US Navy might not agree.
As Liblit says, computers have a capacity to do whatever they’re doing in a ruthlessly consistent way – whether that’s beneficial or not. “Computers can do something useful and be systematically useful,” he says, “or be broken and be systematically broken.” At least, in most cases, you can always turn it off and on again.
2016年9月11日 星期日
這項試驗性服務將於本月開始,持續約幾個星期的時間。負責此次測試的是Google母公司Alphabet旗下的Project Wing部門。墨西哥燒烤快餐Chipotle Mexican Grill和維珍尼亞理工大學也都已經同意參與其中。
「這將是我們第一次真正向有需要的人配送商品。」Project Wing負責人沃斯(Dave Vos)說。
Project Wing將使用自動導航的無人機配送墨西哥卷。他們將從Chipotle的快餐卡車上取貨,並最終完成配送。通過這一過程評估導航系統的精確性和人們的反應。
沃斯表示,此次測試不會評估無人機送貨面臨的最大技術障礙之一:開發一套低階空管系統,以便在無人機過度擁擠時維持秩序。美國國家航空航天(NASA)與Project Wing等公司展開了合作,共同為這條系統開發了框架。
維珍尼亞理工大學校長桑茲(Timothy Sands)表示,該項目是該校為了成為新交通技術領域的領導者而做出的一項努力,
維珍尼亞理工大學是中大西洋航空合作組織(Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership)的成員,這也是FAA選定的6大無人機測試組織之一。
該合作組織總監布蘭克斯(Mark Blanks)表示,參與訂餐的志願者包括了維珍尼亞理工大學的員工和學生,可能還有其他地方招募來的參與者。
「這是最複雜的送貨飛行任務,這將在美國的土地上發生。」他說。撰文/Alan Levin
這項試驗性服務將於本月開始,持續約幾個星期的時間。負責此次測試的是Google母公司Alphabet旗下的Project Wing部門。墨西哥燒烤快餐Chipotle Mexican Grill和維珍尼亞理工大學也都已經同意參與其中。
「這將是我們第一次真正向有需要的人配送商品。」Project Wing負責人沃斯(Dave Vos)說。
Project Wing將使用自動導航的無人機配送墨西哥卷。他們將從Chipotle的快餐卡車上取貨,並最終完成配送。通過這一過程評估導航系統的精確性和人們的反應。
沃斯表示,此次測試不會評估無人機送貨面臨的最大技術障礙之一:開發一套低階空管系統,以便在無人機過度擁擠時維持秩序。美國國家航空航天(NASA)與Project Wing等公司展開了合作,共同為這條系統開發了框架。
維珍尼亞理工大學校長桑茲(Timothy Sands)表示,該項目是該校為了成為新交通技術領域的領導者而做出的一項努力,
維珍尼亞理工大學是中大西洋航空合作組織(Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership)的成員,這也是FAA選定的6大無人機測試組織之一。
該合作組織總監布蘭克斯(Mark Blanks)表示,參與訂餐的志願者包括了維珍尼亞理工大學的員工和學生,可能還有其他地方招募來的參與者。
「這是最複雜的送貨飛行任務,這將在美國的土地上發生。」他說。撰文/Alan Levin
2016年9月10日 星期六
Why the calorie is broken
There’s a serious problem with the way we measure food.
There’s a serious problem with the way we measure food – and it may mean you’re consuming much more than you realise.
2016年9月8日 星期四
a mobile fridge
This invention by a British student could save millions of lives across the world http://bbc.in/2c9u08y
A 22-year-old British student has invented a mobile fridge that could save…
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 專輯:Sci-Fi: How Imagination Pushed the Envelope for More than a Century
The writings of H.G. Wells—born in 1866—launched a genre and inspired the iconic Star Trek series, 50 years old today.
Dig in to all things sci-fi in this collection of articles.
2016年9月6日 星期二
Nitrogen Atom-Based Endohedral Fullerenes.
在Google Translate ,"Nitrogen Atom-Based Endohedral Fullerenes"翻譯成:氮原子為基礎的富勒烯富勒烯。為何如此,待查。
University of Oxford
What’s the most expensive thing you can buy on the planet? Gold? Diamonds? Perfume?
It’s actually something called Nitrogen Atom-Based Endohedral Fullerenes. That might be a bit of a mouthful, but some of this material has recently been sold for about £110 million per gram.
Oxford scientists at Designer Carbon Materials have developed the new material, which could be used to make incredibly accurate atomic clocks. What’s more, these clocks could be tiny. Typical atomic clocksare the size of a room.
Oxford scientists at Designer Carbon Materials have developed the new material, which could be used to make incredibly accurate atomic clocks. What’s more, these clocks could be tiny. Typical atomic clocksare the size of a room.
Atomic clocks are integral in GPS systems, and the ability to make miniature ones would revolutionise not just route advice, but the possibility of driverless cars, as the accuracy of on-board atomic clocks could help GPS systems track a car’s location even where the GPS signal is weak such as through tunnels, making remote driving suddenly a whole lot safer.
The material is essentially a minuscule cage of carbon atoms, with a nitrogen atom inside, and the company reckon that in the future our smart phones could all contain mini atomic clocks.
You’d better start practicing saying “endohedral fullerenes”!
2016年9月2日 星期五
Google’s modular phone project dead
Google’s experiment in building a modular phone has been pronounced dead.
Google’s skunkworks made a path-breaking phone whose hardware was…
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