Ref. Stephen F. Mason『自然科學發展史』陳寬仁譯,台北:∕廣文出版 ,【出版約30年後,台灣某大學圖書館資料哲學 竟然是1998年版 …..】
我或許應該翻譯 “With Recollections and Reflections by Robert K. Merton” (1988) in The History of Science and the New Humanism (1962) by George Sarton ( 這位著名的科技史家是趙元任先生的老師—趙先生的早期留美回憶錄中提到,Sarton在哈佛大學草創時的授課情形。
0829 2007 周三 晴
(參考陳寬仁教授寄放在鍾漢清處的第2批書小記。由於疏忽,第一批書只記得有本 A. V. Feeigenbaum 博士名著 Total Quality Control 的譯本:《全面質量管理》北京:機械工業,1991──此書的第2版,台灣的孫教授翻譯過 (台北: 中國生產力)。A. V. Feeigenbaum 是現在僅存的品質管理的大師,他的思想是我在80年代初奉為「品管聖經」的。約7年前中原大學頒 N. Kano 博士榮譽博士的典禮餘絮中,王晃三教授說下一位是A. V. Feeigenbaum 博士。雖然後輩Kano博士有地利之便先取得,我相信真正的大師不會計較。只可惜他真的年事已高。)
在8月12日的 “陳寬仁來訪”一文中有這樣的記載
……他說晃三兄可能採用 Stephen F. Mason/『自然科學發展史』陳寬仁譯 台北: 廣文出版, 1969 當通識教材。
我向它示範如何在GMAIL和GOOGLE/DESKTOP 找資料,以及如何編「台灣戴明圈年度紀事」、主題索引等。
我找到他在『風嶺 34── 承先啟後- 119 -校友感言』,很有意思……
我向它示範如何在GMAIL和GOOGLE/DESKTOP 找資料,以及如何編「台灣戴明圈年度紀事」、主題索引等。
我找到他在『風嶺 34── 承先啟後- 119 -校友感言』,很有意思……
《雕塑藝術》我已提過;與Stephen F. Mason*著 1969年的《自然科學發展史》(4冊) ( History of the Sciences , 1953). 在2006年,陳寬仁教授將此書複印兩份,一本送玉燕,另一本請她送台北市某教育大學的圖書館。
*由現在網路上的資料The science and humanisum of Linus Pauling (1901-1994) ,可以知道Stephen F. Mason是倫敦大學的King's College 的化學系教授兼劍橋大學的歷史與科學哲學教授。
2012.7.20 今天我處理一些陳老師的部分譯作相關的資訊
Obituary of Emeritus Professor Stephen Mason CChem FRSC FRS
- Paperback: 638 pages
- Publisher: Macmillan General Reference; Reissue edition (March 1, 1962)
- Language: English
自然科學發展史 / (英)梅遜(Mason, Stephen F.)撰 ; 陳寬仁譯 |
台北市 : 廣文, 民58 1969 |
S. F. Mason, A History of the Sciences (New York: Collier/Macmillan, 1956) 據陳寬仁譯者序,根據 1966增訂版
Emeritus Professor Stephen Mason CChem FRSC FRS
6 July 1923 - 11 December 2007
Stephen Mason was born in Leicester in 1923 and brought up in the village of Anstey. He won a scholarship to Wyggeston Grammar School and from there took up an open scholarship in natural sciences at Wadham College , Oxford.
He graduated BA in 1945 and completed his D. Phil. with D.Ll.Hammick in 1947 on the physico-chemical factors underlying the biological properties of some antimalarial agents. Mason had become interested in the history of Wadham college and in particular of John Wilkins, who was a founder member of the Royal Society. An essay on the history of protochemical ideas led to the offer of a departmental demonstratorship in the Museum for the History of Science, Oxford (1947-53) which he held concurrently with a college tutorship at Wadham. The lectures on science history given as part of the demonstratorship were augmented and published as A History of the Sciences (1956), a pioneering work which treated the development of science in the context of economic and social factors. It has never been out of print and has been translated into at least seven languages.
In 1988 Stephen and Joan retired and moved to Cambridge where he held an extraordinary Fellowship at Wolfson College (1988-90). His final book, Chemical Evolution: Origins of the Elements, Molecules and Living Systems, was published in 1991.
He was an active member of the Chemical Society (later the RSC) having joined on graduation in 1945. He served on Council twice (1964-69 and 1978-81). In 1991 he founded the Historical Group of the RSC and served as its chairman for the first three years.
Stephen's principal interest outside chemistry was the history and philosophy of science. He had begun a major revision of A History of the Sciences when Joan died in 2004, which hit him extremely hard. He died on 11 December 2007 and is survived by his sons, Oliver, Andrew and Lionel.
Robert D Peacock FRSC, Brian Stewart FRSC