2015年11月7日 星期六

Prosthetics for the brain;首例:基因編輯治療白血病後康復


Prosthetics have long existed for the body.
Researchers are now working on developing one for the brain.

US military research suggests that electrodes can compensate for damaged tissue.

P. K. Sethi

The Jaipur leg is a rubber-based prosthetic leg produced by Dr. P. K . Sethi and Masterji Ram Chander in 1969 for victims of landmine explosions. Designed in, and named for JaipurIndia; the prosthetic leg was designed to be inexpensive, quick to fit and manufacture, and to be water-resistant. The main drawback to this design is that it is only suitable for below the knee amputees.

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━━ n. 切断手術を受けた人.


━━ n. (pl. pros・the・ses  ) 補綴(てつ)(物), 人工器官 ((義歯・義眼・義足などによる)).
 pros・thet・ic ━━ a. 補綴の.
pros・thet・ics n. 補綴学.
prosthetic group 【生化】補欠分子族[団
