2015年5月30日 星期六

Scientists just brought back memories that mice had 'forgotten'

(Susumu Tonegawa)因發現漿細胞能產生多種抗體之機轉,榮獲諾貝爾生理(醫學)奬。其後他轉進最神秘,人類了解最少的腦科學,希望能得第二個諾貝爾獎。2009起,他回日本理研Riken擔任腦科學研究所所長,研究人類的「記憶」與「失憶」。他是另一種天才研究者的典型。
如果「失憶」有一天真的可以reactivate 或 recall 喚回。那真是老年人的一大福音,那麼利根川先生真的有可能破紀錄得到兩次諾貝爾醫學獎。

Researchers have found that memories that have been 'lost' as a result of amnesia can be recalled by activating brain cells with light. They reactivated memories that could not otherwise be retrieved, using a technology known...

Scientists say they've restored lost memories in mice. Read more:u.afp.com/ZkCd
