2020年6月11日 星期四

醫學典範轉移 Barry Marshall和Robin Warren 說幽門螺桿菌會引起胃潰瘍而不是壓力和生活方式

2 小時
“Everybody knew they were not there, so they couldn’t be there. It was like in the middle ages, everybody knew the earth was flat.”
Robin Warren on discovering bacteria in the stomach and having a difficult time convincing the scientific community about its existence. Initially, no one believed Barry Marshall and Robin Warren when they stated that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcers and not stress and lifestyle. They first managed to develop several colonies of the new bacteria in 1982.
Marshall and Warren were awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize. Wishing a happy birthday to Warren who turns 83 today.

“Everybody knew they were not there, so they couldn’t be there. It was like in the middle ages, everybody knew the earth was flat.”
“每個人都知道他們不在那裡,所以他們不可能在那裡。 就像在中世紀,每個人都知道地球是平坦的。” 羅賓·沃倫(Robin Warren)發現胃中的細菌,並且很難說服科學界相信它的存在。 最初,沒有人相信Barry Marshall和Robin Warren當他們說幽門螺桿菌會引起胃潰瘍而不是壓力和生活方式。 他們於1982年首次設法開發出幾種新細菌菌落。
Robin Warren on discovering bacteria in the stomach and having a difficult time convincing the scientific community about its existence. Initially, no one believed Barry Marshall and Robin Warren when they stated that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcers and not stress and lifestyle. They first managed to develop several colonies of the new bacteria in 1982.
