描述: | xii, 130 pages ; 21 cm |
目次: | The modern biologist at the crossroads -- Positive eugenics and evolution -- The utilization of animals in medical research -- Superior knowledge, modern science, and the human potential -- Nightingales, hawks, and the two cultures -- Humanism and the rhesus. |
Common terms and phrases
Abruzzo accept Andrew Linzey animal experimentationanimal exploitation animal rights animal welfare animal welfare movement argue argument attitudes battery behaviour believe BowringBrigid Brophy cause century Christian claim concern consciousness coursecreatures cruel cruelty death duty ecological ethical exampleexperiences of pain fact factory farming feel Humane Education hunt saboteurs idea important inflicted involve issue justified kill kind laboratory animals lack living logical London man's matter Maureen Duffy mentmice moral rights nature non-human non-trivial pain numbersorganisations ourselves perhaps Peter Singer philosophy pleasurepopulation principle problem protection question rational reason relationshipResearch Defence Society rights of animals Ryder scientific scientistssense sentiency criterion sentient slaughter social Society speciesspeciesism sport Stephen R. L. Clark suffering survivalsymposium things thought tion utilitarian vegan vegetarian vivisectionwild wildlife wolf wolves wrong