2020年10月27日 星期二

錢學森 Qian Xuesen 1911~2009


学森(せん がくしん、拼音 Qián Xuésēn、ウェード式 Tsien Hsue-shen、1911年12月11日 - 2009年10月31日)は、中華人民共和国の航空力学研究者、中国科学院・中国工程院研究員。五代十国時代の呉越国王銭鏐から数えて33代目の子孫 ...

BBC Future

He helped two superpowers into outer space, but his story is only remembered by one.

Qian Xuesen: The man the US deported - who then helped China into space
A Chinese rocket scientist helped two superpowers reach the moon, but his story is remembered in only one of them.

2020年10月22日 星期四


分類:2019新型冠狀病毒» 疫情災情報導 @2020-10-15 | 22,791 瀏覽數








敏感性(sensitivity): 91.4%(22/24 例)將有病者判定為陽性的比率
特異性(specificity): 97.3%(293/301 例)將健康者判定為陰性的比率
偽陽性(false positive rate):2.7% (8/301 例),將健康者判定為陽性的比率,1-特異性
偽陰性(false negative rate):8.6% (2/24 例),將有病者判定為陰性的比率,1-敏感性
陽性預測值(positive predictive value,PPV): 73.3%(22/30 例)判定為陽性中有病者的比率
陰性預測值(negative predictive value,NPV): 99.3%(293/295 例)判定為陰性中健康者的比率






2020年10月21日 星期三

Nikon、Canon 日系光刻機為何被後起之秀 ASML 超越?


Technews 科技新報

當今世界光刻機三大製造商是:日本 Nikon、Canon 和荷蘭 ASML,如今 ASML 聲勢更勝其他兩者。
一起看看後發制人的 ASML 是如何邁向成功?

Nikon、Canon 日系光刻機為何被後起之秀 ASML 超越?
當今世界光刻機三大製造商是:日本 Nikon、Canon 和荷蘭 ASML,日本 Niko

2020年10月18日 星期日

Unmanned boats and drones could repair offshore wind farms and clean up plastic in the sea


A team of scientists from the University of Bristol and French-based engineering and science firm Thales are testing technology that will eventually remove the need for humans to carry out the dangerous role

2020年10月8日 星期四

Sir Roger Penrose.Nobel Prize. MOSAIC SOPHISTICATION

When a massive star collapses under its own gravity, it forms a black hole that is so heavy that it captures everything that passes its event horizon. Not even light can escape. At the event horizon, time replaces space and points only forward. The flow of time carries everything towards a singularity furthest inside the black hole, where density is infinite and time ends (see figure).
Roger Penrose – awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics – invented ingenious mathematical methods to explore Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He showed that the theory leads to the formation of black holes, those monsters in time and space that capture everything that enters them.
Not even Albert Einstein, the father of general relativity, thought that black holes could actually exist. However, ten years after Einstein’s death, the British theorist Roger Penrose demonstrated that black holes can form and described their properties. At their heart, black holes hide a singularity, a boundary at which all the known laws of nature break down.
To prove that black hole formation is a stable process, Penrose needed to expand the methods used to study the theory of relativity – tackling the theory’s problems with new mathematical concepts. Penrose’s ground-breaking article was published in January 1965 and is still regarded as the most important contribution to the general theory of relativity since Einstein.
The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded with one half to Roger Penrose “for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity” and the other half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez “for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.”
Press release: https://bit.ly/309oZqF
Popular information: https://bit.ly/3jjZSJk
Advanced information: https://bit.ly/3kEwwFI
圖像裡可能有顯示的文字是「 Cross section of a black hole When massive collapses under black hati everything passes escape. points forward. singularity inside density is inhnite and time nds. own gravity, captures OBSERVER morizon replaces and erything black hole, where SINGULARITY EVENT HORIZON TIME SINGULARITY SPACE TIME EVENT HORIZON TIME SPACE MATTER FUTURE COLLAPSING STAR PRESENT The cone shows paths backward When horizon PAST horizon, they ©Johan Jarnestad/T forward and black black event toward singularity. outside light event ee further In. nudge No Royal Swedish Academy Sciences 」

羅傑·潘洛斯爵士,OMFRS(英語:Sir Roger Penrose,1931年8月8日),英國數學物理學家牛津大學數學系W. W. Rouse Ball名譽教授。他在數學物理方面的工作擁有高度評價,特別是對廣義相對論宇宙學方面的貢獻。他也是娛樂數學家與具爭議性的哲學家。羅傑·潘洛斯是科學家理昂內·潘洛斯瑪格麗特·雷瑟斯的兒子,為數學家奧利佛·潘洛斯西洋棋大師強納森·潘洛斯的兄弟。


Hanching Chung

3人中只知道此君。連我這外行人都買過:Popular publications
The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and The Laws of Physics (1989) 可能有中譯



幾何藝術其實就是點、線、面的規律組成,經過幾百年的發展後,「面」與「界」的應用產生了各種繁雜而循環的樣式,有些後來甚至為數學法則證明。一九七四年之前,大家深信嵌合組成的基本樣式只有一、二、三、四、六角對稱,直到牛津大學的數學家羅傑‧潘若斯(Roger Penrose)發現了五角對稱的樣式,才把這種迷思推翻。組成這種樣式的主要成分有二,「菱形」和兩組角各為七十二度和一百四十四度的「鳶形」。鳶形中兩條對角線的比例正好是黃金比例。


伯斯的西澳大利亞大學的分子化學大樓,中庭地板就巧妙地運用潘若斯的五角對稱概念(見下圖上半部)鋪設地磚。這起先是凱普(David Kepert)、林肯(Frank Lincoln)還有化學學院院長共同的主意,建築師佛格森(Guz Ferguson)則是負責磁磚設計。結果鋪排的圖形從天井中央的五芒星開始,介於電梯和樓梯之間(五芒星在古文明有深遠的意涵)。佛格森用了兩種當地產的水泥磚,分別是瘦長鳶形和菱形。



早期拼磚藝術家們多半會利用這種錯覺,以顏色、質料不同的磚瓦製造立體效果,並在其間留下空隙作為勾邊。早在一五二四年德國藝術家杜赫(Albrecht Dürer)讓人困惑的作品中,就可以看到這種傾向。把某些區塊塗黑之後,帶有立體感的圖形看起來順眼多了,因為它們看起來就是像立體方塊。儘管原本的作品上並沒有標明陰影,但是我們看到的時候就是忍不住會「覺得」那是立體的。


K. Dudley and M. Elliff

MOSAIC SOPHISTICATION A quasi-crystalline Penrose pattern at the Darb-i Imam shrine in Isfahan, Iran.

Published: February 27, 2007

In the beauty and geometric complexity of tile mosaics on walls of medieval Islamic buildings, scientists have recognized patterns suggesting that the designers had made a conceptual breakthrough in mathematics beginning as early as the 13th century.


A piece from a mausoleum in Turkey.

W. B. Denny

A pattern taken from a Turkish mosque.

A new study shows that the Islamic pattern-making process, far more intricate than the laying of one's bathroom floor, appears to have involved an advanced math of quasi crystals, which was not understood by modern scientists until three decades ago.

The findings, reported in the current issue of the journal Science, are a reminder of the sophistication of art, architecture and science long ago in the Islamic culture. They also challenge the assumption that the designers somehow created these elaborate patterns with only a ruler and a compass. Instead, experts say, they may have had other tools and concepts.

Two years ago, Peter J. Lu, a doctoral student in physics at Harvard University, was transfixed by the geometric pattern on a wall in Uzbekistan. It reminded him of what mathematicians call quasi-crystalline designs. These were demonstrated in the early 1970s by Roger Penrose, a mathematician and cosmologist at the University of Oxford.

Mr. Lu set about examining pictures of other tile mosaics from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, working with Paul J. Steinhardt, a Princeton cosmologist who is an authority on quasi crystals and had been Mr. Lu's undergraduate adviser. The research was a bit like trying to figure out the design principle of a jigsaw puzzle, Mr. Lu said in an interview.

In their journal report, Mr. Lu and Dr. Steinhardt concluded that by the 15th century, Islamic designers and artisans had developed techniques "to construct nearly perfect quasi-crystalline Penrose patterns, five centuries before discovery in the West."

Some of the most complex patterns, called "girih" in Persian, consist of sets of contiguous polygons fitted together with little distortion and no gaps. Running through each polygon (a decagon, pentagon, diamond, bowtie or hexagon) is a decorative line. Mr. Lu found that the interlocking tiles were arranged in predictable ways to create a pattern that never repeats — that is, quasi crystals.

"Again and again, girih tiles provide logical explanations for complicated designs," Mr. Lu said in a news release from Harvard.

He and Dr. Steinhardt recognized that the artisans in the 13th century had begun creating mosaic patterns in this way. The geometric star-and-polygon girihs, as quasi crystals, can be rotated a certain number of degrees, say one-fifth of a circle, to positions from which other tiles are fitted. As such, this makes possible a pattern that is infinitely big and yet the pattern never repeats itself, unlike the tiles on the typical floor.

This was, the scientists wrote, "an important breakthrough in Islamic mathematics and design."

Dr. Steinhardt said in an interview that it was not clear how well the Islamic designers understood all the elements they were applying to the construction of these patterns. "I can just say what's on the walls," he said.

Mr. Lu said that it would be "incredible if it were all coincidence."

"At the very least," he said, "it shows us a culture that we often don't credit enough was far more advanced than we ever thought before."

From a study of a few hundred examples, Mr. Lu and Dr. Steinhardt determined that the technique was fully developed two centuries later in mosques, palaces, shrines and other buildings. They noted that "a nearly perfect quasi-crystalline Penrose pattern" is found on the Darb-i Imam shrine in Isfahan, Iran, which was built in 1453. The researchers described how the architects there had created overlapping patterns with girih tiles at two sizes to produce nearly perfect quasi-crystalline patterns.

In the report, Mr. Lu and Dr. Steinhardt said the examples they had studied so far "fall just short of being perfect quasi crystals; there may be more interesting examples yet to be discovered."

In a separate article in Science, some experts in the math of crystals questioned if the findings were an entirely new insight. In particular, Emil Makovicky of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark said the new report failed to give sufficient credit to an analysis he published in 1992 of mosaic patterns on a tomb in Iran.

Mr. Lu and Dr. Steinhardt said they regretted what they called a misunderstanding. They pointed out that the length of their report was strictly enforced by journal editors, but it did include two footnotes to Dr. Makovicky's research. None of the referees or editors who reviewed the paper, Dr. Steinhardt said, asked for more attention to the previous research.

Although their work had some elements in common with Dr. Makovicky's, Dr. Steinhardt said in an interview that their research dealt with not one but a "whole sweep of tilings" interpreted through a few hundred examples.

The article quoted two other experts, Dov Levine and Joshua Socolar, physicists at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and Duke University, respectively, as agreeing that Dr. Makovicky deserved more credit. But, the article noted, they said the Lu-Steinhardt research had "generated interesting and testable hypotheses."

2020年10月5日 星期一

The unsung mapmakers behind the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard

Johns Hopkins University

Behind the scenes of our renowned #COVID19 dashboard are teams working around the clock to support it. Here's their story.

The unsung mapmakers behind the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard
The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard requires an array of behind-

The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard requires an array of behind-the-scenes expertise from staff at multiple divisions, selflessly working at all hours. Here's their story.

ByKatie Pearce / Published 13 hours ago

In the early days of managing the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard, experts at the university and those at Esri, the company providing the mapping software for the real-time pandemic tracker, had a friendly rivalry.

"They would tell us, 'Oh, your COVID map is big, but not as big as our Pokémon Go map,' which was their most in demand," says Reina Murray, an application administrator at JHU's Sheridan Libraries.

By March, the volume of web traffic to the Hopkins map effectively shut down that conversation—the Hopkins dashboard now holds the record as Esri's highest-used service of all time, drawing hundreds of millions of feature requests every day. At a peak in March, the dashboard saw 4.56 billion feature requests.

For Johns Hopkins, the dashboard has been a groundbreaking endeavor, pooling the collaborative energy of specialists across the university—software developers, systems engineers, data scientists, mapping experts, digital curators—who may never have crossed paths otherwise but now coordinate shifts around the clock and keep in touch constantly through Zoom and Slack.

"We're all one big happy Blue Jay family, working together to answer a set of key questions, globally and domestically, around the progression of this virus," says Aaron Katz, supervisor of the large-scale analytic systems group at the Applied Physics Laboratory.

 Katz's team at APL typically works with complex datasets for large government projects, in areas like global health security. The team from Sheridan Libraries supports data-intensive scholarship: collecting, sharing, visualizing, and preserving digital research and collections, spanning areas from humanities to engineering. For the COVID-19 project, many of these experts have rearranged their work—if not entirely tilted their careers—around the shared behemoth, gathering coronavirus data from across the globe and presenting it to the public.

The larger project also now includes a U.S. map following the pandemic down to the county level, and an array of data visualizations from JHU's Centers for Civic Impact, tracing trends like racial disparities and policy impacts from the virus. The project is supported by funding from the Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

"If you want to produce something of this kind of high quality and integrity, it really does take a lot of people," says Sayeed Choudhury, associate dean for research data management at the Sheridan Libraries, which supports software logistics for the dashboard.

Image caption:In March, when this photo was taken, the team's map was the only global resource for tracking the spread of the pandemic in real time


The original global map—developed by Lauren Gardner and PhD student Ensheng "Frank" Dong of JHU's Center for Systems Science and Engineering—went viral almost as soon as it launched on Jan. 22. Dong constructed the dashboard using Esri's ArcGIS mapping platform, at first entering data manually. That quickly proved unsustainable as coronavirus cases spilled out of mainland China onto every continent.

The APL team came on board to streamline the data-entry process. "We've built an automated infrastructure that goes out and pulls the coronavirus data from around the globe," Katz says.

APL's system now collects confirmed reports of coronavirus cases and deaths from nearly 200 data sources, including the World Health Organization and international and local health agencies. For the U.S. map, the system draws from state- and county-level reports, and sometimes local news outlets that supply machine-readable data.

A number of team members from the different divisions vet those data sources before they're integrated into the system. "A lot of time and energy goes into finding the right data sources, assessing their validity, and creating ways to harmonize them with our system and present them to the public," Choudhury says.

Image caption:Ensheng "Frank" Dong


APL's software platform processes the data in near real time, as soon as sources post it on their own websites. Anomalies do arise, but the system is designed to catch them. "We're able to spot large discrepancies," says Tamara Goyea, an APL senior data scientist. "For example, if a state reports 20 deaths one day and the next day two deaths, our system flags that and we look into it."

A small team at the Sheridan Libraries, including Murray and Choudhury, works to support this massive data infrastructure, which includes managing the ongoing relationship with Esri. Hopkins researchers have used the company's ArcGIS tools for years for a range of internal projects—tracking everything from Baltimore food deserts to Frederick Douglass' travels—but the COVID-19 dashboard brought the software into a public realm of unprecedented scale.

While absorbed with time-consuming minutiae behind the scenes of the dashboard, the team members never lose sight of their larger mission: providing a critical public service during a global health crisis, one that informs research, policymaking, and individual decisions. The Hopkins dashboard has become a ubiquitous and trusted reference point, cited by U.S. federal agencies and major news sources including The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. The National Science Foundation awarded $200,000 to the effort in April, and recently Esri honored the project with its "Making a Difference" award. For her role, Gardner was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME magazine.

"This is the most impactful work that I've participated in to date," Goyea says. "That's what drives the team—we're trying to provide information about a pandemic that's affecting so many people in so many areas. For us to contribute some kind of understanding, and help with some kind of decision making, that's our whole objective."

Everyone involved acknowledges that the dashboard numbers provide a partial picture of the pandemic's true reach, given unknowns from cases that are asymptomatic, unreported, or untested.

"We can't tell you exactly how many cases there are in the state of Maryland right now, but we can tell exactly you what the state of Maryland is reporting," Katz says. "We are bound by the accuracy of our reporting sources, and we do our absolute best to vet those sources and do quality control."

Ten years from now, Katz imagines, "we'll see all the reports and retrospectives that will tell us exactly what happened and where" with the pandemic. But for now, he says, "we're trying to solve this problem of situational awareness in the present moment."

評李開復先生的一次談話Time100 Talks With Kai-Fu Lee


Time100 Talks With Kai-Fu Lee | TIME


實際上,此番沒多少新意。他說Superpower 一書出版二年來的中美產業重點之分,是虛的,也非重點。樂觀的只是應用,而這方面,各國政府/人民願接受的風險/不完美,而非技術的突破,例如自動駕駛,美國可能領先,但其政府/人民的安全要求相對中國高.....。

李開復及許多人認為 data 越多越好,原則如此,然而這是迷思,我不相信12000萬和20000萬的用戶一定約1.2 比2的AI 學習效能,重點是AI 被後的學習理論,學習的質,而非量。

Ben Chen

四個月前, 李開復在北京的訪談

Time100 Talks With Kai-Fu Lee | TIME
AI expert Kai-Fu Lee said the U.S. has started to catch up to China on the adoption of Artificial Intelligence technology. Speaking at TIME100 Talks event, h...

Harvey J. Alter,Michael Houghton和Charles M. Rice 2020年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎 發現丙型肝炎病毒



Harvey J. Alter,Michael Houghton和Charles M. Rice




Harvey J. Alter,Michael Houghton和Charles M. Rice做出了開創性發現,從而鑑定出一種新型病毒,即丙型肝炎病毒。在開展工作之前,發現甲型和乙型肝炎病毒是向前邁出的關鍵步驟,但大多數血源性肝炎病例仍無法解釋。丙型肝炎病毒的發現揭示了剩餘的慢性肝炎病例的病因,並使血液檢測和新藥成為可能,挽救了數百萬人的生命。






成功干預傳染病的關鍵是確定病原體。在1960年代,Baruch Blumberg確定一種形式的血源性肝炎是由一種被稱為乙型肝炎病毒的病毒引起的,這一發現導致了診斷測試和有效疫苗的發展。由於這一發現,布倫伯格被授予1976年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。

當時,美國國立衛生研究院的Harvey J. Alter研究了接受輸血的患者中肝炎的發生情況。儘管對新發現的乙型肝炎病毒進行的血液檢查減少了與輸血有關的肝炎的病例數,但Alter及其同事令人擔憂地證明仍有大量病例存在。大約在這段時間也進行了甲型肝炎病毒感染的檢測,很明顯,甲型肝炎不是這些原因不明的原因。



現在,鑑定新型病毒是當務之急。儘管使用了所有傳統的病毒搜尋技術,但儘管如此,病毒仍無法隔離已有十多年的歷史。在Chiron製藥公司工作的Michael Houghton進行了分離病毒遺傳序列所需的艱鉅工作。霍頓和他的同事們從感染黑猩猩血液中發現的核酸中提取了DNA片段。這些片段大部分來自黑猩猩本身的基因組,但研究人員預測,其中一些片段將來自未知病毒。假設從肝炎患者的血液中會存在針對病毒的抗體,研究人員使用患者血清來鑑定克隆的編碼病毒蛋白的病毒DNA片段。經過全面搜索,發現了一個陽性克隆。進一步的工作表明,該克隆源自一種新型的RNA病毒,屬於黃病毒家族,它被命名為丙型肝炎病毒。慢性肝炎患者中抗體的存在強烈暗示了這種病毒是缺少的因素。


圖2本年度諾貝爾獎授予的發現摘要。Harvey J. Alter進行的輸血相關性肝炎的方法研究表明,未知病毒是導致慢性肝炎的常見原因。邁克爾·霍頓(Michael Houghton)使用未經測試的策略來分離名為丙型肝炎病毒的新病毒的基因組。查爾斯·賴斯(Charles M. Rice)提供了最後證據,證明僅丙型肝炎病毒即可引起肝炎。

丙型肝炎病毒的發現具有決定性意義。但是,這個難題的一個基本要素卻沒有得到解決:僅病毒本身就能引起肝炎嗎?為了回答這個問題,科學家不得不研究克隆的病毒是否能夠複製並引起疾病。聖路易斯華盛頓大學的研究員查爾斯·賴斯(Charles M. Rice)以及其他研究RNA病毒的小組指出,丙型肝炎病毒基因組末端的一個先前未知的區域,他們懷疑這可能對病毒複製很重要。賴斯還觀察到分離出的病毒樣本中的遺傳變異,並假設其中一些可能會阻礙病毒複製。通過基因工程,賴斯產生了丙型肝炎病毒的RNA變異體,其中包括病毒基因組的新定義區域,並且沒有失活的遺傳變異。將這種RNA注射到黑猩猩的肝臟中後,在血液中檢測到病毒,並觀察到與慢性病患者相似的病理變化。這是僅丙型肝炎病毒可能導致無法解釋的輸血介導的肝炎病例的最終證據。






Alter HJ,Holland PV,Purcell RH,Lander JJ,Feinstone SM,Morrow AG,Schmidt PJ。排除商業和乙型肝炎抗原陽性供體後的輸血後肝炎。安實習生1972年;77:691-699。

Feinstone SM,Kapikian AZ,Purcell RH,Alter HJ和Holland PV。與輸血相關的肝炎不是由於A型或B型病毒性肝炎引起的。N Engl J Med1975年;292:767-770。

Alter HJ,Holland PV,Morrow AG,Purcell RH,Feinstone SM,Moritsugu Y.與輸血相關的肝炎的臨床和血清學分析。柳葉刀1975年;2:838-841。

Alter HJ,Purcell RH,Holland PV,PopperH。非甲非乙型肝炎的可傳播藥物。柳葉刀。1978年;1:459-463。

Choo QL,Kou G,Weiner AJ,Overby LR,Bradley DW,HoughtonM分離源自血源性非A,非B病毒性肝炎基因組的cDNA克隆。科學1989年;244:359-362。

Kuo G.,Choo QL,Alter HJ,Gitnick GL,Redeker AG,Purcell RH,Miyamura T,Dienstag JL,Alter CE,Stevens CE,Tegtmeier GE,Bonino F,Colombo M,Lee WS,Kuo C.,Berger K, Shuster JR,Overby LR,Bradley DW,HoughtonM一種針對人非甲非乙型肝炎主要病原性病毒的循環抗體的測定方法。科學。1989年;244:362-364。

Kolykhalov AA,Agapov EV,Blight KJ,Mihalik K,Feinstone SM,Rice CM通過肝內接種轉錄的RNA傳播丙型肝炎。科學1997; 277:570-574。


Harvey J. Alter於1935年出生於紐約。他在羅切斯特大學醫學院獲得醫學學位,並在斯特朗紀念醫院和西雅圖大學醫院接受內科醫學培訓。1961年,他加入國立衛生研究院(NIH),擔任臨床助理。他在喬治敦大學(Georgetown University)工作了幾年,然後於1969年返回NIH,加入了臨床中心輸血醫學系,擔任高級研究員。

邁克爾·霍頓Michael Houghton)出生於英國。他於1977年從倫敦國王學院獲得博士學位。他於1982年加入GD Searle&Company,之後於1982年移居加利福尼亞州埃默里維爾的Chiron公司。他於2010年移居艾伯塔大學,目前是加拿大傑出病毒學研究主席和李嘉誠病毒學教授,在艾伯塔大學任教。他還是李嘉誠應用病毒學研究所所長。

查爾斯·賴斯Charles M. Rice)於1952年出生在薩克拉曼多。他於1981年在加州理工學院獲得博士學位,並於1981年至1985年期間接受了博士後培訓。他於1986年在聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院成立了研究小組,並於1995年成為正式教授。自2001年以來,他一直擔任紐約洛克菲勒大學的教授。在2001年至2018年期間,他一直是洛克菲勒大學丙型肝炎研究中心的科學與執行主任,並一直活躍在該中心。



Pronunciation: /ˈʌɪtɪs/

Definition of -itis in English:


1Forming names of inflammatory diseases:cystitishepatitis
hep • a • ti • tis
  1. [名][U]《病理(学)》肝臓炎,肝炎
    • hepatitis A [B]
    • A[B]型肝炎.

The 2020 Medicine Laureates
獲獎因由:"... for the discovery of Hepatitis C virus"
2020年的諾貝爾生醫獎頒給了 Harvey J. Alter,Michael Houghton 和 Charles M. Rice,表彰他們發現了 C 型肝炎病毒。