2020年7月25日 星期六
John Goodenough, The Enrico Fermi Award 的獎金究竟多少?
"Be enthusiastic about life. Be thankful for life and be thankful to people who like to engage in meaningful dialogue with you."
Happy birthday to Chemistry Laureate John Goodenough, the oldest person to receive a Nobel Prize. He turns 98 today.
**** The Enrico Fermi Award 的獎金究竟多少? Wiki 中/日 vs 英文版不同
Goodenough was a co-recipient of the 2009 Enrico Fermi Award for his work in lithium-ion batteries, alongside Siegfried S. Hecker of Stanford University who had received the award for his work in plutonium metallurgy.[40]
The Enrico Fermi Award is an award honoring scientists of international stature for their lifetime achievement in the development, use, or production of energy. It is administered by the U.S. government's Department of Energy. The recipient receives $50,000, a certificate signed by the President and the Secretary of Energy, and a gold medal featuring the likeness of Enrico Fermi.[1]
恩里科·費米獎(Enrico Fermi Award),是美國政府機構原子能委員會頒發的一項國際獎,於1954年設立,費米去世前成為首位獲獎者,獎金為32萬5千美元。恩里科·費米獎每年頒發一次,用來獎勵在核物理有高度成就的傑出人士,候選人由美國全國科學院院士、各科學技術學會的官員投票選出。恩里科·費米獎不授予單一成果,而是以候選人終生的成就做為評價標準,予以獎勵,算是一種終身貢獻獎。