2024年5月13日 星期一

A New Tree of Flowering Plants


A New Tree of Flowering Plants? For Spring? Groundbreaking.

By sequencing an enormous amount of data, a group of hundreds of researchers has gained new insights into how flowers evolved on Earth.

ImageA large circular graph with flower portraits representing different types of flowers on its outer edge.

A new, time-calibrated phylogenetic tree for angiosperms based on 353 nuclear genes.Credit...Baker et al., Nature 2024基於 353 個核基因的被子植物新的、經過時間校準的系統發育樹。

Now, after a heroic DNA sequencing effort, a collaboration involving hundreds of scientists has created a new family tree for flowering plants. Comparing gene sequences from more than 9,500 species — many of them dried specimens preserved in museums — scientists have sketched important branching points in the evolution of flowering plant life. In a study published in April in the journal Nature, the data they present suggests that more than 80 percent of major modern flowering plant lineages originated in a sudden burst of invention that began around 150 million years ago, in the late Jurassic Period.

