2023年10月24日 星期二

01 | The Atomic Revolution - ABC Michelle Simmons AO 教授

澳洲駐台辦事處 Australian Office in Taipei

澳洲廣播公司(Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC)的「鮑伊爾講座 Boyer Lectures」這次邀請到傑出量子物理學家,同時也是2023年「澳洲總理科學獎」桂冠得主 Michelle Simmons AO 教授,進行一連串共4場的專題講座。日前,首場「原子革命」已上線,下一場預計於明(26)日播出。
#量子物理 #量子運算 #科技
#女科技人 #科技女孩
It was fantastic to hear Australian quantum physicist Professor Michelle Simmons AO deliver the first 2023 Boyer Lecture on ‘the Atomic Revolution’. Australia is a pioneer in quantum computing and Professor Simmons is at the forefront of this fast-growing area of research. The lecture is the first in a series of four, with the next on 26 October.
#quantumphysics #QuantumComputing #scienceandtechnology
#WomenInSTEM #GirlsInSTEM

Australian Research Council

"The goal of our company, Silicon Quantum Computing, is to use the fundamental breakthroughs of our atomic revolution to build and operate the most precise and highest quality quantum computers. ... With more than two decades of Centre of Excellence funding from the Australian Research Council, our country's burgeoning quantum start-up sector has already attracted a sizeable workforce with the ingenuity and skills we need to make this happen.”
The ARC was proud to see Professor Michelle Simmons AO, Australian Laureate Fellow and Director of the ARC Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology, deliver the first of four Boyer Lectures last night.

01 | The Atomic Revolution - ABC listen
Computing machinery that used to fill an entire room has now shrun

