2020年1月24日 星期五

Rolls-Royce plans mini nuclear reactors by 2029

Mini nuclear reactors could be generating power in the UK by the end of the decade.

Manufacturer Rolls-Royce has told the BBC's Today programme that it plans to install and operate factory-built power stations by 2029.

The firm says it plans to build up to 15 of the mini reactors, which can be delivered by a lorry.


Rolls-Royce plans mini nuclear reactors by 2029

2020年1月20日 星期一

吉凯恩汽车(GKN Automotive)正与台湾台达电子(Delta Electronics)展开合作,加快开发电动汽车动力系统

吉凯恩拟联手台资企业研发电力驱动系统. 佩吉•霍林格报道. 世界最大汽车传动技术供应商吉凯恩汽车(GKN Automotive)正与台湾台达电子(Delta Electronics)展开合作,加快开发电动汽车动力系统。目前,各家制造商正准备推出多款电池动力汽车,以 ...

2020年1月19日 星期日

《科學通報》(中國) 19 50~持續發行;《知識通訊評論》(台灣) 早已停刊


《東海大學圖書館館刊》2010.1.15,pp. 94~99









《知識通訊評論》是一本對廣泛知識訊息做有系統介紹的半月刊。由國內外重要的科學文化訊息來源,選擇其中最重要的訊息,分門別類做有系統的介紹,知識的範圍由物理科學、生命科學、工程科學、地球科學到社會科學和人文藝術領域的知識,另外也兼 ...

2020年1月17日 星期五

This new helmet design can deal with sports’ twists and turns — and protect your brain from head traum

This new helmet design can deal with sports’ twists and turns — and protect your brain from head trauma. 🧠 #BerkeleyResearch Story: bit.ly/2NpOSw1

2020年1月10日 星期五

Bioinspiration, Bioinspired materials, Scientists are taking some inspiration from photosynthesis to work towards reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

Bioinspiration, Bioinspired materials, influence-...

Scientists are taking some inspiration from photosynthesis to work towards reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

ing a cue from plants, new chemical approach converts carbon dioxide to valuable fuel

Set design teaches students about architecture, engineering — and self.

Set design teaches students about architecture, engineering — and self. For junior Sam Seaman, lighting design led to “my realizing that I’m not a scientist, I’m an engineer.” Junior Daniel Landez learned “how I fit into the puzzle that is MIT.”

set the scene/stage (ALSO the scene/stage is set)
used to mean that conditions have been made advantageous for something to happen, or that something is likely to happen:
This weekend's talks between the two leaders have set the scene for a peace agreement to be reached.
The stage looks set for a repeat of last year's final.

2020年1月9日 星期四

Brain tissue usually rapidly deteriorates after death, but this specimen was able to last over 2000 years.

Brain tissue usually rapidly deteriorates after death, but this specimen was able to last over 2000 years.
Now, scientists think they've made up their mind on how it happened.


How a chunk of human brain survived intact for 2600 years

Nearly 2600 years ago, a man was beheaded near modern-day York, U.K.—for what reasons, we still don’t know—and his head was quickly buried in the clay-rich mud. When researchers found his skull in 2008, they were startled to find that his brain tissue, which normally rots rapidly after death, had survived for millennia—even maintaining features such as folds and grooves (above).
Now, researchers think they know why. Using several molecular techniques to examine the remaining tissue, the researchers figured out that two structural proteins—which act as the “skeletons” of neurons and astrocytes—were more tightly packed in the ancient brain. In a yearlong experiment, they found that these aggregated proteins were also more stable than those in modern-day brains. In fact, the ancient protein clumps may have helped preserve the structure of the soft tissue for ages, the researchers report today in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

2020年1月8日 星期三

Food 'made from air' could compete with soya

"We will soon be able to feed the world without devouring it.”


Food 'made from air' could compete with soya

2020年1月7日 星期二


在演講的最後,錢嘉陵說:做高能物理的人喜歡說,Higgs Boson是God particle,這個我不同意,帶有神奇1/2自旋的電子,才真的是上帝給我們的粒子。