2018年6月30日 星期六

Why are countries creating public random number generators?

Why are countries creating public random number generators?

In Chile, politicians resent the Comptroller General, which audits government officials to prevent corruption. The audits are supposed to be random—but scrutinized officials sometimes complain about unfair targeting. "The auditors have to convince the public they're doing their work honestly," says Alejandro Hevia, a computer scientist at the University of Chile in Santiago. Along with researchers around the world, he is developing technology that could persuade critics that audits are truly random: public random number generators.
On 10 July, Hevia's team will unveil an online random number service. Later in July, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will launch its Randomness Beacon as a permanent service, upgrading a pilot program that began in 2013. Brazil, too, is planning a beacon, by the end of 2019. All aim to improve on commercial random number generators, not only by being free, but by generating the random numbers through transparent protocols and permanently archiving them. The services could benefit everyday applications such as cryptography and lotteries—and also research. Some scientific simulation methods rely on random numbers, and clinicians could use them in drug trials to fairly assign who gets a treatment or placebo.
"We want to put randomness on the internet for people to use in whatever way they can find," says Rene Peralta, a computer scientist at NIST in Gaithersburg, Maryland, who leads the U.S. effort. "I think of it as digital infrastructure."

Clothes coated in copper nanoparticles are antibacterial

A new copper-coated fabric is just as effective as silver at killing two bugs that can cause serious infections

2018年6月28日 星期四

How trees secretly talk to each other - BBC News

How trees secretly talk to each other

Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed the Wood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offspring, while others hijack it to sabotage their rivals.

How trees secretly talk to each other - BBC News

2 時間前 - Trees talk and share resources right under our feet, using a fungal network nicknamed theWood Wide Web. Some plants use the system to support their offspring, while others hijack it to sabotage their rivals. What do plants ...

2018年6月26日 星期二

Cosmic Artists Discuss their Craft | Caltech

California Institute of Technology - Caltech

Space artists from around the world gathered at Caltech to discuss everything from cosmic virtual reality experiences to why they don't like the term "false color."


Cosmic Artists Discuss their Craft | Caltech
Everything from the latest virtual reality experiences in space to how to engage the public was discussed at a space visualization conference.

From June 13–15, the creators of those images—and other educational and outreach experts—met at Caltech's science and data center for astronomy, known as IPAC, to exchange tools and techniques and form new collaborations. Called AstroViz 2018, the conference was put together by the communications and education team at IPAC—the same team behind many of NASA's artist concepts, such as those depicting the seven planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope. 
"The idea was to re-establish a community of practice for astro visualization professionals," says Janice Lee, an astronomer at IPAC and an organizer of the event, which was facilitated by NASA's Universe of Learning education and outreach program. "The workshop also provided an opportunity to step back from our deadline-packed daily lives and discuss common goals and challenges in anticipation of the new era of data and discovery with the next generation of telescopes." 
In addition to attending talks, workshops, and demos—including the latest space-based virtual reality (VR) experiences—conference participants will produce a "white paper" over the next few months outlining future goals and strategies for facilitating collaborations between astronomical visualization teams.
Meeting attendees came from around the world and included representatives from NASA centers across the U.S., the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the Morrison Planetarium in San Francisco, the European Southern Observatory (ESO)—which just built a new planetarium in Munich, Germany—and many other institutions. 
The keynote speaker on the first day of the conference was Rick Sternbach, an astronomical visualization expert who has served as a production designer for the Star Trek franchise and worked on Carl Sagan's original 1980 television series Cosmos. Sternbach showed historical space artwork dating back to before there were any space missions to beam back pictures, and then talked about his own experiences working on Cosmos in the late 1970s. He and his team would build physical models of the planets—for example, their Saturn had Plexiglass rings—and then would take pictures of the models for the show. But around that same time, NASA's Voyager mission started sending back stunning pictures of the planets, changing everything they thought they knew.
"Our special effects were being obsoleted every week," said Sternbach. He explained that he and his colleagues would take in whatever scientific information they had at the time and ask, "Is this plausible, and does it look cool?" 
Robert Hurt, a visualization scientist at IPAC, says this is a common theme in their field. "You do the best you can given the current data, and then yes, sometimes you have to go back and change the artwork when more data are captured." Hurt created artwork along with multimedia producer Tim Pyle for the Spitzer TRAPPIST finding—the first known star system to host seven Earth-size planets. Hurt and Pyle ended up redoing all of their TRAPPIST artwork after Spitzer and other telescopes had gathered more precise data on their compositions. 
Other speakers at the conference talked about how hard it is to find a job title that appropriately sums up their duties. Frank Summers, an astronomer who does visualization work for NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, says he invented a new job title that represents the merger of his astrophysics and visualization skills—"astrovizicist." Another speaker said he refers to himself as a "pixel farmer."
Travis Rector, an astrophotographer and astronomer at the University of Alaska Anchorage, said that the public often questions the veracity of colorful, star-studded space images. "The public is with us… but there are a lot of questions about how we do things," he said. When Rector brought up the term "false color"—most often used to describe astronomical images in which invisible wavelengths have been assigned visible colors—he got hisses from the audience. As Hurt later explained, the creators of space images prefer the term "translated color," because the colors are not randomly assigned but have scientific meaning. 
Another topic for discussion: the need to teach the public not only what astronomers know but how they know it. Lee said it can often be more challenging to explain the process leading to an exciting finding than to just show the result, but these explanations are an essential part of sharing science with the public. "It's important, particularly in this day and age, to enable the public to understand and appreciate this process of critical thinking," she says. 
A highlight of the conference was the demo session. Experts from planetariums and elsewhere showed off their latest digital space adventures, from trekking across the asteroid Vesta to flying through the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system to stargazing from Stonehenge. Some of the demos involved VR goggles and others could be experienced on websites. 
"The level of creativity and inspiration displayed at this conference was truly awesome," says Hurt. "From swapping ideas and techniques to showing off innovative ways that data can be heard or touched, we all have a lot of new tools in our arsenal for communicating the wonders of the universe."
All the conference sessions are online here.
Written by Whitney Clavin

個資保護;晶片國民身分證;【法】赤裸裸的人:大數據、隱私與窺視;Meet Jean Yang,







Jean Yang asked: why don't computers keep our personal data secure by default? Her innovations earned her a spot on our 2016 list of 35 Innovators under 35. See this year's list starting on June 27.

That’s why Yang created Jeeves, a programming language with privacy baked in. With Jeeves, developers don’t necessarily have to scrub personal information from their features, because Yang’s code essentially does it automatically. “It is a double hull for information leaks,” Yang says.
She has uploaded the code to open-source libraries for anyone to use. And this fall she begins as an assistant professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon, where she can try to get her ideas to spread further. “Giving people tools to create technology is incredibly empowering,” she says.
Patrick Doyle



歐盟「一般個資保護規定」(General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)正式施行後,政府似才警覺我國《個人資料保護法》(《個資法》)距GDPR合致性仍有落差,並對產業之歐盟業務推廣、學術研究之跨境合作,可能產生重大影響。


美國聯邦最高法院於日昨之Carpenter v. United States判決亦對大數據年代下隱私權保障採嚴格標準,認為數位資訊(digital data,如行動載具所貯存之定位資訊)可能洩露詳細個人私領域資訊,並對隱私權產生侵害,故數位資訊之使用需建置正當程序保障。而該判決是否將限制以行動載具蒐集個人生物資訊並提供產業或學術利用,亦有待觀察。




2018年6月19日 星期二

Thomas Young,

MIT Technology ReviewOpenMind

Thomas Young dared to question Newton’s word and his interference experiment laid the foundations for the understanding of the double nature of light as a wave and a particle at the beginning of the 20th century. Meet one of the most prolific polymaths in history


Thomas Young, the Man Who Knew Too Much - OpenMind
Medicine, physics, optics, languages... Thomas Young dominated many sciences through his life and even he collaborated in interpreting the Rosetta Stone

2018年6月18日 星期一

Electrical Wire Properties of DNA Linked to Cancer | Caltech

Did you know DNA can act like an electrical wire to transport electrons? A new study shows how this process, which helps repair DNA damage, may be linked to cancer.

2018年6月17日 星期日

Meet Jia Zhu, the Innovator Under 35 who’s invented an ingenious way to get clean drinking water

What should you do if there's no clean water around? Jia Zhu developed an answer, and his innovations put him on our 2016 list of 35 young innovators. You can check out this year's list starting on June 27.