2018年3月23日 星期五

The Wisdom of Trees: A Miscellany ;Peter Wohlleben:《樹的隱秘生活:它們如何感知和交流——來自一個秘密世界的發現》(The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World)

此書有中譯:The Wisdom of Trees: A Miscellany Hardcover – 23 Oct 2014
by Max Adams
A passionate and informative celebration of trees and of man's ingenuity in exploiting their resources: the perfect gift for anyone who cares about the natural world.
Trees are marvels of nature, still-standing giants of extraordinary longevity. In a beautifully written sequence of essays, anecdotes and profiles of Britain's best-loved species (from yew to scots pine), Max Adams explores both the amazing biology of trees and humanity's relationship with wood and forest across the centuries.
Embellished with images from John Evelyn's classic SYLVA (1664), THE WISDOM OF TREES is a gift book that will delight anyone who cares about the natural world and our interaction with it.
2016年3月23日 15:43 · Peter Wohlleben:《樹的隱秘生活:它們如何感知和交流——來自一個秘密世界的發現》(The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate — Discoveries From a Secret World) 树木其实也有“朋友圈” 冬日的森林幽深静谧,落叶层上的脚步声逐渐消逝。彼得·沃莱本(Peter… CN.NYTSTYLE.COM
Wisdom of Trees

