2018年1月24日 星期三

Science Is Not Enough : Reflections on the Present and Future by Vannevar Bush 1967;科學的貧乏,1975

Science Is Not Enough : Reflections on the Present and Future
Hardcover – 1967
by Vannevar Bush (Author)


今日世界出版社, 1975

1890~June 28, 1974

Bill 發表在AMAZON

November 1, 2015
Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase

A retrospection on what science is, what it means and what it might become by a very plugged-in member of the U.S. defense establishment. Most often Vannevar Bush (no relation to the Bush dynasty) is cited as being the first to envision hyperlinked text through his concept of the "memex", but the mind of this man went much deeper than figuring out more efficient ways to recall and record information; Vannevar wanted to push us all to see science as not a mere collection of facts driven by cold pragmatism, but instead as a noble undertaking where the goal is to not just leave a better world for our descendants, but to bestow upon them an intellectual treasure chest of ideas and concepts about how our world works so that we can keep the amazing power of thought and understanding growing and not let it fade out in ignorance, or the meaningless of materialism: Vannevar hints at the end of the book (starting on p. 182) that he thinks there's another way of understanding that doesn't rely on just logic and observation, and although he doesn't go into details about it, the context of the book makes it clear that he's not talking about religion, no, he's talking about a new way of thinking: a new mode of thought. I could go on and on because there's so many parts of the book worth reading, like where he shares his thoughts on what professionalism means (p. 69), on what a true gentleman is (p. 39, 48-49), on what makes a good manager (p. 56), and more... but I'll close this review by saying that if you're interested in what science means, then read this book.

2015年11月1日 格式:精裝|已確認購買 對於什麼是科學,美國國防機構的成員是什麼意思,以及它會變成怎樣的一個回顧。大多數時候,Vannevar Bush(與布什王朝沒有關係)被認為是第一個通過他的“memex”概念設想超鏈接的文本,但是這個人的思想比想出更有效的召回和記錄方法更深入信息;瓦內瓦希望推動我們所有人把科學視為不是由冷實用主義驅動的事實的集合,而是作為一個崇高的事業,其目標是不僅為我們的後代留下一個更美好的世界,而且賦予他們一個知識寶庫關於我們的世界如何運作的思想和概念的胸前,使我們能夠保持思想和理解的驚人力量不斷增長,而不是讓它在無知中淡出,或者沒有物質主義的無意義:瓦內瓦在本書的末尾暗示(從p他認為還有另一種理解方式,即不依賴於邏輯和觀察,雖然他沒有詳細說明,但是這本書的內容清楚地表明他不是在談論宗教,沒有他正在談論一種新的思維方式:一種新的思維方式。我可以繼續下去,因為這本書的很多部分都值得一讀,比如他在那里分享他對專業意味著什麼(69頁),什麼是真正的紳士(39頁,48-49頁),什麼使得一個好的管理者(第56頁),等等......但是我將通過說如果你對科學意味著什麼感興趣,然後閱讀這本書來結束這個評論。

Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American CenturyHardcover – September 3, 1997

