2016年12月9日 星期五

bacteriophages, “ninja viruses” may one day save millions of lives

bacteriophage, “ninja virus”, phage therapy,
英國政府及醫學慈善機構"維康基金會(Wellcome Trust)"2014年聯合發佈的報告稱,目前,各種耐藥細菌每年奪去數十萬人的生命,到2050年,這一數字將激增至1,000萬人之巨。
"1,000萬這個數字和目前每年死於癌症的人數相當,死於耐藥細菌的不僅有老年人,任何年齡階段的人都會成為犧牲品。擦傷等輕微皮膚損傷、分娩或髖關節手術等普通治療手段都會讓病人暴露在致命的耐藥菌感染之下,"新西蘭奧克蘭梅西大學的希瑟·亨德里克森(Heather Hendrickson)說。"我們正被拉回到抗生素誕生之前的世界,當時由於無法對抗感染,人類的平均壽命比現在要短得多。"
可惜的是,上述研究沒有在英語醫學刊物上發表,因而西方很多科學家對此一無所知-亨德里克森希望通過合作能夠克服這些障礙。在這次悉尼改變世界創想峰會前,她參與了在Reddit AMA平台上的討論。就在本周,一名從事噬菌體療法的醫生與她建立了聯繫。"很高興有機會和這些醫生見面,了解他們的噬菌體研究現狀,"她說。
西方最早開展的一項臨牀試驗是:使用分佈有噬菌體的繃帶覆蓋燒傷病人的傷口,觀察繃帶是否能夠防止傷口感染。亨德里克森稱,試驗在某些病人身上取得了成功。在改變世界創意峰會上,亨德里克森介紹了在一場登山事故中踝骨遭受粉碎性骨折的阿爾弗雷德·戈特勒(Alfred Gertler)的病例。在治療期間,他受到耐藥菌感染,當時人們認為唯一的方案只剩下截肢手術了。但在接受了10天的噬菌體治療後,他奇蹟般地徹底康復。
請訪問 BBC Future 閲讀 英文原文

One day in the future, a dose of a “ninja virus” might just save your life.
It was the early 1890s, and Ernest Hankin was studying cholera outbreaks along the banks of the Ganges. As the locals dumped their dead in the holy water, the river should have quickly transformed into a poisonous spring of the disease, with an epidemic sweeping through towns and villages down the valley.
He had seen this across Europe as water supplies became infected with the bacteria, yet here, on the banks of the Ganges, the disease remained relatively tame; the new outbreaks simmered and then died out rather than spreading like wildfire.
Hankin concluded that something mysterious within the water was killing the germs before they could wreak havoc, but it took another 20 years for a French scientist to suggest that their guardian angel was a type of virus known as a bacteriophage. Harmless to humans but deadly to the cholera bacteria, the virus appeared to be purifying the water before it could infect the local bathers.
Long ignored by scientists, it is now thought that these “ninja viruses” may one day save millions of lives, far beyond the banks of the Ganges, as they offer us a new arsenal of weapons against deadly disease...

Unfortunately, this research was not published in English-language medical journals, and remained hidden from many scientists in the West – a challenge that Hendrickson hopes to overcome with new collaborations. Just this week, a doctor using phage therapy recently got in touch with her after she took part in our Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) discussion in the run up to the WCIS event in Sydney. “It’s a really exciting opportunity to meet these people and hear what they know,” she adds.
In the West, one of the first big clinical trials will test bandages infused with bacteriophages, to see whether it could prevent infection in burn victims. And Hendrickson points to some promising individual success stories. At WCIS, Hendrickson described the case of Alfred Gertler, who suffered a nasty climbing accident that “pulverised his ankle”. He developed an infection that would not respond to antibiotics, and initially it looked like the only option was amputation. After a 10-day course of phage therapy, however, he made a complete recovery.
“It is a really potent tool,” says Hendrickson. “And we have barely scratched the diversity of this group of organisms.”

bac • te • ri • o • phage
[名詞] (バクテリオ)ファージ(phage):特定のバクテリアに溶菌作用や分解作用を起こさせるウイルスの総称.  "噬菌體"(bacteriophage)的病毒。噬菌體對人體無害,但卻能夠有效殺滅霍亂菌,從而在霍亂菌感染當地朝聖者之前將河水淨化。
1921.<フランス語 bactériophage.→BACTERIO--PHAGE

[連結詞] むさぼり食うもの;破壊するもの.
    ◆特に食細胞の造語に用いられる:macrophage. cf. PHAGO--PHAGOUS-PHAGY (また -phag)
<ギリシャ語-phagos -PHAGOUS

