2016年10月21日 星期五

千里外校長的心跳圖示 (CMU)

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Carnegie Mellon University 新增了一段影片
CMU President Subra Suresh’s heart beat lit up the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge earlier this week.
While Dr. Suresh was miles away in New York City, students used biometric data from a Fitbit he was wearing to illuminate the bridge with flashing lights that changed from lavender to fuchsia as his heart rate increased.
Students created the project for a cross-disciplinary course called "Interaction and Expression Using the Pausch Bridge Lighting,” which is taught by Cindy Limauro, a professor in the College of Fine Arts, and Evan Shimizu, a PhD student in the School of Computer Science.
The video below was produced by Noah Johnson, a student in the course.
Music: "Burning Van" by Big Mean Sound Machine, http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Big_Mean_Sound_Machive/

