2016年11月27日 星期日

Hyperloop One公司; LA to SF in 30 min: the hyperloop wars are on

Hyperloop One - Wikipedia

Hyperloop One, previously known as Hyperloop Technologies, is a company in Los Angeles, California, that is leading the effort to commercialize the Hyperloop ...
History · ‎Funding · ‎Management · ‎Lawsuits
Image for the news result
VicHyper is one of 30 teams set to test their prototypes for the SpaceX competition in ...
聲稱能夠革新長距離運輸的超迴路技術不再只是紙上談兵,Hyperloop One公司將研究在阿聯的杜拜市和阿布達比市興建超迴路系統

USA TODAY 分享了 1 條連結

Four companies looking to create the supersonic transport called hyperloop are pushing forward with new tech.

