2016年1月1日 星期五



The da Vinci® Surgical System

The da Vinci® Surgical System enables surgeons to perform operations through a few small incisions and features several key features, including:
  • Magnified vision system that gives surgeons a 3D HD view inside the patient’s body
  • Ergonomically designed console where the surgeon sits while operating
  • Patient-side cart where the patient is positioned during surgery
  • Wristed instruments that bend and rotate far greater than the human hand
da Vinci System Si Surgeon Seated at Console and Nurse at Cart
The da Vinci System is powered by robotic technology that allows the surgeon’s hand movements to be translated into smaller, precise movements of tiny instruments inside the patient’s body. One of the instruments is a laparoscope – a thin tube with a tiny camera and light at the end. The camera sends images to a video monitor in the operating room to guide doctors during surgery. The surgeon is 100% in control of the da Vinci System at all times.
The da Vinci System has brought minimally invasive surgery to more than 3 million patients worldwide. da Vinci technology – changing the experience of surgery for people around the world.
da Vinci Surgery is used for:
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Serious complications may occur in any surgery, including da Vinci®Surgery, up to and including death. Individual surgical results may vary. Patients should talk to their doctor to decide if da Vinci Surgery is right for them. Patients and doctors should review all available information on non-surgical and surgical options in order to make an informed decision. Please also refer to http://www.daVinciSurgery.com/Safety for Important Safety Information.
© 2015 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. All rights reserved. Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The information on this website is intended for a United States audience only.



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