2014年10月11日 星期六

how did English become the language of science?

4分多鐘訪問Michael D. Gordin (Ph.D., Harvard University, 2001) 為什麼英文成為世界科學界用語,主要原因是歐洲抗議德奧自成一統。最重要的是第一次世界大戰 美國參戰及隨後在美國禁止教10歲以下學童德語----(hc補充:德語是美國第2多人口的語言,所以德國在知道美國選英語為國語時,知大勢已去....)
Department: History/Program in History of Science
Title: Rosengarten Professor of Modern and Contemporary History
          Director, Fung Global Fellows Program
Area(s): History of Science
Field(s): History of the Modern Physical Sciences; Russian History
Profile and contact information
Today, if a scientist is going to coin a new term, it's most likely in English. And if they are going to publish a new discovery, it is most definitely in English. But that certainly wasn't always the case. So how did English become the language of science? http://bbc.in/1q7mGJf

