2013年9月29日 星期日

The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce 書評:數字高速公路規則應該更新了

  The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce


The Electronic Silk Road: How the Web Binds the World Together in Commerce
阿奴帕姆•錢德爾(Anupam Chander)著
耶魯大學出版社(Yale University Press)

Silkroad.com域名帶你進入一家人力資源軟件公司。Silkroad.org讓你來到一位行蹤不定的神秘作家的主頁。在谷歌(Google)上搜索“Silk Road”,除了充滿異域風情的旅游廣告外,還能找到如何拜訪一處違禁藥品市場的說明。

電 子絲綢之路的標示牌混亂不堪。然而,阿奴帕姆•錢德爾(Anupam Chander)寫道,這是一條如今我們所有人都在走的道路。錢德爾目前在美國加州大學戴維斯分校(University of California, Davis)教授法律,曾是諾貝爾獎得主阿瑪蒂亞•森(Amartya Sen)的學生。

與中國古代通往西方的絲綢之路非常相像的是,電 子絲綢之路連接了全世界,推動了萬里之遙的貿易。但錢德爾認為,如果說古代絲綢之路交易的全部是商品,那麽電子時代絲綢之路的特徵,則是日益增長的全球服 務貿易的網上交易。“上千年來,貿易一直塑造並重塑著全世界。國際貿易流中加入(以互聯網為載體的)服務將再次重塑世界。”




錢 德爾所稱的“Facebookistan國”如今已經成了有著10億用戶的虛擬國度,而“國家治理”卻不穩定。此外,就像所有國家一樣,在 “Facebookistan國”與其他文化和政府發生摩擦時,必然要面臨問題。這里有如何處理封禁Facebook的中國等威權政府的需求問題;或者如 何處理埃及與突尼斯等國政府的要求,這些國家在阿拉伯起義期間試圖控制互聯網入口。

本書寫就之際,美國國家安全局(NSA)前合同工愛德華 •斯諾登(Edward Snowden)尚未揭露美國的國家監控,因此本書的主題或許需要重新探討。但錢德爾復述了Facebook在德國石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因以及加拿大魁北 克隱私之戰,這兩地的用戶在法庭上挑戰Facebook收集數據的做法,此事值得玩味。就像法國蘇瓦松的艾爾韋•吉羅主教(Bishop Hervé Giraud of Soissons)起訴Facebook一案一樣。這名主教在法國的法庭起訴Facebook,要求移除標題為“在教堂里跟在主教後面裸奔”的頁面,因為 這個頁面會激起天主教徒的憎恨。

錢德爾指出,國際服務貿易適用的法律十分陳舊,導致問題更加惡化。1997年,當時的美國總統比爾•克林頓 (Bill Clinton)和副總統阿爾•戈爾(Al Gore)起草了一份“全球電子商務框架”,錢德爾認為,這份框架幫助鞏固了美國企業在互聯網上的主導地位。自2000年與約旦簽署的協議以後,美國磋商 達成的每一份貿易協定都包含了電子商務條款。然而,適用於多邊層次的法律——1995年的《服務貿易總協定》(General Agreement on Trade in Services)——急需更新。正在日內瓦磋商的一項新的服務貿易協定很可能要耗時數年。錢德爾清楚地指出,即便沒有其他任何進展,針對提供服務(往往 採用比實物交易更高的法律標準)的“科技中立性”原則應被奉為圭皋。

最後錢德爾談到瞭如何處理中國問題。他指出,中國未能解決國際服務貿易 問題是經濟上的軟肋,尤其是與印度作為世界後台支持中心的地位作比較的話。他還認為,中國政府嚴格審查網絡的做法會引發貿易問題,或許有一天會把世貿組織 (WTO)拖入人權領域。錢德爾主張,控制信息流動就是在全球互聯互通的世界中豎起一道貿易壁壘,因此人們可以想象,有一天美國代表谷歌在WTO對中國政 府提起訴訟。



2013年9月26日 星期四

Scientists Build First Nanotube Computer

Scientists Build First Nanotube Computer

Device Is a Milestone on Path Toward Faster, More Powerful Electronics

In an advance toward a future of smaller, faster and more powerful electronics, researchers at Stanford University on Wednesday unveiled the first working computer built entirely from carbon nanotube transistors.

These seamless cylinders of ultrapure carbon are among many exotic materials researchers are investigating—including the quantum particles inside every atom and the DNA inside every cell—as electronics developers near the limits of conventional silicon transistors.

Norbert von der Groeben
Max Shulaker, doctoral student in electrical engineering at Stanford, holds a wafer filled with carbon nanotube computers. To his left, a basic CNT computer using this technology is sandwiched beneath a probe card.
Scientists unveil the first working computer built entirely from carbon nanotube transistors in a significant step toward finding the future of electronics beyond silicon. Lee Hotz joins the News Hub with details. Photo: AP
While primitive, the invention proves that transistors made with these unusual carbon fibers, among the strongest materials yet discovered, can be assembled into a general purpose computer. It can run a basic operating system, perform calculations and switch between different processes running at the same time, the scientists said.

"It really is a computer in every sense of the word," said Stanford University electrical engineer Max Shulaker, who led construction of the device. "This shows that you can build working, useful circuits out of carbon nanotubes and they can be manufactured reliably."
Their research was published Wednesday in Nature.

"They have tamed nanotubes," said carbon electronics expert Franz Kreupl at the Technical Institute of Munich in Germany, who wasn't involved in the project.

Mihail Roco, senior adviser for nanotechnology at the National Science Foundation, which helped fund the work, called the nanotube computer "an important scientific step." If perfected, he said, "this would allow a computer to work faster, and with smaller components and with about one-tenth the energy."

Researchers are tantalized by the digital potential of carbon nanotubes, which are exceptional at conducting electricity and heat, and at absorbing or emitting light. Long a laboratory curiosity, they are made from sheets of carbon just one atom thick and rolled into tubes about 10,000 times thinner than a human hair.

"Of all the candidates that have been considered as a successor to silicon, carbon nanotubes remain the most promising," said Supratik Guha, director of physical sciences at International Business Machines Corp.'s IBM -0.26% Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y.

The first nanotube transistor—a version of the digital on-and-off switch at the heart of almost every commercial electronics device—was invented in 1998. Until recently, though, researchers found it all but impossible to manufacture batches of the infinitesimally small tubes with the perfect alignment, regularity and purity required for a computer's complex integrated circuits.

Nanotubes are grown, like crystals. They fall into place randomly, like a shower of pick-up sticks, which can cause cross-connections. About 30% develop unpredictable metallic impurities. Any imperfection can cause a short-circuit.
"People said you would never be able to manufacture this stuff," said Stanford electrical engineer Subhasish Mitra, who was part of the project. The researchers developed a special circuit design and a powerful debugging technique to overcome the impurities.
Driven by the commercial possibilities, researchers have been racing to harness the material's promising electrical properties.
Last year, IBM researchers showed off carbon nanotube transistors that run three times as fast as conventional silicon transistors, while using a third of the power. And last October, scientists at the IBM's Watson Research Center reported a way to create batches of 10,000 or more carbon nanotube transistors arrayed on a single computer wafer. They have yet to connect them into a working circuit.
Last week, at Cambridge University in the U.K., scientists said they had devised a simple way to grow the densest array of carbon nanotubes to date—about five times as compact as previous methods, while researchers at the University of Southern California recently found a way to custom-tailor their atomic structure.
At Stanford, the experimental nanotube computer contains 178 transistors formed from "several tens of thousands of carbon nanotubes," Dr. Shulaker said. A conventional silicon chip today can pack two billion transistors in an area the size of thumbnail. The Stanford system contains as many transistors as in the earliest transistor-based computers made in the 1950s. The researchers used a logic design on a par with computers made in the 1960s.
The Stanford scientists assembled 985 of the nanotube computers—each with 178 carbon nanotube transistors—on a single chip wafer, using standard chip-fabrication techniques and design tools.
"What we have demonstrated is a very simple computer," said Stanford engineering professor Philip Wong, who worked on the device. "There is a vast distance between what we accomplished and an eventual product."

2013年9月19日 星期四


《經濟學人》7日報導台大資工所朱浩華教授團隊研發的「智慧假牙」,顯示未來科技裝置將成人身體一部分。就如同熱門的「穿戴式行動裝置」,Google ...

 台大研發智慧假牙 提醒你節食、戒菸

台灣大學資工系研究人員嘗試製造嵌入口腔的三軸感應器(圖a),用來追蹤個人飲食情況,糾正吸菸、暴飲暴食等不良習慣。由於還在樣品開發階段,整體尺寸較大(圖b),所以晶片組埋在臼齒裡還會露出一小角(圖c)。 (取自網路)
感應器偵測口腔活動 正確率逾9成
這款仍在原型階段的智慧型假牙,由台灣大學資訊工程系普及計算實驗室(Ubicomp Lab)開發,藉由在假牙中埋入三軸感應器,能偵測使用者嘴部的運動軌跡,藉以分析口腔的咀嚼、說話、吞嚥、咳嗽等活動,辨識成功率高達九十三.八%。
發 明這種感應器的台大資工系教授朱浩華和同事,希望利用嘴巴作為一扇窗戶,透過「監控飲食攝取」,一窺隱含的各種健康問題。這項設備能夠放入假牙或牙托上, 研究小組計畫將該設備縮小到能夠放入齲洞或牙冠裡。未來還希望加入藍牙(Bluetooth)裝置,將資料傳輸至智慧型手機進行分析,用於整理出精準的個 人生活習慣。
內置微型電源 尚待解決
另 外,昨天在台北舉行的藍牙技術聯盟的趨勢應用研討會上,廠商也展示開發中的隨身型輻射偵測儀,只要把大拇指大小感應器放在欲偵測的環境中,即可透過藍牙將 輻射值傳送到智慧型手機裡,隨時監控輻射值並在異常時第一時間發出警報。該項技術也可運用到血壓計,以「奈秒脈衝近場感測技術」及藍牙科技,量血壓就像戴 手錶,戴上去不用打氣加壓,不到一分鐘,血壓與心跳就顯示在手機螢幕上。


2013年09月03日 13時54分
9月2日、台湾大学の研究者ケルビン・リーさんは、口の動きから生活習慣をチェックしてくれる口内装着型「スマート歯」の研究を進めている(2013年 ロイター/Pichi Chuang)
9月2日、台湾大学の研究者ケルビン・リーさんは、口の動きから生活習慣をチェックしてくれる口内装着型「スマート歯」の研究を進めている(2013年 ロイター/Pichi Chuang)
[台北 2日 ロイター] - 台湾大学の研究者ケルビン・リーさんは、口の動きから生活習慣をチェックしてくれる口内装着型「スマート歯」の研究を進めている。

2013年9月17日 星期二

Smart Robots Can Now Work Right Next to Auto Workers

Smart Robots Can Now Work Right Next to Auto Workers

It used to be too dangerous to have a person work alongside a robot. But at a South Carolina BMW plant, next-generation robots are changing that.
BMW has taken a huge step toward revolutionizing the role of robots in automotive manufacturing by having a handful of robots work side-by-side with human workers at its plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
As a new generation of safer, more user-friendly robots emerges, BMW’s man-machine collaboration could be the first of many examples of robots taking on new human tasks, and working more closely alongside humans. While many fear that this trend could put people out of work (see “How Technology Is Destroying Jobs”), proponents argue it will instead make employees more productive, relieving them of the most unpleasant and burdensome jobs.
Robots have been a part of automotive manufacturing for decades. The first industrial robot—a hulking 4,000-pound arm called the Unimate—attached die castings to car doors at a GM production line in 1961. Such manufacturing robots have been powerful and extremely precise, but it’s never been safe for humans to work alongside them. As a result, a significant number of final assembly tasks, in auto plants and elsewhere, are still performed almost entirely by hand.
At BMW’s South Carolina plant, robots made by the Danish company Universal Robots have broken through this barrier and are helping workers perform final door assembly. The robots are working with a door sealant that keeps sound and water out of the car, and is applied before the door casing is attached. “It’s pretty heavy work because you have to roll this glue line to the door,” says Stefan Bartscher, head of innovation at BMW. “If you do that several times a day, it’s like playing a Wimbledon match.”
According to Bartscher, final assembly robots will not replace human workers; they will extend their careers. “Our workers are getting older,” Bartscher says. “The retirement age in Germany just rose from 65 to 67, and I’m pretty sure when I retire it’ll be 72 or something. We actually need something to compensate and keep our workforce healthy, and keep them in labor for a long time. We want to get the robots to support the humans.”
In recent years, robot manufacturers have realized that with the right software and safety controls, their products could be made to work in close proximity to humans. As a result, a new breed of more capable workplace robot is rapidly appearing.
One of the most prominent examples is Baxter, made by Rethink Robotics, a Boston-based company founded by the robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks. Baxter has a torso, a head, and two arms; it is safe to work alongside, and it can be taught to perform new tasks simply by moving its arms through an operation (see “This Robot Could Transform Manufacturing”). So far, Baxter has largely been deployed in small U.S. factories, where it helps package items moving along a conveyor. BMW’s effort represents a more significant push into heavy-duty manufacturing.
BMW is testing even more sophisticated final assembly robots that are mobile and capable of collaborating directly with human colleagues. These robots, which should be introduced in the next few years, could conceivably hand their human colleague a wrench when he or she needs it. The company is developing the newer robots in collaboration with Julie Shah, a professor in MIT’s department of aeronautics and astronautics. “Oftentimes, the robot will need to maneuver closely around people,” says Shah. “It’ll need to possibly straddle the moving floor—the actual assembly line; it’ll need to track a person that is potentially standing on that assembly line and moving with it.”
Shah’s team has built robots capable of these tasks on a simulated production line at MIT. After the control software has been tested sufficiently at BMW’s lab, the robot will be deployed on one of its real assembly lines. “It’s a fantastic navigation and controls challenge, and it hasn’t been solved before,” Shah says.

2013年9月16日 星期一



Cristóbal Schmal
  • 檢視大圖 富士通公司總裁山本正巳。
    Rie Ishii/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
  • 檢視大圖 日本女演員大竹忍手拿一部富士通去年推出的運用Raku-Raku技術的智能手機,該款手機具有針對年長顧客的特性。
    Yoshikazu Tsuno/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
與Orange合作的富士通已經開始在法國銷售智能手機,該手機使用的是名為「Raku-Raku」(意為「輕鬆輕鬆」)的技術。Orange的前身是法國電信(France Télécom)。
富士通移動產品部主管水元徹(Toru Mizumoto)說,「我們認為,這款智能手機能讓這些客戶受益。」
自2001年推出Raku-Raku手機以來,和日本首屈 一指的移動網絡運營商NTT都科摩(NTT DoCoMo)合作的富士通已經賣出了2000萬台Raku-Raku手機。其中的1000萬台在10年之後依然在活躍地使用着。這些手機大部分都是老式 的功能手機,不過去年,富士通和都科摩聯手推出了第一款Raku-Raku智能手機。
老齡顧客群體也許只算是一個利基市場,然而,在大多數工業 化國家,他們提供了一個日漸擴大的機會。根據日本統計局(Statistics Bureau of Japan)的數據,在日本,有39%人口將在2050年達到或超過65歲,而在2010年這個比例只有23%。聯合國(United Nations)的數據顯示,在法國,65歲及以上年齡人口的比例,將從2010年的17%,上升到2050年的25%。
位於瑞典哥德堡的研究公司Berg Insight的分析師安德烈·馬爾姆(André Malm)說,「如果你是一個規模較小的供應商,也許在歐洲的布局不太大,那麼關注這種利基市場是有意義的。這個市場還沒有得到充足的服務。」
Orange的設備部負責人奧古斯丁·貝凱(Augustin Becquet)說,「我們看到,老齡人口中,有相當大的一部分人願意購買智能手機。」
儘管未來的老齡人口也許會越來越適應科技的進步,但他們生理上的靈巧度依然可能隨着年齡增長而老化。這就是名為富士通Stylistic S01的Raku-Raku智能手機所要解決的問題。
在為老年人開發手機方面,富士通和都科摩一馬當先,然而,他們不是該領域僅有的選手。來自歐洲的兩家公司,奧地利的Emporia Telecom和瑞典的Doro也一直在積極爭取老年用戶。
Doro於2008年推出了針對老齡市場的第一款手機,自那之後,該款手機已經售出了400萬台。Doro公司首席執行官傑羅姆·阿諾(Jérôme Arnaud)透露,在斯堪的納維亞國家65歲及以上年齡的人口中,有15%的人在使用Doro手機。
研究公司IDC的分析師木村融人(Michito Kimura)說,「對日本廠商來說,打開海外市場一直是個挑戰。不過,這項技術確實滿足了一種需求。」

2013年9月5日 星期四

Doctors Prevent Blindness With 'Revolutionary' Phone App 手機診斷眼疾 非洲現光明

手機診斷眼疾 非洲現光明

英國科學家研發的驗眼裝置,可克服地域限制與價格問題,造福偏遠地區的眼疾患者。 (法新社)
〔國際新聞中心/綜合報導〕26歲的肯亞男子卡瑪烏3歲時眼睛不慎被銳物刺入,但因家住偏遠地區未能及時就醫,一眼從此失明。現在,靠著暱稱為Eye Phone的智慧驗眼套組「窺視」(Peek)幫忙,卡瑪烏有了不一樣的人生。
Eye Phone要價低 攜帶方便
「Eye Phone」可攜式驗眼套組由英國聖安德魯斯大學與倫敦衛生暨熱帶醫學學院等機構科學家研發,正在肯亞進行測試,持續5年的研究目前已進入最後階段,並已 在5000名病患身上完成試驗。研究人員表示,由於8成的失明案例都被認為可預防或可治癒,這項技術有朝一日可為眼部診斷與治療帶來革命,因收入低無力治 療的非洲人也可望擺脫眼疾之苦。
團隊使用的檢驗套組要價不過幾百歐元,與動輒數十萬歐元、重量約130公斤的專業級檢目鏡相比,價格低廉又 攜帶方便。Eye Phone套組說穿了不過就是加裝鏡片、可掃描視網膜的智慧型手機,外加可記錄資料的APP,手機加裝可掃描的鏡片之後,搖身一變成為醫療工具,輕輕鬆鬆 就能把掃描數據上傳,供專家團隊診斷與建議後續治療,病患也不會受地域阻隔耽誤醫療。
研究團隊表示,Eye Phone可簡單又正確地診斷出青光眼、白內障、黃斑部病變、糖尿病視網膜病變等視網膜與視神經疾病,而研究結果也證實,與專業器材相比,Eye Phone套組毫不遜色,足可作為替代選擇。
Eye Phone研究團隊每兩週一次來到卡瑪烏家鄉附近的最大城鎮納庫魯治療眼疾,參與研究的5000名肯亞人中已有多達200人接受手術。


Doctors Prevent Blindness With 'Revolutionary' Phone App

Selah Hennessy