2012年5月8日 星期二

Body Sensor Network

ASTRI collaborates with Imperial College London to develop next generation power efficient Body Sensor Network

 (Hong Kong and London, 8 May 2012) With rapid development in physiological sensors and wireless communication technologies in recent years, many researchers, doctors and marketers are pursuing after Body Sensor Network (BSN) as a new enabling technology for healthcare, sports and other applications. However, before it can be fully exploited, increasing power efficiency of sensors and front-end analog ICs remains to be one of the biggest challenges.

To meet the needs of the emerging BSN market, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) is partnering with the Hamlyn Centre, Imperial College London to jointly develop a new ultra low power BSN sensing platform for the Elite Sports Performance in Training (ESPRIT) Programme. The Hamlyn Centre at Imperial is one of the world leading research centers in BSN technologies. It has developed a number of on-node and analog processing algorithms, sensors and techniques for accurate detection of abnormalities and events while minimizing power consumption. The ESPRIT Programme is an EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) and UK Sport jointly funded programme for developing pervasive technologies for sports, wellbeing and healthcare applications (http://www.esprit-sport.org).

In this joint project, ASTRI will integrate the College’s analog intelligent processing front end and  ASTRI’s low power, high resolution ADC, DAC with ARM core into a mixed-signal platform SoC implemented with 0.18µm CMOS. ASTRI will also develop application modules to be used as development platform for BSN applications and end products. The Innovation and Technology Commission in Hong Kong supports this joint initiative.

The SoC when successfully developed can be used for a variety of applications related to healthcare, wellbeing and sport training. Its ultra low power processing feature makes it ideal for applications in wearable devices to ensure reliable and continuous remote monitoring of physical condition. It can potentially be used in sophisticated implantable medical devices such as cardiac pacemaker to improve the abnormality detection and extend the longevity of the artificial devices in human body. Other applications include motion sensing, security and location finding etc.

Mr David Kwong, Vice President and R&D Director, IC Design Group of ASTRI said: “I am very pleased that ASTRI could embark on such a meaningful project with a top research centre like Imperial. I am confident that with ASTRI’s expertise in portable mixed-signal IC design and the College’s leading-edge sensing technologies, we can come up with a good solution to help realizing the full potentials of wireless body sensor network.”
Dr. Benny Lo, from the Hamlyn Centre at Imperial College London said, “Tiny, implantable body sensors could quite literally revolutionize the way we monitor the health and wellbeing of those living with chronic health conditions. Through more effective, unobtrusive monitoring of vital signs, it could lead to more responsive, personalized treatments and a better quality of life for patients.
Dr. Lo continued, “That is why it is so important to collaborate with our partners at ASTRI. Together, we will be able to make improvements to the underpinning technology behind these sensors, which could mean that they could be implemented in healthcare in the near future.”
Imperial organizes this year’s International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2012), providing a platform for industry and academia to share insights and exchange ideas. At the upcoming BSN 2012 which will be held on 9 to 12 May 2012 in London, Mr David Kwong from ASTRI will deliver a talk on the topic “Imperial and ASTRI’s integrated low power analog front end for BSN and multi-axis g-sensor applications”. For more information, please visit http://www.bsn2012.org/.


http://www.cdnews.com.tw 2012-05-08 12:09:07


 因應市場對人體傳感網絡的需要,香港應用科技研究院(應科院)與倫敦帝國學院Hamlyn Centre決定攜手開發新一代超低耗電傳感網絡應用平台,配合ESPRIT(Elite Sports Performance in Training) 計劃需要。Hamlyn Centre在人體傳感技術領域是全球首屈一指的研究中心,他們已成功研究出一些感應器,以及模擬訊號處理算法和技巧,可以準確地偵測異常情況,同時盡量 減低耗電。ESPRIT計劃是由英國的EPSRC (譯名:工程和物理科學研究理事會) 與UK Sport聯合資助,為發展體育、健康和醫療保健等普及化應用技術而設的計劃,詳情請登入http://www.esprit-sport.org。

 今次應科院與倫敦帝國學院合作研發的項目,是要將學院的模擬人工智能前端處理器,與應科院的低耗電、高分辨率ADC、DAC及ARM核相結合, 形成一個混合訊號系統晶片,以0.18微米CMOS工藝實現。應科院並且會提供應用模組,作為人體傳感網絡應用及相關終端產品的開發平台。此合作項目已獲 得香港創新科技署的支持。

 該系統晶片若研發成功,可用於醫療保健、健康生活和運動員訓練等相關應用。由於新技術擁有超低耗電的特性,十分適合應用於可穿戴設備,以確保可 靠和持續的遠程身體狀況監控。另一種可能是應用在精密的植入式醫療儀器,例如心臟起搏器等,因為它可以探測異常情況,並且延長該些儀器在人體內的有效期。 其他應用範圍還包括運動傳感、保安及位置搜尋等等。

 應科院集成電路設計群組副總裁及研發總監鄺國權先生說:「倫敦帝國學院是頂尖的研究中心,今次應科院可以和他們攜手合作開創如此有意義的研究項 目,本人感到非常高興。我深信憑藉本院在便攜式混合訊號IC設計的能力,配合倫敦帝國學院在傳感方面的尖端科技,我們將可以把無線人體傳感網絡的潛能充份 發揮出來。」

 倫敦帝國學院Hamlyn Centre 盧秉禮博士表示:「微細、植入式的人體傳感器可以徹底改變我們監察慢性長期病患者健康情況的方法。利用更有效和不刻意的方法深測生理狀況, 令患者可得到更適當和更切合個人需要的治療,從而過更美好的生活」盧博士續稱:「所以我們十分重視今次和應科院的合作,相信我們可以將這項嶄新的傳感技術 發揚光大,在不久將來應用在醫療保健方面。」

 倫敦帝國學院今年將會舉辦有關穿戴式及植入式人體傳感網絡國際會議(BSN),為業界及學術界提供一個交流意見和經驗的平台。BSN 2012已定於5月9至12日在倫敦舉行,屆時應科院的鄺國權先生將會發表演講,題目為「應科院與倫敦帝國學院開發的集成低耗電模擬前端供人體傳感網絡及 多軸G傳感器應用。」,詳情請瀏覽http://www.bsn2012.org/。

 BSN 2012簡介

 穿戴式及植入式人體傳感網絡國際會議(BSN)由2003年起每年舉行。今年BSN 2012已定於5月9至12日在英國倫敦South Kensington 的The Royal Geographic Society舉行。BSN 2012將聚焦於人體傳感網絡的最新研究,為參會者提供一個平台,討論當前最創新的人體傳感網絡解決方案及未來應用的相關重要課題。大會已邀得在此領域的 知名學者及專家主持連串講座,並安排了最先進的人體傳感網絡展覽及示範。BSN 2012現已公開接受報名,詳情請瀏覽http://www.bsn2012.org/。


 倫敦帝國學院一直獲評為世界一流大學,這所以科學為本的學府,在教學和研究方面均享負盛名,吸引全球最優秀的學生和人才加入,目前學院有 14,000名學生及6,000名員工。學院的研究工作主要集中在科學、醫學、工程和商業幾方面,學院推崇多元企業文化,為改善人類生活和環境提出既創新 又實用的方案。


 2007年,倫敦帝國學院與Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust成立英國第一間Academic Health Science Centre。這次合作的目標是要將各種新發明盡快轉化為新的治療方法,為病人及人類謀福祉。







