2011年3月23日 星期三

Sexual Nature exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London

Sexual Nature exhibition at the Natural History Museum in London

A Natural History Museum employee poses during the press view of the 'Sexual Nature' exhibition at the museum in London.The exhibition features videos, photos, taxidermy and interactive exhibits, showing sexual behaviour in the animal kingdom. It runs from February 11 to October 2, 2011.

A Natural History Museum employee poses during the press view of the 'Sexual Nature' exhibition at the museum in London.The exhibition features videos, photos, taxidermy and interactive exhibits, showing sexual behaviour in the animal kingdom. It runs from February 11 to October 2, 2011.

Sexual Nature
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【明 報專訊】從來沒做過推銷的人,但也深知一個道理﹕sex sells。所以英國自然歷史博物館(Natural History Museum)推出以性為主題的展覽Sexual Nature,注定暢銷。不過展覽不純粹是為了大賣而定下這題目﹕性不單是本能,更是物種存亡和進化的重要環節。展覽探討以下範圍﹕性是什麼?為什麼要分 兩性?在雌性生物卵子數目有限、因此有權揀擇的情况下,雄性要如何扭盡六壬獲得佳偶?雄性「得手」後,用什麼手段令其他雄性遠離自己的配偶,確保延續的是 自己的基因?人又如何把性,變成比傳宗接代更複雜的事情?你可以透過展覽,認識交配後獻上自己首級的雄性螳螂,看Isabella Rossellini拍攝有關深海琵琶魚(angler fish)奇特的交配習慣短片等,有噱頭之餘,也能讓人增進生物知識。

Sexual Nature

地點﹕Natural History Museum,

Cromwell Road,

London SW7 5BD

電話﹕+44(0)20 7942 5000






