2010年4月13日 星期二

WePad/ iPAD

WePad - Designed in Germany | WePad

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]The WePad is the latest generation of tablets. It offers users fast Internet connectivity, a complete world of ready-to-use applications and easy access to ...

The iPad Launch: Can Steve Jobs Do It Again?

By Stephen Fry

A confessed Apple fanboy gets finger time with the iPad -- and face time with Steve Jobs

Do We Need the iPad? A TIME Review

By Lev Grossman

Apple's iPad tablet is here. It's hot. But what on earth is it for? TIME reviews the new device

這WePad為iPAD 的對台幽默不過據某評論家說 由於APPLE公司花重金開發自己的晶片 所以很難超越之

