2009年1月24日 星期六

Craig R. Barrett retiring

After Three Decades at Intel, Its Chairman Plans to Retire

Published: January 23, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The Intel Corporation, the chip maker, said Friday that its chairman, Craig R. Barrett, who steered the company through the dot-com collapse and has become a high-profile advocate for expanding computing in the developing world, plans to retire in May.

Mr. Barrett, 69, has spent more than three decades at Intel, based in Santa Clara, Calif. He served as its fourth chief executive, a position he held for seven years until Paul S. Otellini took over in 2005.

The company said that Jane Shaw, a former pharmaceutical industry executive who has served on Intel’s board since 1993, would succeed Mr. Barrett. Ms. Shaw will serve as nonexecutive chairman.

Mr. Barrett’s tenure as chief executive was marked by his commitment to sustaining Intel’s aggressive investments in its factories during the prolonged slump that followed the dot-com slump. The strategy was seen as foolhardy by some investors as Intel’s profits shriveled, but it paid off: Intel’s cutting-edge factories are critical to maintaining its advantage over rivals like Advanced Micro Devices and making chips cheaper and more powerful.

In recent years, Mr. Barrett has worked with the United Nations and humanitarian organizations on bringing computers and other technologies to developing countries. That role also gave him an opportunity to push the inexpensive Classmate PCs that Intel designed for international schoolchildren. The Classmate has rivaled the nonprofit One Laptop Per Child project began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mr. Barrett, who joined Intel in 1974 and has held jobs ranging from technology development manager to various vice president roles, has been chairman since 2005.

Intel is the world’s largest semiconductor company, with 80 percent of the world’s market for microprocessors, the brains of personal computers.

協助打造英特爾成為全球最大晶片公司的貝瑞特(Craig Barrett),5月將從董事長職位退休,由獨立董事蕭珍(Jane Shaw)接任,創下英特爾從公司外部延攬董事長的首例。


蕭珍出任新董事長意味英特爾董事會日後將更趨獨立。舊金山Global Crown資本公司分析師大衛‧吳說,晉用外部人士可為公司帶進必要的改變。69歲的蕭珍目前以首席外部董事身份,擔任英特爾薪資與稽核委員會主席。她曾 任藥物設備製造商AeroGen公司董事長兼執行長,現在也是Talima Therapeutics公司和McKesson 公司董事。



