2008年6月25日 星期三

Self-sufficient 'Dynamic Tower'


Self-sufficient 'Dynamic Tower' to be built in Dubai

Thursday, Jun 26, 2008, Page 10

An artist rendering made available on Tuesday shows a building designed by architect David Fisher. Fisher and the Dynamic Architecture Group unveiled designs for a tower, one of which is to be built in Dubai by 2010, whose 80 floors rotate independently, constantly changing the shape of the building.
The "Dynamic Tower," a slender, shifting skyscraper of rotating, energy-self-sufficient luxury apartments, was presented in project-form on Tuesday in New York by Italian architect David Fisher, before it goes up in Dubai.

The innovative, 420m building features 80 pre-fabricated apartments that spin a full 360 degrees, at voice command, around a central column by means of 79 power-generating wind turbines located between each floor.

“This building will have endless different shapes,” Fisher told reporters.

As each floor rotates independently from the other, the Dynamic Tower will constantly change its profile, in a new architectural concept that is taking root around the world.

The Mirax group plans to build a similar, 70-story skyscraper in Moscow.

“We look forward to build a third one in New York and maybe in other cities,” Fisher said.

“These buildings will open our vision all around, to a new life,” he said.

The apartments, ranging from 124m² to 1,200m² will take between one and three hours to make a complete rotation, and at US$30,000 per square meters, will cost from US$3.7 million to US$36 million.

Fisher said the pre-fabricated components made in a plant in Altamura, southern Italy, will allow the skyscraper to go up in record time — one floor per week instead of the usual one-per-six-weeks for similar high rises — and slash building costs by 10 percent.

He said the skyscraper, which will be energy self-sufficient and will cost an estimated US$700 million to build, should be up and running in Dubai in 2010.

杜拜建動感塔 各層自轉貌百變

  • 2008-06-26
  • 中國時報
  • 【潘勛/綜合紐約廿四日外電報導】

 義大利建築師費雪廿四日在紐約宣布,他構思的「動感塔」(Dynamic Tower)可望二○一○年於中東阿拉伯聯合大公國的杜拜市落成。這棟直聳入雲的摩天大樓由八十間可旋轉三六○度、能源自給自足的豪華預鑄公寓組成,高度達到四二○公尺。  
義建築師費雪設計 俄也要一座  費雪在記者會上表示,杜拜的動感塔將有無窮盡、不斷變化的外形,原因是每個樓層都獨立旋轉三六○度,不必與其他層同步;旋轉的動力來自設在樓層間的七十九部渦輪風力發電機以及太陽能源板。多出來的電力可供應鄰近大樓。  


風與太陽是動能 屋主聲控轉速  
費雪強調,動感塔使用風力渦輪發電機,自己產生電力,率先在能源上成為自給自足;同時也是公寓單位先在工作坊量身製作並預先做好,再由中央升降機運至指定高度、組建而成的第一棟摩天大樓。  動感塔的每一層都可繞大樓中央樓柱轉三六○度,由屋主聲控速度,轉一圈的時間由一到三小時不等。如此的結果,是整棟摩天樓外形流幻不定,時時變換。大樓將裝設汽車電梯,讓住戶可直接把交通工具停在自家屋外。  

費雪表示,杜拜市的摩天動感塔將設置一家六星級飯店,大小不一的辦公室及公寓,還有六間別墅。最高的「閣樓」別墅有游泳池、花園及阿拉伯式集會場所。  為方便住戶快速回家,動感塔設置伸縮式直升機場,要降落時,從六十四樓把平台伸出大樓外表,藉此維持動感塔的全體工學。  費雪表示,除了杜拜、莫斯科,希望能在紐約市蓋第三棟動感塔,其他城市也可能興建。  兩年後落成 最小公寓要價上億  

動感塔的各公寓單位面積由一二四到一二○○平方公尺不等,每平方公尺要價三萬美元(約九十萬台幣)。也就是說,最小的公寓總價三七○萬美元(約一.一億新台幣),最大三六○○萬美元。  費雪表示,預鑄公寓在義大利南部的阿爾塔穆拉市工廠製造,如此蓋摩天樓的速度可以創紀錄,一星期蓋一層樓,而非一般摩天大樓的六星期一層樓,建造成本可減少一○%。杜拜市的動感塔造價預估七億美元。

