2021年2月22日 星期一

特斯拉回憶錄 My Inventions and Other Writings. Essentially, Tesla envisioned #smartphones and the internet, Nikola Tesla failed. Soon, sending power through the air might be the norm, Tesla新的架構: 7千顆筆記本電腦電池

Over a century ago, Nikola Tesla tried and failed to make his vision of wireless power transmission a reality. Now, the idea is making a comeback

Nikola Tesla was a scientist and visionary who developed the basis for AC power and pioneered numerous technologies that improve our everyday lives

The Nikola Tesla inventions that should have made the inventor famous
#TechFact / #DidYouKnow? While trying to develop the first transatlantic radio, #NikolaTesla brought up the idea of instant communication in a conversation with business partner J.P. Morgan. The science behind the idea involved gathering stock quotes and telegram messages and sending them to his laboratory, where he would then encode them and create a new frequency, which would then be broadcast to a hand-held device. Essentially, Tesla envisioned #smartphones and the internet, roughly 100 years before they became a staple of our everyday lives.

"What we now want most is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth and the elimination of that fanatic devotion to exalted ideals of national egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife."
Happy Tesla Day! Nikola Tesla, inventor and visionary, was born on this day in 1856.

The fascinating autobiography of the legendary inventor behind the radio, wireless energy,…

Our quote of the day is from the Serbian-American physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla

A lot of innovators discovered things, but weren’t able to get anything. [Nikola] Tesla was out-competed by [Thomas] Edison, even though Edison had an inferior technology.

特斯拉回憶錄、 Tesla新的架構: 7千顆筆記本電腦電池

Tesla 的自傳



Nikola Tesla
  1. Inventor
  2. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. Wikipedia
  3. BornJuly 10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatia

Nikola Tesla built a tower to broadcast electric power. It failed. Soon, sending power through the air might be the norm. View our related article via: http://econ.st/1NRBqZ8 ‪#‎econarchive‬ (2010)

 被歷史遺忘的科學家: Nicola Tesla  
  其他你可能聽了很熟悉的發明包括:收音機、雷達、傳真機、真空管、霓虹光管……。磁力學上,則有以他命名的磁力線密度單位:1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss。
電影[頂尖對決]裡面有個戲份不多,但相當關鍵的角色: David Bowie飾演的Nikola Tesla.
事實上Nikola Tesla是一個真實的歷史人物. 真實到我們現在每天的生活都是受他的發明所影響著.十九世紀末期他發明了交流電系統: 包括輸電機制及交流電馬達. 1943年美國最高法院認定他是無線電的發明人. 除此之外, 他在機器人學, 彈道學, 核子物理, 理論物理等領域都有貢獻. 以他名字而命名的磁力線密度單位(1 Tesla = 10,000 Gause)更表明他在磁力學上的卓越研究。 到了晚年, 他被認為是一個瘋狂的科學家, 幽浮理論以及一些神秘論者時常引用他的理論. 所以不難想見電影中Tesla是以那樣的形式出現.
Tesla一生中有不少有趣的故事. 在電影中, Tesla在Colorado Springs為安杰製作的遁移術道具. 其實是Telsa在1891年發明的裝置: Telsa Coil. 一種高壓高頻的傳電裝置.
Tesla 曾經受聘於愛迪生, 負責改良當時的直流電系統. 事後Tesla寫信給愛迪生, 要求愛迪生支付之前他的五萬美金酬勞. 沒想到愛迪生回信給他:
"Tesla, you don't understand our American humor!"
後來Tesla到西屋公司任職, 大力推廣交流電系統. 在當時的供電系統大戰中, 愛迪生不斷以各種不實的指控攻擊Tesla的交流電技術是危險的. 最後交流電系統勝出. 雖然Tesla當時可以利用交流電的專利大賺一筆, 不過他選擇了放棄交流電專利技術, 以提供世人一個便宜穩定的供電系統.
1897年,尼加拉瀑布的水力發電站落成, 其電力供應遠及35公里外的水牛城. 其後十多座大大小小的發電站相繼建成, 每日所生產的電力, 足以供應紐約州和加拿大安大略省總需求的四分之一. 這項超過100年以上的電力建設至今仍然運作如常. 現在在尼加拉瀑布旁的公園中, 有一座特斯拉Tesla的銅像, 以紀念他在尼加拉水電建設的貢獻. 而因為他是塞爾維亞人, 今天塞爾維亞發行的鈔票上, 也印有他的肖像.

電影收益高,競爭激烈。1897年,愛迪生即為爭奪專利進行訴訟,到1908年,成立了由愛迪生控制的電影專利公司,公司擁有16項專利權。到1910 年,電影專利公司壟斷了美國電影的製作、發行和放映。獨立製片商為擺脫專利公司的壟斷,相繼到遠離紐約和芝加哥的洛杉機郊外小鎮好萊塢去拍片,那裡自然條件得天獨厚,又臨近墨西哥邊境,一旦專利公司提出訴訟便可逃離。

不過台中只是陰有間歇小雨而已,雖然沒事,還是要藉機邊吃泡麵邊話「燒」,話說,今天(7/10)就是這位不世出的曠古奇才「特斯拉」(Nikola Tesla, 1856/07/10 ~ 1943/01/07)的159週年誕辰日。
特斯拉,美籍塞爾維亞裔的天才洋溢科學家,1856年的今天出生於當下的克羅埃西亞。他是電力商業化的關鍵推手,不只建立了現代人生活所必需的交流電供電系統,此外,特斯拉線圈、廣播、無線電、遙控器等更是影響後世人類至巨的發明,後人寫傳譽稱為「創造出二十世紀的人」(The Man who Invented the Twentieth Century,http://goo.gl/L1Sqac)。
只是這位曠世奇才一生坎坷,命途乖舛,時運不予。科學家終其一生幾乎都在窮困潦倒中。1943年的1月7日死於美國紐約酒店的3327房間。翌日(1943/01/08),這天也是星期五,紐約時報(New York Times)以死於心臟衰竭報導這則新聞,離世之際不但默默無名,且其成就也是久久都不為後人所知。(Wiki - https://goo.gl/7n4lI
窮困潦倒之餘,只得前去建築工地打工以餬口。但他的瘋言瘋語透過建築工地同事的轉述,間接傳到西聯電報公司的主管耳中。於1887年他獲得資金援助成立公司,完成發電機的原型,且應邀到美國電機工程師學會(American Institute of Electrical Engineers)演講時,獲得了 George Westinghouse(西屋創辦人)的激賞,提供他很是優渥的條件,以及充裕的資金全力發展交流電供電系統。(http://goo.gl/LVLzVU
雖然今天「交流電」成為工業和社會供電的主流,甚至「交流電」成為我們日常生活的必需品,帶來無比的方便和幸福。特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)的名字卻一直被人遺忘,甚至一直未受到應有的平反。

2021年2月18日 星期四

NASA “恆心號”登陸火星。NASA's Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars. Scientists decode the genome of million-year-old mammoths

"Every time we have a rover like this, a wave of discoveries follows. It's a very exciting time." Stanford scholars on NASA's Perseverance: http://stanford.io/3px5Icx

 NASA “恆心號”登陸火星這是繼來自阿聯酋和中國的訪客後,本月抵達火星的第三個航天器,也是美國第六次成功登陸火星。造價27億美元的“恆心號”攜帶了一系列複雜的科學工具,將幫助人類進一步探索外太空生命。

Scientific American
25分鐘 ·

At long last, NASA’s Perseverance Rover has arrived.
Humanity’s on-again, off-again exploration of Mars appears to have lived through its latest make-or-break moment, and scientists around the world are beginning to breathe sighs of relief.

Perseverance Has Landed! Mars Rover Begins a New Era of Exploration
NASA’s latest mission to the Red Planet will seek out signs of ancient life, gather samples for return to Earth, and even fly a first-of-its-kind interplanetary helicopter

Natural History Museum, London
31分鐘 ·

The Mars 2020 rover has landed!
After eight months hurtling through space, the Mars Perseverance rover has successfully landed and begun its mission. This is NASA's first major return to Mars since the Curiosity rover landed in 2011.
Read all about the mission and learn how the Museum's expertise in planetary science, geology and searching for evidence of life, and collecting samples can make a contribution to this exciting mission.

Mars 2020: Perseverance rover has landed
The Mars 2020 rover landed near the Jezero Crater on 18 February 2021.

The Economist
28分鐘 ·

The team’s work represents a new record, for their mammoth DNA is, by some half a million years, the oldest ever successfully reconstituted

Scientists decode the genome of million-year-old mammoths
A mammoth achievement

33分鐘 ·

NASA's Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars, bridging 300 million miles and "seven minutes of terror" before touching down.

突發 · 33分鐘

After dramatic approach, NASA's Perseverance rover lands on Mars
Mars expects to greet Perseverance, NASA's six-wheeled robotic explorer, Thursday afternoon, but only after a dramatic landing attempt.





2021年2月16日 星期二

Our center is simply the next next generation of communication and sensing, something that may become '6G',”



Our center is simply the next next generation of communication and sensing, something that may become '6G',” said Ali Niknejad, ComSenTer associate director and a UC Berkeley professor of electrical engineering and ...

美國以太空科技優勢 直攻6G網路

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