2015年9月30日 星期三





大K的傳說:只有3位科學家碰在一起 才能把大K拿出來

我們熟悉的「公斤」,其實在 100 多年前才被定義出來,原本的定義是攝氏 0 度時,1000 毫升的水等於 1 公斤,但是水的密度會隨溫度改變,純水也很難取得。1889 年,國際度量衡大會(CGPM)打造了一個鉑銥合金的圓柱體,稱為國際公斤原器(international prototype of kilogram,簡稱IPK),它的重量,從此就是世界通用的「 1 公斤」,也是世上唯一還在用實物當成標準的國際單位。
和高爾夫球差不多大的公斤原器,被科學家暱稱為「大K」(Le Grand K/Big K),大K 有 40 個「同胞手足」,被送到世界各地給人們當成標準,每隔許多年會拿出來校準,為了排除所有會影響大K重量的因素,大K 被鎖在巴黎近郊國際度量衡總部的三層真空玻璃罩裡,只有分別握有鑰匙的三位科學家聚在一起,才能把大K拿出來。百年來大K 只跟手足聚首過 3 次,科學家幾乎不敢碰觸,連清潔也要利用蒸氣。


可是這樣重重保護下,大K 還是縮水了! 隨著科技日新月異,1992 年科學家不安地察覺——不知道是「手足們」變重,還是大K受損,幾經校對之後,大K的體重竟然減少了 50 微克!也就是說公斤原本等於 1000 公克,現在等於1000 公克減去 50 微克。
50 微克有多重呢?其實,大概就是一粒沙子的重量。只是一粒沙子的重量,為什麼科學家要這麼緊張?
原來,「公斤」代表著質量單位,和公斤相關的測量單位非常多,例如力學單位「牛頓」,它的定義就是「使質量 1 公斤的物體擁有 1 m/s2 加速度的力」。牛頓也拿來協助定義壓力單位「帕斯卡」。還不止這樣,能量單位「焦耳」的定義也跟牛頓有關,焦耳又被用來定義電力的單位「瓦特」,瓦特又是亮度單位「燭光」定義的一部份⋯⋯總而言之,如果讓質量單位隨著大K 一起縮水,這些測量單位統統會跟著改變!


從實物標準,轉化為不易改變的物理量標準,人類已經有了經驗,「公尺」的定義過去也是依照一條鉑銥合金棒子的長度,1983 年之後就改為「光在真空中前進 1/299,792,458 秒的距離」。看起來比較複雜,但才能確保這個標準不易變動。
面對大K 的問題,科學家已經找出兩個可能的解決之道,其中之一就是一顆同為 1 公斤的漂亮矽球。
這顆矽球由「矽 28」組成,矽 28 是矽的同位素中最穩定的一種,多虧半導體工業的高度發展,科學家已經有辦法製造純度非常高的矽球。但是,並不是要用矽球取代大K,而是計算球裡面的矽原子數量,就像計算口香糖機裡面有幾顆口香糖球一樣,一公斤的矽球裡面有幾個矽原子?算出來的答案,很可能就會成為新的「公斤」定義。
數原子的方法屬於化學裡很重要的概念「亞弗加厥常數」,也就是「莫耳」。12 公克重的碳 12 裡,有著約 6.0221367x10^23 個碳原子,這個數量就是 1 莫耳,這個數值就是亞弗加厥常數。人類的技術無法測量 1 個碳原子或矽原子的重量,因此無論碳還是矽,其實都是估計值,只是矽 28 的結晶體近乎完美,每個原子所占空間幾乎相同,所以是目前測量出誤差值最小的方法。
另外一派科學家,則希望可以使用「瓦特天平」來重新定義公斤,由於載有電流的線圈可以產生磁力,如果放上 1 公斤的珐碼,測量需要多少電功率才能與珐碼達到平衡,得到的能量數值也可以成為公斤的定義。
你比較喜歡哪個方法呢?可以確定的是,幾年之內大K就要「退役」,不過憑它 100 多年來的功勞,恐怕還是逃不了被鎖在博物館罩子裡的命運!

2015年9月29日 星期二


From the archive: Louis Pasteur, the microbiologist who confirmed that microbes cause disease, died 120 years ago today. Using ailing silkworms, he made two vital observations

LOUIS PASTEUR, the 19th-century French microbiologist and chemist, is credited with confirming that microbes cause disease. When studying ailing silkworms, he made...

加拿大某教會1997年12月刊物文章An article for the December 1997 Deep Cove Crier



An article for the December 1997 Deep Cove Crier
My family and I just watched an excellent movie on the life of Louis Pasteur [the movie is available from our Parkgate Library.]  This Academy Award-winning movie showed me that every one of us in Deep Cove/Seymour owes an enormous debt to Dr. Pasteur.  Just think of pasteurized milk and honey, making food safe for our families to eat and drink, thanks to Louis Pasteur ;  think of our children whose lives are safe from rabies transmitted by ‘mad dogs’, thanks to Louis Pasteur;  think of our wives and mothers who need not fear death from infection during childbirth, thanks to Louis Pasteur;  think of the sheep, cattle and chickens that we can safely rely on for our food supply, thanks to Louis Pasteur.  No wonder that Pasteur’s name is better known than any other scientist who has ever lived.Louis Pasteur is a living reminder that anyone who wants to make a difference in life is bound to face bigotry and opposition.  The most narrow-minded usually turn out to be those who pretend to be the most open-minded and inclusive.  Pasteur was maligned as a murderer and a menace to science.  He was even challenged to a duel by an angry physician.  His ‘criminal’ behaviour was none other than publishing a pamphlet urging doctors to wash their hands before surgery and to sterilize their instruments.  Thirty percent of pregnant women in Paris were needlessly dying from infection during childbirth.  One grief-struck husband, whose wife had just died from childbirth fever, went on a rampage and shot his doctor dead.  Medical doctors rallied against Dr. Pasteur, blaming his pamphlet for the murder and claiming that Pasteur was making the practice of medicine unsafe for physicians and surgeons.  "Who did Pasteur think that he was?" They said. "He isn’t even a medical doctor...just a lowly chemist".
The Emperor’s wife invited Pasteur to the French Court to explain his radical ideas.  Pasteur had the nerve to tell the Emperor that the hospitals of Paris were death houses, and that there was hardly a doctor who didn’t carry death on his hands.  After accurately predicting the death of the Emperor’s sister-in-law from childbirth infection, Pasteur was condemned as a fraud and banned by the Emperor from ever speaking out publicly again about medicine.
Having been banished into obscurity in the countryside of Arbois, Pasteur spent the next decade researching the causes of anthrax, the black plague ravaging the sheep across France.  Miraculously Pasteur invented an Anthrax Vaccine, which he gave freely to all farmers’ sheep in Arbois.  When the French government needed more sheep to pay the 5 million francs War indemnity to Germany, they came to Arbois to find out why Pasteur’s sheep were healthy.  Telling them of his vaccine, Pasteur was again mocked as a fool and charlatan by the Academy of Medicine.  Only after a rigorous test where infected Anthrax Blood was injected in 50 sheep, was Pasteur finally vindicated.  To everyone’s amazement, the only sheep that survived were the 25 sheep which Pasteur had injected with his vaccine.
Was Pasteur then accepted by the medical establishment?  Not on your life!  When Pasteur had the nerve to look for a rabies cure, again he was vilified and humiliated without mercy.  Pasteur was such a servant of all humanity that he even risked facing prison or guillotine to save the life of a rabies-infected ten-year old boy, Joseph Meister.  Joseph Meister was later made the caretaker of Pasteur’s tomb at the world-famous Pasteur Institute in Paris.  When the Nazis tried to force him to open Pasteur’s tomb in 1940, Joseph tragically committed suicide rather than defile the grave of his hero.
The ‘great physician’ Jesus once said that if anyone wants to be first, he must become the very last, and the servant of all.  Louis Pasteur was indeed the servant of all, who sacrificed his time, energy, and health so that others might live.  Pasteur selflessly taught that the benefits of science are not for the scientist, but for all of humanity.  Though he has saved millions of lives through his discoveries, Pasteur was unable to save the three out of his four daughters who died from typhoid fever.  In his unceasing striving to cure rabies, he suffered a crippling stroke at age 46.  Yet even that setback did not stop him from successfully finding a rabies cure.
Near the end of his life, Pasteur was finally honoured by the French Academy of Medicine.  He graciously said to them: ‘Doctors and scientists of the future, do not let yourselves be tainted by a barren skepticism nor discouraged by sadness of certain hours that creep over every nation.  Do not become angry at your opponents for no scientific theory has ever been accepted without opposition.’  In so many ways, Pasteur embodied the true meaning of Christ-likeness.  My prayer for the Deep Cove/Seymour community this December is that we may never let opposition embitter us as we seek to be the servants of all.
The Reverend Ed Hird
Rector, St. Simon’s Anglican Church

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St. Simon's Anglican Church
North Vancouver, B.C.

2015年9月28日 星期一

What the narwhal's tusk is really for 獨角鯨的長牙用來....

Herman Melville, who died September 28th 1891, joked that narwhals' tusks are used to open letters. He was quite wrong: they are actually used to attract mates. (Narwhals with big tusks are well endowed at the other end too.) From the archive:
赫爾曼 · 梅爾維爾,1891 年 9 月 28 日去世,享年開玩笑說,獨角鯨的長牙用來打開信件。他完全錯了: 他們實際上用來吸引伴侶。(獨角鯨的大獠牙好天生的另一端也。)從存檔:
EVER since Europeans began trading the whorled ivory tusk of the narwhal in the 12th century, people have puzzled over its purpose. Early research was hampered...

NASA Detects Liquid Water on Mars

The holy grail of space exploration is to find extraterrestrial life. An important precursor to that is finding liquid water.

“There is liquid water today on the surface of Mars."
See a full gallery of Nasa's extraordinary images.

View images of Martian briny flows of water from analysed spectral data...

比爾蓋茲的 15 個神預測:善用它們是另一回事!


有夠準!比爾蓋茲的 15 個神預測

作者  | 發布日期 2015 年 09 月 28 日 天下雜誌配圖
微軟創辦人比爾‧蓋茲 1999 年撰寫《數位神經系統──與思想等快的明日世界》(Business @ the Speed of Thought),做出 15 個當時看來匪夷所思的大膽預測。Business Insider 科技新聞記者 Eugene Kim 發現,多年後再回頭看,會發現這些預測準得詭異,再次證明蓋茲的超凡眼光。

1. 比價網站

現況:你可以輕易在 Google 或 Amazon 搜尋產品,找到不同產品的價差,NexTag、PriceGrabber 這些網站都專門提供比價服務。

2. 行動裝置


3. 透過網路即時付費、理財、改善健康照護

現況:科技沒有徹底革新醫療照護系統,不過像 ZocDoc 這類網站可以讓你更容易找到醫生、安排看診,你也能透過 Lending Club 等網站借錢,用 PayPal 和 Venmo 付款。

4. 個人助理和物聯網

現況:行動裝置的智慧型助理 Google Now 正往這個方向前進,Nest 等智慧裝置也會蒐集你日常作息的資料,自動調整家裡室溫,Beacons 會根據你過去的購物習慣傳送商店的折價券給你。

5. 線上監控住家

現況:Dropcam 販售能簡單監控住所的住家監視攝影機,Google 於 2014 年以 5.55 億美元買下 Dropcam。

6. 社交媒體

現況:臉書、Instagram 等社交網站盛行,提供這些服務。

7. 自動推薦、促銷

現況:Expedia、Kayak 等旅遊網站會以過去消費紀錄為依據推薦方案,Google 和臉書廣告也會依使用者所在地和興趣提供促銷廣告。

8. 運動賽事即時討論網站

現況:很多社交媒體都能做到這件事,推特(Twitter)是其中的佼佼者。你也可以在 ESPN 這類網站即時留下意見。

9. 智慧型廣告


10. 看電視時會有網路連結


11. 網路論壇


12. 網路社群


13. 專案管理軟體


14. 網路徵才

現況:LinkedIn 讓使用者上傳履歷表、根據個人興趣和需求找工作,人資也能依照需要的專才找人。

15. 商業社群軟體

現況:很多程式提供社交功能,讓使用者接觸、連絡其他商家,並在 App 內直接洽談大型計畫。
(本文由 天下雜誌 授權轉載)

2015年9月24日 星期四

a commercially viable sodium-ion battery

First, he invented the lithium-ion battery, which powers electronics you use everyday.

Now, professor John Goodenough and a team of Cockrell School of Engineering researchers are making significant advancements in the race to develop a commercially viable sodium-ion battery.

Learn how their discoveries could soon lead to a better battery that stores wind and solar energy and powers electric vehicles:http://utex.as/1MslUU4
UT Austin researchers are making significant advancements in the race to...

2015年9月23日 星期三

The world’s nitrogen fixation, explained 固氮作用

Yale University scientists may have cracked a part of the chemical code for one of the most basic, yet mysterious, processes in the natural world — nature’s ability to transform nitrogen from the air into usable nitrogen compounds.

固氮作用(氮的固定/Nitrogen fixation、簡稱固氮),是指將空氣游離態(氮氣)轉化為含氮化合物(如硝酸鹽二氧化氮)的過程。可分為自然固氮以及人工固氮兩種。


自然固氮(Natural nitrogen fixation)是在自然狀態下(非人工),將大氣遊離態(氮氣)轉化為含氮化合物(如硝酸鹽二氧化氮)的過程。自然固氮的途徑主要有兩種:
  1. 氣電固氮,在大氣中遊離態的氮通過閃電等產生含氮化合物的高能固氮,約占自然固氮的10%。
  2. 生物固氮,即自然界中的一些微生物種群(如豆科植物的根瘤菌)通過體內的固氮酶將空氣中的氮氣通過生物化學過程轉化為含氮化合物,約占自然固氮的90%。






仿生固氮Yandulov 2006

共同的基因突變如何導致腦損傷 Johns Hopkins University

This has the potential to be big:
Researchers at Johns Hopkins say they have discovered how a common gene mutation causes the brain damage associated with dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—better known as ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease—and are experimenting with a molecular therapy to address the problem. Read more:http://hub.jhu.edu/2015/09/23/als-dementia-research

這研究的潛力可能很大: 約翰· 霍普金斯大學的研究人員說,他們發現共同的基因突變如何導致腦損傷,這與老年癡呆症和肌萎縮側索硬化相關聯— — 更好地稱之為ALS 或盧伽雷病— — 以及正在試驗一種分子的治療來解決問題。閱讀更多:

Johns Hopkins University 的相片。

2015年9月22日 星期二

to creating solar fuel by mimicking the photosynthesis process in plants

CMU researchers in Stefan Bernhart’s laboratory use a unique approach to creating solar fuel by mimicking the photosynthesis process in plants. Read about how CMU & Mother Nature are teaming up to save the world.

Solar power has found its place in the sun as the fastest-growing source of new electricity in the United States, and now chemists are searching for catalysts to propel the energy resource beyond the common solar panel