2014年8月26日 星期二

working on submarine that would ‘fly’ in an ‘air bubble’ ;中國研發高超音速技術,旨在改變現代戰爭格局?

Seems unlikely to be able to do "Shanghai to San Francisco in 100 minutes," but it could still be way faster than today's fastest submarines.
The plan draws from a Cold War research on a technology called...

The Chinese are reportedly working on submarine that would ‘fly’ in an ‘air bubble’

 August 26 at 4:55 AM  
In the annals of vehicular locomotion, the submarine is the equivalent of the Walkman. It dazzled the masses when it hit, flexing nuclear-tipped missiles that completed the so-called “nuclear triad” of deterrence.
But other technologies soon surpassed it in terms of speed and agility. Now, years later, the submarine may be making a comeback — at least theoretically. Researchers at the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast China tell the South China Morning Post that they’re hard at work on a submarine that the newspaper claims could travel the 6,100 miles from “Shanghai to San Francisco in 100 minutes.”
That’s not in the cards. But there’s plenty of reason to believe a submarine could be built that would significantly exceed the speed of today’s fastest models, which lumber along at a speed of 40 knots (about 46 mph.) It all has to do with friction and how to conquer it.
The reported plans for the super-fast Chinese submarine draw on research that reaches back to the Cold War on “supercavitation,” a technology that creates a friction-less air “bubble” around a vessel that allows it to “fly” underwater, facilitating incredible speeds. The Russians have developed torpedoes that travel faster than 230 mph using that approach.
Now researchers at Harbin’s Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Lab are reportedly figuring out how to use that science to build submarines.  “We are very excited by its potential,” lead researcher Li Fengchen, a professor of fluid machinery and engineering, told the South China Morning Post. “…Our method is different from any other approach, such as vector propulsion,” which involves engine thrust. Rather, he would lubricate the vessel in a special liquid that would reduce water friction until the vessel would reach speeds high enough to enable “supercavitation.”
How could a vessel reach such high speeds in the first place? And how would it be steered? Li says the liquid membrane would navigate the vessel. “By combining liquid-membrane technology with supercavitation, we can significantly reduce the launch challenges and make cruising easier,” he told the Chinese publication.
Increasing or decreasing the liquid membrane would manipulate friction to steer the ship. The specifics of the research are being kept under wraps for now, South China Morning Post reporter Stephen Chen told the Washington Post.
“These studies in China do not go to academic papers, but the technology is being tested in the laboratory,” he wrote in an e-mail. “The scientists have received pressure from authorities due to the sensitivity of the research and they hope the matter can cool down a bit.”
The potential of supercavitation has not gone unnoticed by the U.S. Navy. “Some technologies innovations have so significant an impact on our way of doing business that they are often described as ‘disruptive technologies,’ with the potential to change the future,” said a 2002 paper published in Undersea Warfare, the official publication of the submarine force. One of them, it said, was “‘supercavitation’ techniques.”
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency was once reported to be doing much the same, and Popular Science says the project would have allowed the “delivery of men and material faster than ever.” That’s exactly the end game for the Chinese research team: civilian transportation — or even swimming.


Überschallflugzeug Falcon HTV-2
美國Falcon HTV-2高超音速飛行器(資料圖片)
美國華盛頓《防務新聞》周刊亞洲部負責人顏文德(Minnick Wendell)指出,高超音速飛行器史無前例,它基本上是一個能夠在極高高度,以高超音速飛行的航天器。這種航天器能夠被用作轟炸、偵查、甚至在必要的時候打擊空間目標。
《南華早報》報導稱,美國是除中國以外世界上唯一一個擁有高超音速技術的國家。 中國首次於2014年1月成功試射了一個高超音速飛行器。同時,俄羅斯和印度也正在研發相關技術。顏文德認為,中國目前看來正在不惜一切代價開發超高速飛行器。
Überschallflugzeug Falcon HTV-2
顏文德(Minnick Wendell):“高超音速飛行器將改變現代戰爭格局”
王旭東坦言:"在軍事衝突中,解放軍發射的所有導彈都會在進入大氣層之前被美軍防禦系統攔截。"台北的中國高等政策研究會秘書長丁樹範(音)向《南華早報》表示,如果北京方面能夠成功的研發高超音速飛行器,美國現有的導彈防禦系統就可能會過時。屆時WU-14就會成為中國的全球打擊武器,並帶來巨大威脅,而且 可以直接向美國發起挑戰。

中國要軟件趕美.....China plans to oust Microsoft, Apple and Android with own software

  • 朋友,擦亮眼:20年前他們說要有自己的CPU。最近強國不斷放話:他們要在軍事高科技上突破.......
     ·  · 
  • The team from the Chinese Academy of Engineering aims to displace Windows XP in one to two years from China’s desktop computers and Android from mobile devices in three to five years (via Guardian Technology)
China plans to oust Microsoft, Apple and Android with own software
The Chinese Academy of Engineering software will replace rival programmes created in the west
china Google
Microsoft, Google and Apple targeted as China aims to displace western rivals with own operating system. Photograph: Jason Lee/Reuters
China is planning its own desktop and mobile software to oust imported rivals from Microsoft, Apple and Google.
The unnamed desktop version is due for release in October with its own app store, independent of western companies, with a version for smartphones and tablets due in three to five years.
Chinese authorities hope to displace Google’s Android software, and the many modified open-source versions of Android, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology reported via the state-run People’s Post.
Computer technology became an area of mutual suspicion between China and the US after the NSA revelations and a number of cyber security rows, including allegations of state-sponsored hacking and the creation of espionage backdoors in both hardware and software.
China banned Microsoft’s Windows 8 from government computers in May with the majority of computers still running Windows XP, according to the Chinese newspaper, which is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Microsoft also faces a monopoly investigation in China related to Windows and Office.

Levelling up

Ni Guangnan from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, who has been developing the software since March, said that effort was designed to bring China’s software up to par with the country’s technology hardware from companies like Huawei, which powers a significant number of mobile networks through its infrastructure business.
“Creating an environment that allows us to contend with Google, Apple and Microsoft – that is the key to success,” Guangnan said.
The new Chinese software will see an alliance of over 13 software companies with 80 research units bound together through standardisation to create the new desktop and mobile ecosystem complete with local app stores.
Guangnan aims to displace Windows XP in one to two years from China’s desktop computers and Android from mobile devices in three to five years.
“At present, China’s mobile operating system developers include more than a dozen companies, but they can not be said to be based on independent intellectual property rights, using Android customisation,” Ni Guangnan said. “You must change the past approach, instead of copying the previous model integrate the resources accumulated in the past with a state-run unified operating system.”

Previous efforts

This is not the first time China has tried to create its own operating system (OS) software. The Chinese Academy of Sciences released a Linux-based OS in 2000 called Red Flag, with desktop, server and productivity software in use in schools and government.
The Linux-based China Operating System was later released in January by the Academy targeting mobile devices.
The National University of Defense Technology also developed “Kylin OS”, which was designed as high-security software for government. A consumer version based on Canonical’s Ubuntu Linux was released in April 2013.
It is unclear whether the new software from Chinese Academy of Engineering will be based on previous efforts, but will likely involve Linux.

老鼠體內長出人體胸腺----全球首見 動物體內 育出完整器官


全球首見 動物體內 育出完整器官



  • 胸腺位於心臟附近,負責生產在免疫系統中扮演主要角色的「T細胞」,其作用是專門對付感染。 (取自BBC網站)
    胸腺位於心臟附近,負責生產在免疫系統中扮演主要角色的「T細胞」,其作用是專門對付感染。 (取自BBC網站)


英國愛丁堡大學布萊克本團隊不用一般製造「白板」(blank slate)幹細胞的步驟,而是從老鼠胚胎中取出結締組織(connective tissue)的纖維細胞,透過啟動細胞的「開關」,將纖維細胞直接轉化成完全不同的細胞株,進而製造出所謂的「胸腺上皮細胞」(TECs)。接著團隊將胸腺上皮細胞與其他種「胸腺」(Thymus)細胞相混合,再移植到老鼠體內,在那裡,這些混合細胞自發性地自我組織,四週之後,長成結構完整的器官。



2014年8月25日 星期一

中國 高分辨率衛星


Cannabispflanze in den USA
(德國之聲中文網)據中國官媒週一(8月25日)報導,該國一顆衛星發現了中國國內最大面積的 大麻種植區,以及數十個非法越境通道。
Uruguay Marihuana Legalisierung
覆蓋全國的這一衛星監視還發現了數十個非法越境通道,其中包括位於華北的中朝邊境沿線和位於西部的 邊境沿線。
Symbolbild Drogen Droge Line Linie
一般認為,高分辨率衛星有助於 增強中國軍隊的作戰能力,其中包括反制美軍隱形武器。根據美國《科學與全球安全研究》雜誌 ​​(Science & Global Security)提供的信息,衛星分辨率為30米,可辨識港口、基地、橋樑、公路及艦船;分辨率達到3—7米,能確認雷達、小股部隊、導彈發射裝置、坦克等目標;分辨率達到3米以內,能找出小型軍用車輛和單兵;5厘米分辨率的衛星則“足以看清士兵所持槍支的型號”。

2014年8月24日 星期日

Blood (BBC The Forum)

It's all in the blood… In The Forum this week, writer Lawrence Hill argues that blood is central to our identity. Forensic scientist Dr Gillian Leak explains how blood patterns at violent crime scenes can catch killers. And haematologist - or blood scientist - Professor Kikkeri Naresh, tells us about the latest advances in treating cancers of the blood. What else can this life-giving red liquid reveal?http://bbc.in/1wgIytD


45 minutes
First broadcast:
Saturday 23 August 2014
What do you see in a phial of blood? A life sustaining fluid teeming with millions of cells? Evidence to solve a terrible crime? Samira Ahmed explores blood in medicine, at crime scenes, and in our bodies and minds, with the help of Canadian writer Lawrence Hill who’s written a biography of the red stuff, Dr Gillian Leak, a forensic expert in crime scene blood pattern analysis, and Professor Kikkeri Naresh seeking to unlock the mysteries of blood cancer. 



4 items
  • Lawrence Hill

    Lawrence Hill: photo courtesy of Lawrence Hill (mail@lawrencehill.com)
    Lawrence Hill is an award winning Canadian writer who has recently written a book called Blood: A Biography of the Stuff of Life. It is a very personal series of observations and investigations following the flow of blood,  literally and figuratively, through science, art, politics, religion and literature.

    Photo courtesy of Lawrence Hill
  • Gillian Leak

    Gillian Leak: photo by BBC (Shan Pillay)
    Dr. Gillian Leak is a blood pattern analysis and crime scene expert. She is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of blood pattern analysis and was formerly the UK's Forensic Science Service National Scientific Lead for the discipline.
  • Kikkeri Naresh

    Kikkeri Naresh: photo by BBC (Shan Pillay).
    Professor Kikkeri Naresh has worked in the field of haematopathology for over 20 years, leading and training health professionals across three continents.  At the Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College in London he focuses on diagnostics, translational research and training in blood pathology, and has a particular interest in cancers of the blood.
  • 60 second idea to improve the world

    60 second idea The Forum: Blood donor bags (photo by BBC).
    Gillian Leak wants to develop artificial blood for medical purposes that doesn't require refrigeration and has long term storage capabilities. This would mean that it could be shipped at a moment’s notice to any disaster in the world and would be incapable of transmitting any type of disease. Where appropriate, drugs could be added to the sample prior to infusion if necessary.


2006年歷史上的今天(8/24),國際天文協會(International Astronomical Union, IAU)拍板定案,將「冥王星」(Pluto)從太陽系的〔九大行星〕排名剔除,並歸類其為「矮行星」。
同時訴諸感性地說道,行星分類本是人為。1930年湯博(Clyde Tombaugh)發現冥王星後,排名存在至今也有七十六年了,歷經這麼多年來,一直都說九大行星,如今非要把它除名是蠻傷感的,難道不能當作歷史的結果加以接受嗎?
除了環繞恆星運行、本身不會發光的球形天體之外,再加上『能清除附近軌道上的其它天體』。業已知道冥王星是庫伯帶(Kuiper belt)上的眾多天體之一,而它未能清除庫伯帶上鄰近的小天體。所以,冥王星不算是行星。
《科學人》- http://goo.gl/LngbIl
《Scientific American》- http://goo.gl/rf6UvQ
《IAU》- http://goo.gl/ncuu2x